You passed your test.
Do you forgive him?
You passed your test.
Do you forgive him?
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No. And if you say yes, your a cockhold
You selfish faggot, he just made you appreciate life.
Would shoot him in the foot so he couldn't escape, wouldn't kill him. Knowing him he has some master plan that would kill me or my loved ones that only he could disable after the fact.
Hey, isn't this the same guy who crushed a man's rib cage in a giant vice just because he smoked?
He helped me quit smoking, yes.
He's an edgelord faggot imposing his brand of morality on people he abducts and tortures. If I got out alive I'd go right back to doing whatever it was that had him so pissed off in the first place.
Yeah, but now I'm missing an arm or half my face or some shit.
He had the choice to hold his breath. HE failed his test.
Jigsaw doesnt kill anyone. They kill themselves.
He should have gone after (((them))).
I don't see why no police officer has caught him after part 2.
Assuming shooting him on the foot wasn't part of a bigger scheme and you fell for it. Everything Jigsaw does is according to a master plan.
Neat were u liv.
Being kidnapped and forced to do some gruesome trap that will more than likely deform you or at the very least put you through extreme pain won't make you appreciate life it will just turn you into a paranoid wreck who thinks everyone is out to get them.
It's probably why most people who survive the trap join him.
But if you passed your test, then surely you came to appreciate life, so you saved yourself.
Surely you wouldnt pass the test just to become bitter and misreable. You're grateful.
>Cheat on my wife
>Loose a foot.
How would I be more grateful? There is probably a reason why I cheated on my wife in the first place. All his traps are made with the view point of an old man who has gone crazy. Imagine having your eye carved out because you are on the computer all day.
No I'd be going through intense psychological trauma that I just had a bear trap attached to my face that was about to rip my jaw off any moment unless I disembowel someone to get the key so I can remove it. Jigsaw your heart is in the right place but you're doing it all wrong. These people just need a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
Grateful to be alive, sure.
Grateful to the motherfucker who put you through immense pain and mental anguish? No.
hoffman desu
I was already grateful to be alive before some guy decided I needed to lose a foot. Now I'm just a bitter fag with a peg leg who doesn't even run a pirate crew.
>mental anguish
Name ONE trap that caused THAT amount of pain you fucking pussies
The one where you had to hack your foot off with a rusty saw.
the one where you have to stick your hand in an acid jar
Didn't that one also have glass that'd slice your hand up as well if you weren't extremely precise or was that another trap?
Jigsaw is deranged but Doctor G was chosen because he was apathetic, not because he cheated on his wife, which he didn't.
Being drowned in the rotted juiced guts of bloated pig corpses.
this, going through truma just makes you a fucked up asshole, it doesn't give you super powers or make you a better person
The one where you have to put your hand into a spinning blade to fill some contraption with blood.
Oh everyone didnt make it? Great now I have to give my WHOLE ARM to this bayblade thing just so I can give the required amount of blood if there were still everyone here.
You DON'T have to. If you don't appreciate your life, then just fail the trap and die. Its that simple.
YOU decide how much pain your life is worth.
I never asked to be put into a situation where I have to decide, nigger.
Go back to /r9k/ you fucking retard
Or just stick your clothes in it if you're not a fucking moron
I hope in the next movie he punishes a bunch of incels.
well,let me see
He could just be my friend and ask me how I'm doing. Maybe we'll support each other in our hardships who knows but that's totally thrown out the window the moment I get kidnapped and have to jump in a pit of syringes.
>saw breaks
>key flushed down drain
>you failed because i fucked up
So how does putting my clothes in there achieve anything at all?
>all these people doing mental gymnastics and sucking saw's dick
>trying to pretend that the badly written character philosophy actually makes sense
>thinking some enormous fucking edgelord torture porn series for 16 year olds that think they're "deep" is worth watching and analysing
I feel sorry for you. In all practicality you can't agree with him.
>b-but muh suicide
If somebody sticks you in a torture porn death trap, if they're not some perfectly rational being of great decision, they're gonna die.
They're normal people.
>But he must punish the idiocy of the normies and their sins *flips hair* *unsheathes katana*
After mental and physical trauma you won't forgive him. You won't be grateful. Just because some edgelord punished you for being a normal fucking person doesn't mean you're enlightened now.
Jigsaw's deal is just high school level philosophy. If you're sane, you don't forgive him.
Sorry for being an uncultured swine. This is just how I see it.
>all these people doing mental gymnastics and sucking saw's dick
It's just ONE underage autist that obnoxiously types like THIS.
Does it bother anyone else that they cast the least frightening man as the antagonist of such a demented, misanthropic series of films?
You just dont get it, do you?
>Just because some edgelord punished you for being a normal fucking person doesn't mean you're enlightened now.
Nah dude these people were pure evil. One of them was get this man it's gonna disgust you but one of them and I shit you not but one of them I really mean it man but one of them oh my god just thinking about it pisses me off but one of them man they're just pure scum anyway but one of them was like a doctor right and when a patient had cancer he get this bro he acted in a professional level and didn't oh my lord give him an operation his health insurance couldn't cover...
>implying this wasn't easily the best trap to get
There wasn't any self-mutilation involved whatsoever
You still woke up in a dark room with a contraption that was about to rip your fucking jaw off unless you disemboweled a man. Just because it's easier compared to other traps doesn't mean that you just disemboweled someone with your bear hands you moron.
Reminder Jigsaw is a naive old man that is allowing the events of his past control him. This leads to his death and unbeatable trap being created in his name.
Fuck, I don't think I'd would even be able to go through with it if I was put in that situation. The noise of the saw would instantly make me faint before even touching it with my hand.
le contrarian face
>drain key
>not a fuck up
dumb frogposter
He didn't know his junkie cunt assistant was botching his traps.
Nah Tobin Bell is great in Saw. My issue is how far Jigsaw's master plan goes just so they can keep adding more flashbacks and soundclips of him.
Maybe. I just would like to be done though and be able to just leave. I wouldn't really like to join him.
Just as a movie character I think he's pretty based but that would be a bit too much for me in real life and I would just like him to let me go if I managed to pass.
I call the cops
>Hello Sup Forums, I want to play a game. You have one week to post on this board without typing any variation of the word "reddit" or posting images of your aforementioned closet homesite. If you fail, the basement curtain be will raised and expose your micropenis to the world.
>someone swears
>*camera spins around*
Holy shit boys who is this guy, the ultimate badass?
It's 50/50 whether you are retarded or not right now. Sure nothing good comes out of r9k but you might not have the mental capacity for some consideration about things being discussed.
Remember the time he had a guy walk on glass with his bare feet and then have him try to solve probably one of the hardest and impossible traps hes ever set up in the whole franchise, ending with the guy being set on fire from his candle.
All for playing hooky from work. Yeah that was totally cool and fair of him
What? He's perfect dude. It's not about be le scary intimidating man.
just piss in it?
ALL the John Kramer traps were beatable. It was only a matter of how much you appreciated your life. If you let the chance slip, you were probably going to commit suicide one day.
Kind of underrated right here.
The game is even crazier. The second one had two guys foot race on glass while pushing metal cages
That was another one iirc. The acid one was done by the girl and even then the key didn't work. The glass thing was by him.
I got a bj in a golf cart,I don't need to be kidnapped to appreciate life.
Lets be real though his philosophy is fucking retarded, he probably read a single quote by Nietzsche and then figured himself to be some kind of super deep profound thinker.
Then surely you wouldn't be opposed to some two-bit narcissistic sociopath locking you into a contraption where you must choose between permanent mutilation or a painful death, would you?
Hey, you DON'T have to live. There is literally an option to prove you don't value life and just let yourself die.
>dude you're afraid of doing extremely painful shit that will probably kill/disfigure/cripple you that means you hate life and I have to euthanise you lmao
was jigsaw an autist?
>N-no! Neo-Sup Forums! F-fucking redd--... LE M-MEME POSTING REDDITFAGS AAAAAHHHH
So we agree right? Thats the most aesthetic, best designed, most painful trap?
>being angry because you've got cancer after the age of 50
He's a fucking bitch, I don't forgive him.
how does this guy have such an imposing presence
Easily the most painful trap, but I think the reverse beartrap was the GOAT trap
Jill gets FUCKED UP
my favorite part of the movies actually isnt a trap, but the brain surgery from saw 3
it's one of the most hard to watch scenes in the series and really well shot. love the part where she tests out the sound of the drill
This scene made me squirm so hard. Probably because it just unfolds so slowly.
>John just happens to know how and where to find all this evidence on a murder in 3
>knows where everyone involved lives
>knows everything about everyone's lives
He has a twin brother that works in the CIA
no that was the cop dude, jigsaw was long dead by then
jigsaw get off Sup Forums