This is one of post-Drump writers of Rick and Morty
This is one of post-Drump writers of Rick and Morty
>Yeah, let's vote for the guys who support Saudi Arabia
The fucking irony
>Rape culture is real
This must mean that rap music contributes to gang violence ;^)
>Read this
>because you already know
>Read this because it reaffirms a position you've already decided to hold
And yes, Sup Forumstards frequently do the same.
So? Are people not entitled to their own opinions? What relevancy does this have to the show?
tfw no sterra gf
>read this thread
The writing is as vapid and uninformed as she is.
Conservative types are frequently ostracized, smeared and fired for holding opinions.
>What relevancy does this have to the show?
Quality of writing for the show got really bad.
a chain of tweets by the same person is opened after clicking the embed
those are their threads
Who is this?
Joseph "load catcher" Rogan
Why are liberals so fucking pathetic?
Why does he look like such a frat douche?
women are niggers of genders
>w-we're doing female writers now MORTY urrrpp WOMEN ARE FUNNY GET OVER IT MORTY
>bitching about supporting Saudi Arabia
What do trumpfaggots mean by this?
I wish Dan Harmon weren't such an insufferable SJW. He would be a truly brilliant writer if he didn't let stupid faggots whining about race and sexism to infect his writing team and style.
What strike is going on?
It's relevant because Adult Swim cancelled a show last year because of the creator's pro-Trumpness.
Eh he said they had to pay for protection during the election and now they ponied up 10 billion for it. Just because he accepted some hospitality for them doesn't make things that much different.
What was his name again?
Seth Rich
They voted for a literal retard that, no surprise, didn't do any of the shit he promised in his campaign. I don't know who's more retarded him with his "let's make the wall see-through to avoid dying to sacks of drugs dropping from the sky," or the people who continue to support him.
>I don't know who's more retarded
You are.
>Sell old equipment to Sauds in exchange for money
What's the problem?
Reminder that Rick and Morty was based off Back to the Future and now, like Back to the Future, will have jokes that shit on Trump
>9 more episodes
>Sup Forumsshits will whine about every single one on Sup Forums
>and I will get to mock them the whole time
I love this show so much.
>Good things
What's wrong with Rwanda? Other than the assassinations.
>"no you!"
Kill yourself.
>get a medal
>retards pretend you were bowing