Hella F*cking Epic
but domino isn't the whitest mutant ever?
ugh im not usually one to care for race flipping, but jesus christ. her character design is based on a fucking actual domino. White with black dots, this is retarded
She's still black and white :^)
Get it?!?! She got white makeup on that small bit on her face!
>one hand there's more blackwashing
>on the other hand it's a pretty mixed chick with tits
yeah I'll let that pass for once
Isn't Domino supposed to be asian? Asians love complaining about whitewashing.
I cannot wait for the enraged fat dark women who will complain at the fact that Hollywood's example of diversity in films is just casting the lightest skinned black woman as possible.
Albino Domino > Nigger Domino
>yew they couldn't do this because retards would call it blackface
>DUDE RACISM LMAO but dont' call me racist!!
>a black girl isnt attractive
Class A tits tbqh
>stronk black girl
When will this meme die?
Hopefully never
Awful, should've gotten a darker girl if they were gonna try the reverse domino thing. She's as light as my Italian aunt.
>Domino goes from an white woman with a black spot to a black woman with a vitiligo spot.
Make Mine DC
actual dominos are black with white dots tho
She looks like the chick from Get Out after the beach.
Or maybe you're the retard who doesn't know dominos can come in different colors.
Heard you guys like armpits
Fuck off, I appreciate this return to the 70s.
>mfw I just noticed the rug is Deadpool
Fuck this, they made Blind Al black and changed her iconic look too. She doesn't look like Domino at all, Domino is named such because she has skin pale like a Domino and the black eye. This Domino isn't even black, her skin is brown so the white eye doesn't make any god damn sense. WHY WOULD ANYONE CALL HER DOMINO THEN reeeeee
t. nigger
She better not be sassy and use the words "white boi"
Very nice.
I know it was just a rumor but Janelle Monae really would've been better.
>skinny black woman with big tits
sounds good
Thoses tits are high reaching
what a waste and ugly nasty hair
Yep, time to boycott this movie.
Pam Grier was the hottest woman in the 70s
Another example of Hollywood blackwashing
Are there any movies where the opposite happens, where black characters are cast by white people?
Imagine the shitstorm if Black Panther was played by a white dude.
>triggered because a black female is in a movie
lmao at you
Those aren't brown. You sure showed him.
Oh no, I'm sure they're so worried about one racist not paying for a ticket.
The funniest thing about Sup Forums is that they think boycotts do anything.
You missed the point. You don't even know who Domino is so I won't bother explaining it to you.
>triggered because it upset muh precious comics
lmao at you
I don't care that they raceswapped Domino, I care that they chose this bitch over Janelle Monae.
Should've given her a black spot on her eye as her skin is such that it would still have stood out.
No, YOU'RE retarded if you think all dominoes are white w/ black spots lmao
Happy now, moron?
What about Domino's character precludes her from being black user?
just don't pay for watch the movie
not only is she blackwashed, but they even gave her the meme black girl hair. this shit is so forced it's not even funny.
Nobody cares about Dominogger, show Cable.
>meme hair
That's what black hair looks like
Yeah I can tolerate the brown/black skin but the afro is too much. She better not act like a stereotypical black, sassy gurl going all "uh uh, shut ya mouth crackah white boi!"
Pretty retarded that they didn't paint her white. She could've even kept the afro. And Deadpool could've quipped about a black chick being white. Stupid.
>we need to rise up my brothers. The completely irrelevant topic of social politics is amongst us and we must use our chanology in real life (without cringing somehow) to scare the normies and stop them blackwashing our favourite childish movie adaptations. Ree with me...
>Is another "Neo-Sup Forums underage Sup Forumstards gets triggered and starts being contrarian just because there is a black girl"
I so funny to watch how Sup Forums is filled with the worst kind of braindead monkeys sperging about plebbit and being racist 24/7 but in the end even Plebbit is superior on every single way and you can actually have a decent discussion there.
Deadpool 1 was fucking great and this one will prove that Sup Forums is wrong again, just like WW proved how shit is the state of this board.
A white woman with an afro would have been accused of cultural appropriation.
>you can actually have a decent discussion there.
not really. I hate both reddit and post 2016/pol/
Only one I can think of is Spawn
Why is that .
For me they just put whoever they want in a movie lol imagine worrying about tiny things like that
you are correct of course, but that big fro style is a fad these days in media, it's even in a bunch of video games coming out.
He means a black women with makeup that makes her skin white, like Sofia Boutella in Star Trek Beyond or The Mummy.
>he's actually one of these donald supporting kekistanis
lmao at you
>meme black girl hair
but that's just black hair?
lol why do you get so defensive pleb?
Sofia Nutella isn't black
She's uggo as fuck.
I wish they chose Janelle over this mulatto
>those tits
The fucking state of the world. A bunch of little bitches.
all domino's I've ever owned were black with white dots.
I guess it all comes down to where you grew up.
why are you so triggered?
I can't believe they cast a human in the role of a cartoon character what the fuck is wrong with them
>he actually got that upset at being laughed at in here he made a new thread in his safe space
Deadpool had the superior white male, latina mix. This is downgraded miscegenation.
The only way tv/ would not be triggered is if she was red and blue.
I bet the people who say it's okay to blackwash would fucking cry and rage if black characters like Black Panther, Luke Cage, War Machine and Storm would be played by white people.
It feels like half the replies in here are done by you.
how is it blackface face? she has a black eye, give her a black boyfriend and nobody would question it
Who here /r/blacksonmyfamily
Why not just fucking change her skin colour with make up?
They could get past the fucking race thing but they chose not to and "le frizzy haired Qang" look is fucking overdone
and you, obviously
>dat manface
jesus fucking christ
>there's gonna be a joke about Deadpool touching her hair and her getting triggered about it
What do you expect? Most of them are literal children.
Trump is having an awful week, expect a lot of shitposting.
Yeah but she's not white either
those look kind of purple
can't wait for the mexican Cable singing DES PA CITO with Deadpool
Of course they would
They chimp out over "white washing" in 50 year old movies and remember #oscarssowhite?
Damn dude so fucking hot... What a f*cking babe!!!! :)))
Fun fact: making fun of niggers has always been part of Sup Forums culture since its inception. Sup Forums was not the first board to do this.
Please lurk more and think before you post some holier than thou bullshit, nigger.
Hopefully that's the explanation for the spot. Otherwise they should have just given her a black spot.
>you can have decent discussion on reddit, a site where dissenting opinions are downvoted and buried
Kill yourself and film it. I want to watch you die.
nigger hair is so disgusting
Where did the black guy from Highschool Musical get his tits?
tbf those are pretty significant characters and Domino is not
With the exception of Rhodes their heritage is apart of the character.
Niggers don't wash their hair as well, because once they get their afro or corn rows they don't want to ruin it with water.
Ever actually been near a black person? They smell like a mixture of poop, vomit, and BO.