Claims to be a patrician

>Claims to be a patrician
>Doesn't take his notepad and pencil into the theater to jot down observations for later analysis

Lady Marion is when I knew.

>watching movies in a public theatre in 2010+7

shiggy doo wop

>doesn't record films in theatre at 4K flawlessly creating your own high quality copy to view later for playback


Needing to watch a film more than once is pretty pleb

>That one guy who doesn't bring sugar cubes to the Kinosseum to feed to the complementary kino chariot horses

>doesn't save up for 5 years to buy all the seats in the cinema to truly experience the movie with no distractions

plebs when will they learn

You don't do that on the first screening. First screening you take it in. Then the second one you take notes and discuss it among peers. Third showing you watch it closely again, maybe taking more notes, with your peers' inputs in mind. Fourth showing you do just like the first, but with all the analysis in mind as you take it in.

I actually did this when I was a student. I practiced writing blind for this. Then I realized drawing is more effective

Then I realized I will never look at my notes again.

>Non-photographic memory
Pick one, pleb.