Who is better, Refn or Von Trier?
Who is better, Refn or Von Trier?
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refn and it's not even close
Refn says it's Trier and it is indeed Trier.
Here on Sup Forums we like Refn more.
refn is our boy
but Noe is the superior choice
>tfw I remember when the freeblood meme was invented on Sup Forums
>it's still alive in 2017
>hundreds of idiots took it seriously
fuck mates, as retarded as Sup Forumslacks are, this one is really the pinnacle of trolling
Refn, but Von Trier gets points for being a literal nazi
Von Trier.
I like them both pretty much equally though. Also why shit on Von Trier so hard in this thread just because Nymphomaniac wasn't that serious.
Refn makes art, von Trier makes porn
Von Trier is literally /ourguy/
Von Trier if you know a thing about cinema
Refn is you're a videogame playing plebeian that picked him up because of Drive or Sup Forumseddits favorite asian
You are fucking dumb if you think this is debatable when ONLY ONE created a film movement
>dude just point a camera at stuff
>film movement
>also we don't believe in that anymore bye
>final solution for journalists
always gets me
Look, I like Refn; Neon Demon and a lot of his stuff is schlock that is great to look at which is fun, basically don't take his films as "super deep art" and they're pretty fun and uniquely crafted. Valhalla Rising is actually great, as are the Pusher films. However Von Trier is definitely superior. People shit on him for Nymphomaniac or Antichrist, which do have that element of pushing edginess to the extreme for better or worse. But Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark and Dogville are very artistic and as another user said important to the medium of film, which in my eyes makes Von Trier the winner here
von trier
only edgy 17 year olds or plebs would disagree
>a lot of his stuff is schlock
Von Trier. Makes entertaining complex movies and can into dialogue. I only like Refn for the cinematography and the neon vibe of his movies. Von Trier is definitely the patrician choice though.
Most of his stuff is crap*
>only edgy 17 year olds would disagree with me preferring the edgy director
Why not say crap then?
Drive is very pulpy and Neon Demon is very over the top with its violence and thematic expression. Which I enjoy, and I think has more depth and merit than it gets credit for, but it's still fairly shallow. Perhaps I misspoke with "a lot". Bronson is violent but it very much has content, and as I said Valhalla Rising is actually wonderful meditative and insane. His latest films though have definitely been it a different direction and I think more people would enjoy them if they realized they were fun movies and Refn isn't trying to be "2deep4u".
>Thinking edgy is a real word
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Blood turns gray when you cook it.
This is just food coloring.
Refn is probably the more commercially successful director, though I only really cared for Drive. I heard Bronson was good but haven't seen it yet.
overall i'd say lars, but if we compare currenty talent then lars von trier sucks big time. everything he made after dogville is garbage. so atm refn is better
>created a film movement (with others btw, lets not forget that)
>never even respected his own movement's rules
>the best doga movie is by far the celebration and not anything lars made
yeah not too impressive lets be honest
>using a word he doesn't think is real
Man Sup Forums sure has changed...All the Refn posters ITT, I would say that it's a shame because they didn't see most Von Trier but the sad reality is that they probably didn't see most Refn either. They just read some dumb memes about him and formed their "opinion" of him just like that. That does it. This is the last time i visit Sup Forums, enjoy your cesspool fags
Hey Lars, when are you going to enter your next film at Cannes?
Oh wait
Your other points are very valid but
>didn't follow his own rules
That's fine. The same thing happened in music. In a broad sense, composers started breaking more and more rules, progressing music from era to era. More specifically, Schoenberg invented the idea of 12-tone music, but was also the first to break the rules set. The point is, rule breaking leads to progress; even setting those rules in the first place was a progression