is the 80's really that cool?
Is the 80's really that cool?
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No it wasn't. anyone that disagrees has a nostalgia boner.
better than the 70's, 90's, 00's, and now.
I was born in 2025 but i wish i grew up in the nineteen eighties, like all my heroes.
Also the '60s. Civilization has been in the shitter for a while now.
90's wasn't that bad. A lot of great shows/movies from the early 90's couldn't even exist in this day and age.
60s were awesome, lots of hippy serial killer pedophiles high on lsd and feminism
70s were shit, watch local digital tv channels they play the crappy 70s tv shows that don't cost much to license, they are just fucking horrible
80s were fucking awesome
90s were pretty good
everything after 2000 is garbage
The 80's were awesome if you were rich.
If you weren't, then you probably fucking hated them.
I can't be too sure though, seeing as how I was just a baby at the time.
Only media addicted numales and manchildren thik so. Literally everything beside your shitty popculture is better now.
>literally everything
Prove it manchild.