Can softcore be a genre again or did internet porn, spoiled us to death?
The whole aesthetic during the 80's and 90's was top notch.
Can softcore be a genre again or did internet porn, spoiled us to death?
The whole aesthetic during the 80's and 90's was top notch.
Also check out series like Girls Guide to Depravity
what are some examples for softcore movies?
all the shannon whirry stuff, also shannon tweed.
She were the practically the queens of softcore
Softcore is like foreplay, at the end, you want it to stop to have real action.
whats her best stuff?
Nice digits.
Personally, I see no reason to depict sex in movies anymore. Watching people ungulate on the screen seems so stupid now that "hardcore" porn is so pervasive on the Internet.
Watching scrambled late night Cinemax in the 80s was great. And seeing boobs and bush and hearing moans was very erotic. But I don't see a point in showing simulated sex now. A softcore movie wouldn't hold my interest.
Man I loved watching Lady Chatterley and Emmanuelle back in the day on Cinemax.
Korean softcore is my shit.
I would take the E! channel from the late 90's early 00's over any softcore.
Softcore is better than porn.
Either "Scorned" or "Animal Instincts"
thanks senpai
the scene with the chair is top notch
what is her name ;_;
The Internet has even made most hardcore too soft and too obsolete to attract attention, much less actual softcore.
Thus you see even mainstream hardcore getting a grotesque, sadistic, violent bent to it as people get bored and keep looking for the next thrill. See the prolapse fad from a few years back as an example of what I'm talking about.
The lines between plain, standard hardcore porn and straight-up abuse porn are getting blurrier every day. It's pretty weird and unsettling.
I remember watching Cinemax and Dessert Passion for Missy Browning's tits
there was a prolapsed fad?
I wish there was no porn at all..
Maybe if you're a degenerate. I'm still fapping to softcore shit at 36. And yes, I've had sex.
maria rya
When Wild On use to show the wet t-shirt contest, they would never blur out the nipples. That was a good show
is this some sort of seduction technique?
>Can softcore be a genre again or did internet porn, spoiled us to death?
It was replaced by other things.
kinda skinny
E! channel had the Howard Stern show plus Jules Asner as well.
Started watching these
I've been enjoy it more than hardcore.
Closest one can get to the good old days of watching late night movies on that one TV channel that always showed campy softcore
the way her butt moves looks like it's got a mind of its own.
What butt?
her qt butt