there's that haircut again...
Deadshit 2
Why is /t/ so triggered by the casting in a fucking capeshit movie?
black women with natural hair are GOAT
And a C-lister nobody cares about no less
because Sup Forums (and it IS pol) are just like any horsefucker or furry or fedora-wearing atheist you care to name - they've adopted an in-group and label in lieu of actually having a personality of their own, and so have to project that onto every single aspect of their life.
Racist blaxploitation caricature
Looks like a character from Rocky Horror
>Face it wade you just hit the dank pot nigga
Zendaya is a hottie but in one pic she is less than flattering and she's disliked.
You can't really expect a fat crazy manchild to respect a woman, when there is zero chance one will ever respect them.
So why was Sup Forums mad about idris elba being cast as heimdall in 2010? Was that Sup Forums too?
Racist blaxploitation stereotype playing the fool for white comic book audiences.
Sickening, racist and offensive
she would be a good Misty Knight
> Zendaya is a hottie
That's a cool opinion nigger
she's fucking hot, i would love to see her though with the traditional domino hair at least.
I think I'm warming up to the vitiligo mark, but would still have prefered the black eye mark.
Damn, those are some nice tits. I'm not a fan of the hair, but whatever.
While I do agree with you that a fat crazy manchild cannot respect a woman, as a respectable grown white man with a well maintained physique and looks I can honestly say I don't want to be placed in a position where I have to admit something I don't find appealing as beautiful.
I enjoy making love to women with lighter skin color, white and asian usually. I have tried to date a latina or women of darker skin tones but they always turned out to be less than satisfactory. I truly believe these people can have sex with each other and feel complete joy, whereas I cannot, therefore I must respectfully decline, and I only ask them they do the same.
>Same universe where a giant Russian man can turn his skin into metal
>Domino's original design wouldn't feel out of place
>Nah let's make her black for diversity and with a unique snowflake skin condition instead!
Ayy yo hunny. Watchu lookin' at
who is this bitch and who cares
all everyone wants to see in deadpool 2 is cable
mutties are already minorities so it doesn't matter
she is actually white, being black is the disease