Why do you guys like this asshole?

Joe Rogan was a angry, racist, spiteful, misogynist, cocky, dude-bro-esc douche bag during the 90s and early 00s. He's VERY lucky social media wasn't around back then or he would have been exposed greater than Mel Gibson, and he might not have had the career that he's had.

>Stopped reading at racist.
Oh yes. That wasn't a spelling error. There are tons of stories, rumours, and "he said she said" stories about Joe being all of these things when the cameras and lights are off. And when there is smoke, there is fire.

>Racist. Used to refer to blacks as niggers. Wouldn't date a girl if she dated a black guy.
>Very misogynistic
>Treated women like objects
>Extremely resentful about his childhood
>A cocky tough guy
>Would regularly try to pick fights with people by talking shit
>If the argument would escalate he would do the UFC stare-down shit to them and they would almost always back down because Joe was very confident in his martial arts
>Sometimes they wouldn't back down (this is what Joe wanted) and Joe basically got the "okay" to test his kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, and taekwondo abilities on them
>Joe would always win the fights. Everyone who was around Joe would say how much of an aggressive, strong, gorilla-esc person he turned into when he got angry
>There are also stories of Joe having threesomes with another guy and a girl, leading some people to speculate that he might be bi-sexual
>There stories of Joe being extremely homophobic and hating gays. Starting even more speculation that he is a closest gay or just straight up homophobic trash

T. Carlos Mencia

While those may or may not be valid points, you should check out this 4

He seems nice now, a real sweetheart. People can change, you know.

wow. i was on the fence before, but after reading this im starting to think he may be /ourguy/

I could see him being bi or gay, but other than that grow up and stop being threatened by real men

Truly /ourguy/.

Thank you Joe for having minimal niggers on your podcast.

i don't like anything popular. because one way or another it has a stinking piece otherwise it wouldn't be popular.

>Joe Rogan was a angry, racist, spiteful, misogynist, cocky, dude-bro-esc douche bag

I think he's just a dumb pothead tbqh

>News Radio
>Fear Factor
>Destroying Mencia's career

I grew up with him I guess and I always like coming back to him

>And when there is smoke, there is fire.
Oh there's a smoke here all right.

He's entertaining to listen to and doesn't seem like an asshole.

this sounds like something copied directly from tumblr


The man can fry a mean egg.

Who cares, Joe Rogan is a boring manlet, it's pure luck that he got into the podcast game so early and found success, if he got in today no one would listen.

Joe Rogan was a angry, racist, spiteful, misogynist, cocky, dude-bro-esc douche bag during the 90s and early 00s. He's VERY lucky social media wasn't around back then or he would have been exposed greater than Mel Gibson, and he might not have had the career that he's had.

Sounds like /our guy/. What's the issue?

Joe Rogan has accomplished a level of success in multiple disciplines with very high competition (acting, comedy, martial arts, radio, event announcing, and I'm sure you could throw a couple more in there).

I'm not even trying to pander to the guy, but he accomplished all that WITHOUT Jewish nepotism. THAT'S the kind of man Joe Rogan is.

Who the fuck are you?

>Joe Rogan was a angry, racist, spiteful, misogynist, cocky, dude-bro-esc douche bag during the 90s and early 00s.

Been listening to his podcast from the very beginning. This is why his podcast got the initial cult following it did. Joe wasn't afraid to be an asshole, semi-racist, conspiracy theory believing douche bag on his podcast and it was awesome.

Now he has dialed back everything, and pretends to be a kind of liberal type, but deep down he hasn't changed, he just learned how to separate his public and private personas better

He was poor growing up and was around the negro trash.

Anyone who grows up around black people knows what's up.

>There are tons of stories, rumours, and "he said she said" stories
btw this board is populated by unironic neo nazis so good luck getting anyone to care.

wtf i love joe rogan now

>martial arts meathead was an asshole in his youth
stop the presses!

underrated post right here, boys

>claims to be redpilled
>talks to Sargon of Acuck

That podcast with Jamie Foxx was great.

What would you expect from a raging manlet?

He just like to take the opposing side to encourage discussion. Joe himself hates feminists

>Racism is bad

The first molecule to eat another inferior molecule was racist

If half of this is true, you just sold me on absolutely loving everything about him. Are you a woman, or just low test? I'm honestly asking.

obvious false flag to get /tvpol/ to love him is obvious

>Sup Forums, why do you like literally /ourguy/?

He has money in a lot of different things. I just learned that Eddie Bravo's martial arts school has 80 locations, internationally. Guess who was an early investor; I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count.

lol who cares?
How are any of those things bed?
Come back when he breaks the law.

so... joe rogan is an awesome guy is what you're saying...

Even if any of the things you mentioned were dealbreakers for me: can someone not grow as a person throughout the years and shed their former misdeeds as wisdom grows? Or do you think someone ought to be held responsible for every action they made even if they grow beyond the mindset that made them do it?

>angry, racist, spiteful, misogynistic, cocky, dude-bro-esc douche bag
WTF i love Joe Rogan now??

weed really fucked his shit up

Those conspiracy theories make sense now.

You sound like you unironically watch sargon videos lmao

lol he made that loser Sargon look like the fucking bitch he is. fucking liberal British faggot got REKT HAHAHAHAHA

what went wrong?

Time and performance enhancing drugs.

went from closet fag, to that bald dude that's in all those shemale porn videos

He went bald

That's it

And he doesn't even look bad.

Seriously. He's aging like a fine fucking wine. Holy shit.


If you start to lose your hair, it makes you look weak as fuck to pursue the various methods of trying to conceal the hairloss (comb overs, balding spot, snake oils, etc.)

If you start losing your hair, you've already lost the battle. So lose it on your own terms and shave that shit off.

im a joe rogan experience fanboy with a long history of joe rogan and i can say with confidence none of that shit you said is true. dont talk mess about joe rogan when you dont know shit about joe


He'd look so much better with hair though. Becoming a hairlet is my greatest fear in life.

Is this a pasta?
If not, you should probably get checked for autism, OP.

I don't like it. Joseph Gordon Levitt mother fucker on HGH desu.

Someone fucking redpill me on the size of Rogaine's head. Last I checked, your head doesn't keep growing as you age.

White people don't look good bald. If you have the money, get it treated.

Bullshit. Rogan is a social chameleon who takes the attitude of whoever he's talking to (unless the topic is on kettlebells or DUDEWEEDLMAO).

He'll have Alex Jones on and he'll know on his own about legit false flags and stuff like all the pedophiles in our government, and then he'll have another episode a day later where he's shit-talking the water filter salesman about all the things he himself admitted were true previously. He's duplicitous

20 years give or take

Why do you think we are SJW's here?

Whether you have a pile of styled dead keratin skin cells growing out of your hair or not, does not actually determine your level of attractiveness.

It's all about aesthetics. Bone structure. Stature. Height. Weight etc..

Some cunts can fake aesthetics with a 30 dollar haircut, but not for long.

Example: Brad Pitt could shave his head, and still pull just as much pussy on his aesthetics alone.

Youre wrong buddy, most women want a man with a thick head of hair and complain that someone bald like Joe Rogan looks like a human thumb.

It unironically does affect your level of attractiveness. Having a good head of hair bumps you up two levels. Brad Pitt is an outlier and not really indicative of the effect of hairloss as he's never been bald.

Wtf I love Joe Rogan now??

So he was an asshole when he was in his 20s like everyone else on Earth, stop the fucking presses.

literally /ourguy/

lol every time somebody does not like homosexuals he is a closeted gay himself. fuck when will this meme die?


kekd and checked

Based Joe.

Pretty much what I thought. I can't think of a single poster would give a shit about any of that.

>There are also stories of Joe having threesomes with another guy and a girl, leading some people to speculate that he might be bi-sexual

I've shared probably a dozen women with a friend of mine and there's no faggotry going on. It's actually a pretty popular fantasy with a lot of women. I usually call dibs on the mouth.

I love Joe Rogan now!

I used to be on the fence, but since OP's baseless accusations made up my mind about him.

>bait this good
We got london on the track
