This is still the most beautiful movie ever made

This is still the most beautiful movie ever made.

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Pretty good.
Was talking about it the day before.
Apparently some people haven't seen it.

Pretty much.

Apparently there is another movie where Kenshin loses his memory and dies.

An autismal beta with assburgers gets emotionally manipulated by a literal whore, which ends up having a fit of morality at the most inopportune moment, thus miscalculating and ending her own life.

True kino.

What did he mean by this?


You're an idiot.

Good gore/action
Cute chick
Dark mood.

Very iffy among fans, but I liked it. The end was great in my subjective opinion.


Do elaborate.

I never understood the timeframe. He's famous for his X scar and killing people. But by the time he got the X scar, he STOPPED killing people and only fought Saito then.

Yea, great music. I have the entire soundtrack.
But Reflection's not canon and the sad end is kinda shit.

I don't recognize that still from The Red Turtle

>the sad end is kinda shit

Nailed it, this movie was garbage

This is the only anime movie I've seen that surpasses being good anime and becomes actually good.

I watched this and Reflection back to back, the only time Thai cartoons made me cry...

.So contrarian right now, samwfag


Its a metaphor you silly billy. He didn't really stop as he took Tomoe's "kidnappers" brutally.

The X was the last person he killed, and it was the most important in his life, so it stays a stain on his soul forever.

I'll bite. Why is this highly acclaimed movie which is still considered the best OVA to date garbage?

Do tell.

Are these movies connected to the show at all?

What's a metaphor? I don't follow you, senpai.

He's supposed to be a manslayer with an X on his cheek but the movies (manga too) disprove that. It's not logical.

Also, can we talk about how Sanosuke's arc only really ends in the manga and has never been adapted in anyway?

He had killed several people before the X. If you'll recall is last mark was given to him by Tomoe. Watch the movies again, idiot.

Trust and Betrayal is prequel
Reflection is the non-canon ending. The manga is quite different ending -wise (it encompasses Trust and Betrayal and bits of Reflection).


The ovas are LITERALLY the history of Kenshin before he became a pacifist in fact the end of the 2nd movie is the almost direct reason why.

I recommend watching them before the tv series.

I'm so glad it also has the best 3DPD adaptation.

No, you're the idiot, who can't read.

He's famous for being the manslayer, who you could identify with his X-shaped Scar on his cheek. Right?

But the OVAs show him killing loads of people BEFORE the scar and becoming famous. When he finally gets the scar, he STOPS kiling and fights Hajime Saito then.

>He's supposed to be a manslayer with an X on his cheek but the movies (manga too) disprove that. It's not logical.

Wait what...explain some more now I'm confused.

You can watch the OVAs after. There's no reason to watch either in any order. Basically, once you finish Kyoto Arc, you can do OVAs.

Ah now I see the problem

Actually he doesn't stop killing until AFTER the Boshin War ends, then he takes the vow. The last scene of the OVA his him mercing like a hundred dudes at Toba-Fushimi. I believe theres a scene between him and his boss where he says he'll join the war but THEN stop afterwards. So no it does actually make sense

Is this like End of Eva where i have to watch the whole series before diving in to the OVAs / films / whatever?

If so, how good is the series?

I'll try again just in case. Everyone knows the hitokiri was an assassin with a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek. but the ovas show that he stopped killing when he got his scar.

He fights Saito and the Shinsengumi as a pacifist. And, accordign to the anime, that makes him weaker (when he fights Saito in the Meiji era)... so?

He stops killing AFTER the war. That could explain it. Except the symbolism and meaning is a bit less impactful. She's no longer the last person she killed. He doesn't learn or change till later then.

His most prominent killings were after the events of the move you fucking idiot. They even showed in the move that he killed for several years, just slaying niggers with a straight face,.

There's a live action Rurouni Kenshin?!

When the fuck did this happen???

You can watch the OVAs without watching the anime. Though the anime is pretty kickass too. End with season 2. If you really want I can tell you which episodes to watch as season 1 has a few fillers.

Dude.. There are 3 movies which are all great IMO.

The choreography in all are absolute gold.

It'd have to be true to make sense. The OVAs nor the manga makes he clear he keeps killing. I always thought he gave it up post-Tomoe.
But I guess not.

Its pretty badass if your into Samurai films or historical dramas. But no you don't have to watch the whole series first.

The first OVA can serve as an excellent introduction or just be watched alone on its own as a stand alone film.

yeah OP you're correct

The Shishio fight is great.

>that music


They seem to came out right after I stopped watching anime. Damn son

>gave it up

Are you retarded? That's when he went nuts without emotion to get the era by.

Tfw Kenshin was the best kino because it didn't have supernatural aura bs and is just about swordsmen with skill.

That Jojo movie was a disaster holy shit and don't even get me started on FMA or BOTH DBZ adaptations.

I think Blade of the Immortal has a live action movie coming soon but they had to change Manji's Shirt because they don't want to trigger people with the Swatsika since most people are ignorant of it's original meaning.

He was killing people before too. And it made sense that Tomoe would be the reason he gave it up. Try seeing it from my perspective. I DID ask the question because I didn't understand the logic at first.

Yes, the sad part is after Tomoe he was just killing to get the job done, which made it sad.

He kills some people, gets one half of the scar, kills a ton of people, becomes infamous as the scarfaced manslayer, gets the other half, retires.

Close. I've been convinced that after he gets the other half he keeps killing. Then the war ends and he gives up killing.
The rest I knew.

Can you guys recommend me samuraikino that is just like this and Sword of the stranger?Wouldnt mind actual films as well

Can't we just agree that the OVA is kino and stop bickering?

the most beautiful cartoon ever made

Samurai Champloon or whatever. Never seen it but people love it.

I think Gintama also is samurai kino? Same story: haven't see it, heard it's good

We did agree and no one is bickering

Fuck, the 90s /early 2000s was my era for anime music videos. I fucking love them.
I even MADE some.
Did a Dazed and Confused one for Rurouni Kenshin

Seen Champloo years ago and Gintama isnt really kino

Lone Wolf and Cub

Seven Samurai (kurosawa) you can watch the anime too

Blade of the Immortal


Vinland saga (viking kino but close enough to samurai )



Peacemaker Kurogane ( whut if the Shinsengumi were the good guys? )

Can't help you then.

Posting favorite ending:
God tier guitar riff

The live action movies are truly fantastic.
It's just the right amount of over the top anime stuff with some great world setting and top notch acting.
Really a trilogy worth your time

Seen them all (still reading mangas you listed) except for the blade of immortal

>over the top anime stuff

IN A MOVIE it was done so fucking well

this guy was true to his character hopping around until Keenny took out his legs

I don't know how they did it, but the action really is true to form, and the acting is on fucking point to boot.

>Damn son

Exactly my thought.

>yfw this webm for the first time

Get on that shit fucker hurry up before it's live action adaptation comes out

After Tomoe's death he swears to stop killing -after the war ends- . It's pretty explicit in T&B, why all the confusion?

>I don't know how they did it

top notch acting and editing

seriously forgot how good this was

Now make irl cowboy bebop pls

Hiko showing up like that turning that fucker into julian fries was the fucking best

Literally breathless.

In shock at 13 years of age. I can still hear the music.

That was my point exactly, you don't feel like they just took a property and made whatever shit they were able to churn out for profit. You sense that the people behind this were really into the show, its vibe and looks.
Just as an example take how the new Power Rangers got their suits (shown in the trailer btw) and compare it to the way Kenshin got his. You got feelings from one of those scenes, guess which one is actually well made.

It's just one dumbass that didn't pay attention everyone else knows he still killed people through the Boshin War up until Meiji Era

Iirc he get's the Sakabato from the swordmaker near the end of the boshin war and that's where he takes up the vow to never kill again.


his absolute lack of emotion was the best too

really spoke to his character

One of the old black and white Zorro movies has godtier swordfighting. The one with actual fencers.

I'm agreeing with you. So much care was put into the OVAs and movie.

I mean this fucking song.

I watched it like 10 years ago. Lay off. Why are you so upset?


Anyone have the version of this but the pokemon movies? Shows all the great artistic shit. I think Dialgia is included

Samurai call of duty. He can swear all we wants, but he's still contracted to kill for however many years.

Notice how horrible he looks doing so on the boat and field etc.


Holy fuck they made a live action of that?

Please tell me I'm not the only person who bursts into tears hearing 10 seconds of this song.

I own all fucking 3 of these on blu-ray and I fucking love the choreography holy fucking shit nigger

[the jap is repulsed by true aesthetic beauty]

The best thing about it they match the characters perfectly, and it's not CGI trash. It's real love.

>people audibly crying

I'm done FUCK

manly tears - I wish I was there


this too but don't watch it


The fuck, they turned the scrawny weasely fuck into a chisel-chinned Superman. That's half of Manji's character gone. Fuck that shit.

Watched that one when it came out, at the time it was emotionally devastating.

Thank god is not canon
I was a kid when I watched it and depressed the hell out of me, OP's already made me sad as fuck but that one was the worst.

you bastard

The Sword of Doom
The Samurai Trilogy

how else would you have him die

>Killing women without raping them first
The fuck?

With a family and of old age.

Wait, is there an adaptation to the screen of Vagabond?

I know right? I was surprised too. Maybe that would have crossed the imaginary line of decency.