/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

>We finally discuss Judy edition


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david lunch lol


Judy sounds a lot like jerky, doesn't it? Hmm...

Daily reminder that Phillip Jeffries is going to come back in the 18th episode and THE SHIT IT COME OUTTA MY ASS

She got blacked IRL, this thing is her daughter


I'm really tempted to mail David 5 Woody woodpeckers.

>tfw she'll never be a milf with her own thot teenager


friendly reminder that Sheryl Lee is attractive, talented, cutiest women. Love her user

I want to FUCK Sheryl and her son

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)

How do I get a qt tall wide-hipped alien FBI agent gf?

What a waste of genetics. Whenever I see those articles saying how mixed race are basically the uber-form I just think about De Niro's children.

So I still haven't watched The Missing Pieces. Should I correct that immediately?

Reminder that Ray Wise is searching for a black grandma.


>David lynch is putting this rumor out there just to fuck with us.

I wouldnt put it past him


Why are the Chromatics the only good Roadhouse band?

>sherylposting has assimilated into a hivemind




Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM


Just wait, user

She's kinda growing on me, even if I still don't care about Tammy as a character.


She'd make a great Bob

Best Twin Peaks Girl

Fuck all y'all


Bland synthpop isn't good.


doooot DOOT

Is she preparing some garmonbozia?

except Peggy Lipton's daughter is a direct contradiction to that.

Check this shit
CHROMATICS' Wikipedia page:
>In May 2017, Jewel's manager Alexis Rivera revealed on Twitter that Jewel had destroyed all copies of the finished Dear Tommy following a near-death experience in late 2015, but had subsequently re-recorded the entire album.[29]
>The song "Shadow" was made available on September 9.



No wonder (((they))) have shills dragging these threads down.


That's some unscene footage right there. Where'd you get this picture.

Is making a great Bob.


best band

Guy on the left is a TP - the return makeup stylist, it's from his twitter

tell her something good, user

Make twin peaks great again lol

Best girl!



Will she be playing Lucy ?

And she's like the one exception.

Shelly is the best waifu no questions

That's fake.

There was an user in the last thread that didn't believe this was real and was getting pissed. Kek


-- Blue Rose finally explained

-- Tammy inducted to the Blue Rose circle

-- Discovery of the Blue Rose circle and subplot

-- Sarah Palmer noticing things are changing, like the diner scene

-- Pure Carlkino and a touching moment of bloodkino

-- dOugei baL

-- Diane gestures with her arm and says "Let's Rock," which was written in lipstick(!) by the evil Arm last time

-- Tense spykino as Tammy and Diane watch each others' code gestures during her deputization

-- Benkino musings over the value of having a father in your life to how you grow as a person

-- FBI posing-woman code kino frustrates an unaware Albert, is hilarious

-- Cuckboy and Boopslut kill the "Mr Strawberry" Warden, probably saving his grieving toddler from depradations

-- Dr. Amp actually on point towards the end of the rant, accentuated by spooky Lynch sounds

-- Oldreykino featuring Cuckdwarf, the finest of vintages

-- The coordinates are for Twin Peaks lel

-- Vaporwavekino

-- Trick almost got hit by a car!

one of my first childhood crushes.

now I pretty much only like clowngirls

She's the best actress of the original young TP girls

I have never seen a gook play a saxophone before.

she a disloyal thot

He showed up again


literally the best it's ever been

the original series pales in comparison to The Return


She's a qt, but she can't act for shit.

She's just going to be another one of Gordon's ladyfriends. Screencap this.

This is where we LIVE, Shelly!

>a direct contradiction to that.
Rashida Jones is a 6-7 at best, nothing special about her

Can't wait for Audrey to die and/or fuck off, Audrey fags btfo their waifu is a washed up angry hag with a contract marriage to a tiny man.


Nope. The blind lady wouldn't let Coop go into the outlet when it said 15, instead he went through when it said 3. Coop became Dougie in episode 3. He will become Coop again in episode 15.

Holy fucking shit, what a 90s beauty

>Missoula, Montana
>Sycamore street

It's definitely real. twitter.com/therealraywise/status/887866421773877248

Friendly lodge spirit.


>aside from being a great actor, he's also keeping up with the memes
This man is a miracle.

daily reminder that naomi "the pedo-fucker" watts is the absolute worst part of the return, and belongs in a fucking cage with her sick husband




At first it was amusingly pathetic but now I'm starting to get pretty disgusted how little sympathy some of the virgin freakshows have.

I was never some Audrey diehard but I mean for fuck sake. She was likely raped by the doppelganger of the love of her young life and as a result had an illegitimate child who, based on his obvious willingness to murder and beat women, probably made her life a nightmare.

How the fuck can you virgin freaks have not even an ounce of sympathy?


this would be a valid opinion if it wasn't posted on the #1 pedoboard on the entire internet

Because Vedder hans't played yet and spoiled the plot.

>everyone I like is a lodge spirit

I'm married :)

Your wife is so lucky.

I'm a lodge spirit, so I happen to know many other lodge spirits.

Au Revoir Simone > Chromatics. Can't wait for their third appearance.


Well maybe some of us don't base our opinions off of pure conjecture

the whole scene was also foreshadowed at Twin Peaks Sherrif's Dept with the control station lady berating Chad for not empathizing with Truman's nagging wife.

the point of the scene, and maybe the whole show, is that people who act aggressively do so out of some internalized trauma. the town of Twin Peaks is caught in a cycle of abuse.

Friendly reminder that Ray was in God's Not Dead 2 and made it an amazing film.

T h e y r e
A l l
G a r b a g e

>#1 pedoboard on the entire internet

i'm starting to think theres something to this

Your face is garbage, pal.

Chromatics>Julee Cruise>Au Revoir Simone

I love her yeah

MUH DICK > all