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strap in boys, hes alrady talkin about fake news lol

I guarantee its Jamie making these Jre threads every time. Anyway post /our guy/ Eddie Bravo reaction images


It wasn't, Eddie Bravo is just a guarantee of a good time.

jamies too busy pulling up 50 tabs of gorillas fighting bears

>when joe Rogan tried to pretend he;s as smart as Eddie Bravo

Fuck he's still arguing about the moon

Joe cant take this anymore

i've never heard of any of joe's guests it really annoys me

>they demolished tower 7 because reasons

Okay let's settle this once and for all Sup Forums, is the earth flat?

Eddie bravo was a great BJJ player/artist if thats the term.

He went against one of the old Gracies back in the day which was a pretty big deal

i've seen him on other podcasts
however most of the time he uploads i have no idea who the other guy is

flatter than yo mommas titties

Is this /weed/kino

I prefer it to any other fucking movie and i dont have to check reviews before watching, its guaranteed to be chill and easy to follow

>check into podcast 15 minutes in to see if they're talking about the best ufc weekend to happen in a while
well fuck this, guess I'll save this one for when I'm high.

Get high now and you don't have to save anything.

Eddie Bravo is so fucking stupid.

So, so fucking belligerent when it comes to discussing anything he thinks.

why did the towers crash to the floor lads

Eddie Bravo is pure entertainment and laughter

Look into it

>neural interface
this shit again. I miss the talking about bears and wolves and gorillas fucking your shit up

>retard with meme jitsu

why is he even a thing

Confirmed cucks

I wish I could say that Eddie won't talk about this shit the whole podcast but if he has his way, he will.


Holy shit eddie is crazy talking about buzz aldrin negotiation 70k contracts and going to clubs snorting coke

How do you not enjoy this?

This is the comfiest podcast ever

t. Not jamie


hi im new here. is joe being gay a meme?

>hoped if get some comfy discussion about the DC-Jones fight
>muh fake moon landing since minute 3

come on, at least in older podcasts they tried to be serious in the beginning and left the memeing and fun for the end, now they are going full retard from the go

>Joe still thinks space programs are fake news

jesus fucking christ haha

Your fault for being a faggot

what did he do wrong?

>go to NASA's twitter
>look at the responses to any of their tweets


have you ever seen how Romero looks like?
Id watch too, nigga looks like straight outta video game, no homo

Admiring a man with a good physique is not gay bro

joes not gay, he checking out yoel's traps because their size probably indicated steroid use.

>being so In denial about Being gay that you act like everyone is gay

joes always sizing dudes up, looking to see if theyre on hgh or steroids and shit haha

I was kidding, thought it's obvious.
I'm not good at kidding.

Oh boy


>implying you wouldnt peek

came back from taking a piss and now they're at 911...

The point isn't that he examined him, the point is HOW he did so


If you know what to look for it's dead obvious and in Yoel's case you don't even really need to know what to look for.

keep being a sheep

is his neck so muscular he doesn't have one or does he just not have one

Dudes got a triangle neck

his traps are out of this world

When is Jamie going to sperg out on Eddie Bravo again? That moment was KINO. I need Jamie to be an autist again and sperg out when Eddie Bravo is talking about something crazy

Eddie has to go maximum nuts to awaken Jamie.

hahaha what ep is that I missed it

t. Buzz Aldrin

>millions of people on Venus

literally how?

Those are average gym goer traps, these are real out of this fukin world mejt traps

>it's a Joe Rogan Experience episode