>this fucking sequence
We definitely need more shit like this.
>this fucking sequence
We definitely need more shit like this.
>shit means good
Why are americans so disgusting?
This sequence was terrible, I've seen video game cutscenes that looked better.
Shit either means "stuff" or "awful". As a word it's never good on its own.
> I've seen video game cutscenes that looked better.
thats the point. it was like watching a cgi trailer from -actually- good assassins creed games, which is a good thing
Shit is the name of the thing that get out of your ass.
Something like this would work for the Flash movie if they ever get it off the ground but it needs to be less stiff.
>Guy Ritchie confirmed as new director of Flashpoint
And Sup Forums complains about capeshit.
i havent seen this movie yet but this unironically looks kino
>million dollar special effects budget
>get outshined by the swordfight in Princess Bride
which jrpg is this?
I was so fucking hype after these scenes. This one, the end of the chase scene, and the conclusion. I love this movie.
I liked the whole setup to reclaim the sword more.
Yeah, but now we can show instead of tell.
It looked like shit in high definition. I know that Sup Forums likes to trash shit by asking what PS2 game a scene is from but there were many times during this fight where Hunnam looked like his body had no depth to it.
Or you could understand that a sword fight between two established characters that plays a significant role in the development of their later friendship and mutual respect of one another is better than some CGI jack-off contest where a 3d puppet flies around punching dozens of 3d puppets
Story telling is pointless when you forget the story.
Sorry it's not a Greek tragedy. I prefer the Roman stuff with the Deus ex machina and the blood and gore.
The soundtrack in general was really good, much better than the movie deserved.
I hope this Pemberton guy gets a chance to do better movies.
>Sup Forums will always harp on the fights in Capeshit, yet will call this 100% CGI scene that looks like a video game "kino"
Never change
>but there were many times during this fight where Hunnam looked like his body had no depth to it.
To be fair his character never had any depth. Also, that PS2 comparison is good. This felt like it could have been the basic story for a solid video game, but not a good movie.
obviously this looks absolutely terrible we all know it nobodys clever for thinking it
fuck me i still want a lot more though
I'm not saying it's a greek tragedy. I'm saying a fight scene WAS PART OF THE PLOT rather than justifying ticket prices by throwing some flashy sequence together so normshits think its impressive
Flashy scenes are great in Roman Plays. Greek tragedy is in comparison staid and boring, like you like.
Sorry that you're too pleb to understand the history of film, but I'm glad I could help you learn something today. Maybe try reddit if you're into just having fun and joking about movies instead of actually digging into them.
"lol i trol u"
If you don't understand the roots of film in theater, and before that the Greek and Roman plays, then you don't get film.
You can troll me all you want. Doesn't hide your ignorance.
>a fucking King Arthur movie needed a final boss battle with a cgi character while there's also cgi destruction porn around them for no good reason
also Ritchie needs to stop sperging with the camera, he will never top the forest scene from Sherlock Holmes
other than that, not even half as bad as the rt score and consensus made it out to be
I'll say this, it had a better Ares than Wonder Woman
Why the fuck didn't they just make this a completely CG animated movie? The fight scenes are already all CG, they didn't even use the damn actors
>Come father, let us embrace at last
A shit kid to be sure, but it's not totally his fault. At least his bitch of a mom got hers.
That film is actual kino.
hahahaha goddamn. very funny
I don't know dude Arthur is kind of a shitty character in this and the films a mess.
I got you OP
looks better than Arthur tbqh, not saying much but still
>everyone stands tehre not firing their guns
only works for medieval shit, just looks retarded with guns, like in john wick where everyone holds guns and then just runs at him aimlessly
>hanging tree
>that mask
The gameplay looks awesome.
Which Dark Souls boss is this? Based Excalibur tearing shit up.
much, much worse than even Snyder. and Snyder is bad
Video games were a mistake.
This is japan fantasy tier
or chinese or whatever
what happened to guy ritchie
snatch and lock stock are pure kino
Does this shit work in the Chinese market?
This shit isn't kino.
Usually but not this time
i haven't seen trash this bad since the ending of arrow s4.
That movie was fucking raw.
Remember when 300 came out and people actually thought slow-mo was cool? Good times.
Sometimes I'm not sure when Sup Forums is being ironic or not.
To be fair, 300 had the perfect use of slow mo.
>Charlie Hunnam is the lead in both the best and worst movie I've seen this year
Lost city of Z was 2016 mane
t. 12 year old
The only people hating on this movie are the sjw pussied numales. This movie was epic and badass as fuck. Every time he went into excalibur mode i got hard as a rock.
Jesus, no wonder capeshit dominates.
seeHere's a good chance to see if you can tell
Those scenes establish why the sword in the hands of the rightful king turns him into a force of nature. I have no idea why you'd consider that a bad thing. Let's hear how you would convey that.
watch this with the Mortal Kombat theme playing
I wouldn't, because it's asinine. Sounds like something a fourth grader would find really cool.
How about in a way that doesn't make it look like a bad videogame?
Oh good. We eagerly await the epic third historification of mythic subject matter. People like you are why we keep getting lackluster shitshows like "Troy," which admittedly had some great fight scenes, but could have been so, so much more.
I actually liked it
>but could have been so, so much more
Sounds a lot like this film mate
How about a movie that focuses on the drama of the characters, only using fight scenes as elements of that human story, creating a modern take on the meaning of an old myth, instead of a spastic CGI fest where you brainlessly watch a bunch of guys get killed for little reason beyond "we gotta have a badass fight where he kills like fifty guys to show he's a badass"
Got a headache when I was watching this
By your command
jesus christ just hire snyder if you want to make this kind of thing look good
good shit user
woo woooo
Good god.
That manages to be insulting. To Mortal Kombat.
Eh, halfway decent cut scene. What video game is this from?
I like how whenever a movie does something stupid fun like this, everyone on Sup Forums takes it seriously, putting no their patrician fedoras to bash on it and capeshit.
The fucking Holy Grail has a better fight than this
Now this I can get into
How about some scenes that illustrate why rightful king plus sword actually inspires awe?
Yes, please. I would love a scene that would actually inspire awe. If the one in OP had that effect on you your standards are dismally low.
Off the top of my head, here are some actually well done fight scenes similar in principle to "rightful king + sword"
Note that a consistent theme with these is that they are dramatic because of the tension created by the characters, not because of a bunch of flashy jumping around and killing things.
(sorry for the anime in the last one, but it's one of my favorite examples of that kind of drama).
>MCU Spider-Man isn't even allowed to punch anyone
>every fight is a CGI shitfest with no emotion
>everyone associated with him has been turned into an SJW minority
>movie underperforms, won't make nearly as much as the originals
I hate modern capeshit so much. No amount of CGI can top this.
>every spider-man villain dies in the Raimi movies because lazy writing
>Spider-Man in Homecoming actually manages to bring his in alive for once
Suck shit nostalgiafaggot.
when you miss the point of tracking/long take shots
I think this missed the point of any kind of shot
>le princess bride had good fight scenes meme
it was a realistic swords fight, which means it was a borefest because actual fights are unexciting
t. Disnygger
It's actually really cool how they made Excalibur actually really powerful instead of just making it like any other sword.
Can they just make a Witcher movie already they already got the tools
They're making a Netflix show. Which means there's going to be no monsters, it's going to be entirely focused on drama between who Geralt is fucking currently and a good chance at a main character being niggerwashed.
>a main character being niggerwashed.
They can't niggerwash Geralt, NOBODY will watch it
That's never stopped these people before.
>taking on the whitest game of all time
>the sword in the stone is excalibur
lol wtf anyone who is up on their arthurian legends knows that the sword in the stone and excalibur are two different swords.
that must be why they pull in millions of dollars as pay-per-view events I guess
Watch the author of the books, which the show is allegedly more closely tied to, push for just that out of spite.
oh my