Tom Hardy in Dunkirk
>Flies a plane
>Has a mask on most of the time
>His friend crashes with no surviors
Nolan at his finest
Tom Hardy in Dunkirk
>Flies a plane
>Has a mask on most of the time
>His friend crashes with no surviors
Nolan at his finest
Genuine question. How are the dogfights in Dunkirk?
boring, like the rest of the movie
realistic as in they punch a few holes in the fuselage, it start's smoking and the pilot ditches.
No huge mid air explosions or anything like Red Tails
agreed senpai
Realistic. I liked them a lot. Mostly pilot perspective or people on the ground point of view. No bullshit cgi crazy spins like in red tails
What great kino. Even my gf liked it.
this move was shit. Not even bane could save it cause he talks less than in TDKR
shes retarded like you
He also starts a fire and gets caught. Presumably this last thing being part of his plan.
would you say he showed a lot of loyalty for a hired gun?
he didn't fly so good
>Is that a problem?
>No, I'm Dunkirk.
Foreshadowing at its best. Bravo Nolan.
Now Nolan has spoken out on why he keeps covering up Hardy’s face.
Speaking with the Press Association, he said: “I was pretty thrilled with what he did in The Dark Knight Rises with two eyes and couple of eyebrows and a bit of forehead so I thought let’s see what he can do with no forehead, no real eyebrows, maybe one eye.
“Of course Tom, being Tom, what he does with single eye acting is far beyond what anyone else can do with their whole body, that is just the unique talent of the man, he’s extraordinary.”
Bravo Nolan, I love you
Has Nolan made the ultimate modern pleb filter?!
>no women to speak of
>no gay liberal negro forced bullshit
>the exploration of cituation and men in it, not men telling the story, spoonfeeding or having retarded "development"
>no retarded cgi fest extreme explosions
>constant tension accompanied by "shephard tune" kind of soundtrack
>almost no dialogue
>visual storytelling
>even couple of memes of bane not actualy crashing the plane and the usefull kid
How can anyone compete?!
a plane too big for the sea
better crash on solid ground
big guy
let's see here
>lotta loyalty
absolutely, he was very loyal to the crown
He was hired by the RAF, so yes
if you assume "gun" in this case means soldier then yes!
it checks out
Litterally saw Red Tails yesterday. Wtf was Lucas, Burtt and McCallum thinking?
If he was loyal why didn't he try to land near the brits?
He obviously wanted out of the war.
getting caught was part of his plan
you forgot
>no "muh evil Nazis" propaganda
At the end, he lights his plane on fire and does the CIA pose.
The fire literally rose.
He's on me
>shooting down a 190 whilst gliding due to no fuel
memes aside, that scene was gorgeous
I'm on him
i'm on him
Why was this scene so homoerotic?
My dad works at Christopher Nolan and he told me that Nolan loves Baneposting and inserts meme material into his movies on purpose
So we're all in agreement that Tom Hardy has the most kissable lips in Hollywood, right?
I want to suck his dick desu
Good news user if you're handsome he'd probably let you.
to the left on my command in 3...2...1
Why is Sup Forums a better fag board than /hm/?
>hothead opinions
based Nolan did it again
>shoots down an Me109 in a Spitfire with no fuel
Wasnt it a junkers 87? It was diving on the ships
>Shoot BF109
>Smoke trails from right side of the plane
>Shoots another Bf109
>Smoke trails from right side of the plane
>109 fucks off
>Shoots 109
>Smoke trails from right side of the plane
>109 fucks off
>Shoots He 111
>Smoke trails from right side of the plane
>Shoots Stuka
>Smoke trails from right side of the plane
Stellar and captivating.
The one thing they did well was make the machineguns loud as shit.
Ah, I see you're in the wrong thread.
Go to the catalog and look for a thread that says "Marvel vs DC" young one
Cape movies sound right up your alley, faggo.
Yea the bullet holes punching into the ship those boy were hiding in was pretty scary ngl
It was a Stuka you uneducated mongrel
A+ writing. Nolan Cinematic Universe when?
His best film yet.
literally no germans till they captured hardy. interesting choice for a war movie and probably yet another factor to set it apart from other movies of genre (at least WW2)
Reddit is down the hall to the left
>replying again an hour and a half later
wew, nice try champ.