How would you adapt Song of Ice and Fire? What would you do differently than D&D?
How would you adapt Song of Ice and Fire? What would you do differently than D&D?
More diversity, less rape, strong belwas, crossover with Sherlock
White Walkers kill everyone the end.
It simply can't work as a live action series. Animation is the best option.
this this this
This would be a good thread if the people of this site weren't merely filled with impotent rage and zero story-telling ability...
As far as I can tell in the years that I've been here, this is just a site for the angry to hate everything and everyone.
False, I've never seen a 2D waifu as cute as the queen of drogon
Children of Forest are renamed the Kokor
White Walkers are renamed the Alma
White Walkers are a supernatural species that existed on the planet long before Kokor and humans and were sealed away by one of their cousin species millions of years ago, but some retarded Kokor unsealed some of them resulting the mini ice age winter of Westeros. The Alma have one desire to freeze the globe entirely as a testament to their superiority over the world.
I would only make it when the books were finished, which is never, so wahay.
more butt shots to encourage fartposting
Dragons are the result of a mage in Essos mutating lizards 30,000 years ago with magic the result was large flying lizards with fire breath, the descendents of this mage are the Targaryans that is why they can control dragons and no one else.
They could make it a bit more epic I suppose. In the show everything seems smallish and somewhat lame. I want high halls that smell like history. Long stairs and giant pillars.
Humans come from Essos, the first men never fight the Kokor because Kokor wreck them it takes the Andals to fight the Kokor.
The Brindled men of Sothoryos are another hominid specimen that is impossible to interbreed with. They actually killed off the native humans of Sothoryos(blacks) due to their brute strength and endurance compared to them(imagine jungle neanderthals) and as a result there are literally no black people on this planet.
>More diversity
lmao, so make it lesss realistic and less true to the books
>less rape
>Crossover with Sherlock
yeah this is bait.
Dunk & Egg is easier to adapt than ASOIAF.
What do they eat? Why would they freeze everything and live alone in a wasteland?
The Alma are millions of years old they dont need to eat anything they are a super species.
Include Aegon targaryan.
I would love to see that. It could be done very well.
She's a terrible actress.
I would've actually done Dorne justice
Only 3 things I would've changed
>Brienne gets rekt by the Hound and is never heard of again.
>Dany assembles her Horde on the boats. Violent storms sink and drown them all. Dragons are never heard of again
>Stannis never burned his girl and saves the north with Snow and friends from the Boltons, only to settle back in Dragonstone until its time to take KL. Which they do.
Westeros is not Europe, infact Westeros has very bizarre vertebrates on it not found in Westeros. The Kokor evolved from a synapsid type reptile that stayed a reptile then mutated a primate like skeletal structure and eventually bipedalism and high intelligence so this means that Westeros is a landmass where Synapsid reptiles dominant and the mammals are small and virtually nonexistent. This makes Westeros more exciting honestly since its truely an alien world compared to Essos the land of humans.
It's fine as is. We don't really need a thousand subplots that are going to be killed off because Martin wrote himself into a corner.
Remove all the magic stuff. ASOIAF had the most trite boring DWAGONZ and ice ZOMBIES lol
I loved Stannis
How about this: The children of the forest are actually stranded aliens who crashed into westereos, after their mothership was overtaken by an hostile AI, and then they were forced to start from scratch. The comet really is just is what left of the mothership which is circling the planet in an huge orbit. Everytime it's close there's a brief window of contact and a nanobot infection spreads reanimating corpses, in order to take over any biological mass. The icewall really is just a firewall that prevents the nano virus from spreading because it only lets non infected material pass.
On the other side of the planet another faction of the alien crashed, who caused the AI accident, and made themselves comfortable ruling over people and taught the red priests in technology. The dragons were hatched from eggs they genetically engineered on the mothership.
Shit's supposed to be a few thousand years old right? Every once in a while you'll see a massive statue or something impressive, but the rest it's just a shitty castle that looks like it was lazily built 10 years ago. How bout making the world feel old and impressive?
>waiting until he's actually fucking finished with the series instead of trying to write for him
No aliens ruins the mysticism of this piece of shit series.
This world is billions of years old, the most impressive things we have are pyramids and a wall
I just don't want D&D to do it because they'll fuck it up.
You don't get the point of Stannis. I agree with liberating the North from the Boltons, but he's never returning to Dragonstone and make another attempt in the South. He knows he's dealing with the REAL enemy at the gates and is going to help Jon and the Northerners to repel them.
Stannis is either going to die fighting against the Others so that Jon and everyone can regroup and make a tactical retreat or he'll become converted by the Others as one of their thralls.
And it's still possible that he'll burn Shireen in the books, but that won't happen until the Wall's fallen and he's shit out of options.
Westeros took a long time to develop civilization because the wildlife was really hard to kill for humans but not a problem for Kokor..
Horses(from Essos) are used for transport since the reptillian life in Westeros is too stupid to tame or domesticate.
He will never finish the series. He's old, he has better stuff to do, and he's out of ideas. At best you get a ghostwritten book that follows the show.
Would love that. They were fun to read from what I remember.
Dunk the Lump and Egg the Cheeky Cunt.
The castles look like shit
no one cares stop posting
I'd add more of the minor characters and attempt more costume realism instead of everything being black and brown.
I wouldn't add all the oodles of gratuitous rape.
They look fine, a lot of them are IRL spanish ones
I mean he is 68 and has the same build as my 87 year old grandfather with a limp leg.
So unless he gets extremely sick nothing stopping him from lasting another 15-20 years.
But that still doesn't stop him from just writing too much, refusing to edit shit down, then splitting Winds ect.
By the time he has released the 7th book, we might be waiting for another 2..
it was shit even when they had books to copy
There's like 4 rape scenes in the entire series
96, 99, 00, 05, 11, 18 (?)
Notice how the release days slide further apart. 5 years, 6 years, at least 7 years. If he keeps it up like that. He might finish the series in 20 years.
>mfw I read ASOIAF back in 2004 when I was in high school
How the fuck is he not done yet? I went to college from 2007 to 2011. He should've finished Winds by now.
>make Dynaeris win
>bait feminists into YAAS SLAAAY QWUAAN
>Dynearis goes full mad queen and kills tortures nobles, peasants and especially women and children
>see if feminists justify YAAAS QUEEN
>if so laugh
>if not laugh at the REEEEEEEEEEEEE's
I know, there were rumours of late October for Winds.
But honestly I'm almost expecting him to say that he has to split it because of length.
Either that or just release 2 books at once. The printing of Dance with Dragons was apparently a total nightmare because of the page count.
I tell you he's old and he probably has better things to do than write fantasy novels. He probably got laid the first time 15 years ago, it's not like was sitting all day in his office writing. A legit writer writes like 10,000 words a day. Not saying it's what you get out of it but you gotta write to have something to boil down, edit, rewrite... The guy isn't sitting 8 hours a day writing. Not while jetting the world giving interviews, doing PR and all the other shit he does.
when will television and movies stop killing our favorite book IPs?
What do you mean with because of the page count? Like literally the amount of pages?
wow no shit retarded cunt!
I get that he has a social life and everything, but he's no spring chicken. He's obese and in his late 60's. Unless he goes on a fitness regimen and/or diet, he might croak before he finishes the books.
Never as long as there's money in it. There are lot franchises nobody cares about. I think the Illuminatus trillogy could be great for instance but nobody gives a fuck, for good or bad.
As it should be. So Spaketh Martinth
That's what I'm thinking. My dad is younger and fitter than him and he takes naps half of the day. GRRM probably eats like a pig and then he passes out snoring. Then he gets woken up again by his phone while lying on his stomach and D&D ask him some obscure bullshit and he makes it up and goes right back to sleep.
>you will never see an animated 7-season high-budget show of Game of Thrones that actually looks like what's in the books because HBO has fucked GRRM so thoroughly that they'll own it until the end of days
They have all the rights to A Song of Ice and Fire or just the Game of Thrones brand?
Baelish was the Oliver Cromwell/Robespierre analog who would inspire and lead the bourgeosie to pressure the throne in adopting a magna carta for the commonfolk, that he can then parlay into an alliance with the Citadel to spark an industrial revolution. Then the long night comes and Walkers reset almost everyone, apart from the Last Hero/PtwP and his party, before retreating back to the pole as the mini-ice age recedes. The Prince that was Promised and his entourage repopulate Westeros. Bravos invades them because lol silly ice age doesn't reach beyond the tropics and subtropics so their civilizations progress into New Valyria levels before magiconuking themselves again in the foot. Rinse repeat, with scattered hints of lost Valyrian/Asshai lore of a planetwide magical ritual that could correct the planet's orbit around its sun to prevent the recurring ice age that fucks near-everything up in a cycle.
Pretty much.
Get good animators behind it and give it a good budget.
Still, I don't think it would pick up since animation is still looked as a childish thing especially in the west.
A man can dream, a man can dream
The course-correcting ritual is actually the access codes and programming language that would instruct Planetos' rocket thrusters to fire, correcting the planet-cum-megastructure's orbit.
The five dooms of Valyria, the five supervolcanoes ringing that city are one the planet's rocket nozzle buried under a million years' worth of soil accretion. The Doom was Valyrian scientist-mages feeding an imperfect code to the planet/megastructure, unknowingly instructing it to misfire. Asshai, on the other end of where Old Valria was, was built around another buried giant rocket nozzle and was similarly affected.
go back to bed with your asian wife Preston
I'd throw it into a fireplace and adapt Wheel of Time instead
this lore predates youtubers. you could say it's all Sup Forums
After a certain point the book just gets physically too large to publish and not make it incredibly awkward both to read the damn thing, but the integrity of the book.
But since Martin apparently doesn't have a outline set when he writes a book who knows how long the fucking thing will get.
Dance ended abruptly because they had to remove several chapters and Winds seem to be going the same way. Or worse get split completely again like Feast/Dance which would fucking suck.
Stick to the story
Wait until he actually finishes
Hire good actors for Arya, Jon, Sansa, Dany, all the kids really except for Robb and Joffrey
is Wheel of Time worth reading?
Probably not.
Stay faithful to the books and not turn it into some nonsensical strong independent womyn show. Dany is shown to clearly be a terrible ruler and Cersei's schemes always seemed poorly thought out.
The only thing the show did right was Arya/Tywin in Harenhall and Bronn
Assuming winds is ever released. It's been over 6 years
Waiting till Martin finishes the books first or no deal.
Let him be motivated to get those millions.
Also Id come down hard of his publisher for letting him slack thus much. Would tell them to motivate him or they are outright losing me as a producer/exec who will look at their author stable.