Just a heads up. I managed to get in touch with the guy who had West of the Tracks uploaded on youtube and convinced him to do a reapload. The quality is 480p but one cant bitch about it considering it is impossible nearly to be found for download.
>9 hours long holy fuck I'll save this one for a rainy day.
Leo Edwards
Wang Bing is pretty amazing.
lol, Bing Bong Wang Dong has 14 hour document of which he only directed couple of hours lel
not everyone is in a circlejerk
Cooper Powell
I wish I was in one. I'm pretty sure I got mine from avistaz which is incredibly easy to get in.
Jacob Evans
Yes well the days when I was 14 are gone and I dont have time to suck dick for an invite to a tracker.
Sebastian Flores
Busting your balls aside, thanks for the effort and contribution. I'm sure loads of people will appreciate your act even if it does go unnoticed on Sup Forumseddit
Hunter Richardson
better downloaded it,it was taken down once and I got pissed thats why i reached to the guy in the first place.
Sebastian Hill
I've seen it and it ain't that impressive desu.
Lucas Hill
I will expand on this because this board is in serious need of film discussion. While I had no problem with the length of it and with slow cinema in general, Tie Xi Qu is not effective and immersive, the fly on the wall camera style makes it all very stale in my opinion, and it just feels like extreme minimalism, I guess chapter two gets a little more exciting, thematically? But even that feels tame. Also I feel it's just too intrusive at times, which would be good for a documentary but just not for this one, I'm glad this film has some popularity, and I don't regret watching it, but, in my opinion is not one for the books.
What do you all like about it so much?
Ryder Campbell
Bumping for real kino
Julian Nelson
Nolan Morgan
Economics activates my autism but I feel it is kind of pointless watching all of this because China has changed so much since then. I wish I were born 20 years earlier and went into business in China during the boom and BTFO of commies, that would be comfy.
>dat in-service steam locomotive at 7:25
Josiah Turner
There is a lot of filler footage,you have to stick through it there is some interesting insights and opinions of the average workers.
Samuel Martinez
>tfw you will never be this happy
Kayden Edwards
Wonderful, thank you, OP. I appreciate this kind of threads in this Marvel.vs.DC and Game of Thrones infested place. This is what tv/ must be. You´re the best