Dude just peel off your skin with a knife and you will be fine, LMAO
Dude just peel off your skin with a knife and you will be fine, LMAO
>it actually worked the absolute surgeon
>I will walk the earth from west to east, I will saill from sun rise to sun set, I will travel to lands no westerosis has ever set an eye on, I won't have a day of rest until I find someone in this world who can cure me, and then I will join you Khaleesi
>Go Jorah, I command you to find a cure
2 months later
Jorah is sitting in oldtown waiting for death
>have something weird on your skin
>natural urge is to peel it off instantly
>that's the cure
>that's the MOTHERFUCKING cure
He was just super lucky
The archmeister even said it was lucky
go back to your general fucking faggot
Don't forgget the ointment though, or it can get infected.
This was so laughable it bordered on parody
You still needed a certain ointment though. And you couldn't miss a spot. In medicine you're likely to miss at least one spot.
I suspect that a similar procedure will happen, but it will take months for Jorah to be cured.
It seems to cause enhanced pain sensitivity in the afflicted area, like flesh-eating disease does IRL. It would be painful to the point that the person trying to operate on themselves would just lose motor function. Also he needed some special meds that apparently only had to be applied once, so there's that.
Dont you people have containment threads?
>I suspect that a similar procedure will happen, but it will take months for Jorah to be cured.
You mean before he jumps in front of a ballista to stop Drogon from being killed
I suspect that a similar procedure will happen in the books, but it will take months for Jorah to be cured.
Wait a goddamn second. They have this uncurable illness that shows symptoms on the skin. And noone ever thought of amputating the affected limb or, even easier, just remove the skin?
Are they all idiots?
Why didn't he just chop off his hand immediately? Everyone knows about greyscale and what it does.
So they had the cure for greyscale the entire time in those books, but they just never bothered using it because it was hard?
>And noone ever thought of amputating the affected limb or, even easier, just remove the skin?
The old man in the citadel told Jorah "you should have amputated the affected area immediately", so that's definitely a common practice. Removing the skin has actually been done before, that's how Sam was able to read about it, but it's absurdly dangerous because if the scale comes into contact with somebody else's skin they get infected, and they could spread it very quickly before they even noticed that they had it.
retard if you had actually watched the show instead of furiously mashing away at captchas you would have heard the line about how he applied an ointment as well
>And noone ever thought of amputating the affected limb or, even easier, just remove the skin?
except for you know how they said that he should have cut it off and then they also had the cure written down in a book, ya dipshit.
>Are they all idiots?
>projecting this hard
Why has noone tried that with the daughter of Stannis?
I mean the dude searched for a cure far and wide and somehow missed that? I think he even said in the show he literally tried everything and asked everyone.
It was dangerous.
what I want to know is how the fuck he was able to survive having like 30% of his skin peeled off
lol Jorah doesn't even have greyscale in the books and never even was near any stonemen
>maester gives Jorah 1 day
>heaps of shit happens
>people teleport all over the place
>ships manage to sail around the entire continent
>next day
>"get out of this room"
bravo d&d bravo
Why didn't he cut his arm off right away?
>It's another Sup Forums thinks they are smart for nitpicking GOT thread.
>lol Jorah doesn't even have greyscale in the books
What, yes he does.
Everything in Game of Thrones is dangerous.
So hard even a novice can "operate" on a guy who had the disease covering about 25% of his skin surface, treat and cure him in one night.
Even if you factor in maesters not wanting to perform the surgery since there's a high chance of contagion ... there's no reason one afflicted person would not want to attempt it on another and so on.
It's literally just cutting off the diseased skin and applying some ointment.
No he doesn't, it's Aegon's guardian, Connington or whoever the fuck.
Its probably going to come back. And the fat kid will also get it now.
It already was basically cured, or at least it wasn't spreading or contagious so there was no need.
Also D&D are hacks.
jorah doesnt get greyscale
There's no rule specifying that got should be only posted in a general. If you're so triggered about it, hide it.
>>it actually worked the absolute surgeon
It was dangerous to other people as well, not just the infected one. Sam could've contracted it and spread it to everyone else in the Citadel.
>"just peel it off derp"
Are attention spans really this short? He had to apply medicine as well. You also had to make sure you removed all of it by cutting deeply into the skin. And the procedure had a low success rate.
> maesters not wanting to perform the surgery since there's a high chance of contagion
Which in itself is fucking stupid, because these people literally have the cure. Why would the possibility of contagion be a problem? If the procedure, which again only involves them scraping off some skin and applying ointment, had been performed on someone suffering the earliest stages of the disease, it would take like a minute tops.
>There's no rule specifying that got should be only posted in a general.
How to spot a newfag
fuck this made me laugh
>Sam could've contracted it
So fucking what? Did you forget they have a cure for it? It's the exact thing we're talking about right now.
Report me, then.
>Why would the possibility of contagion be a problem?
To maesters it would since they're shown to be vain people with their heads up their ass whose only goal in life is to accrue chain links.
you seriously nigga watchin a show wid dragons & shit and askin why a dood didn't survive a flesh wound ?
>cutting deeply
so deep that the skin regrew without grafting and looks like a mild sunburn
>dude it has dragons in it so you can't criticize anything that's retarded xD
just leave
Maybe he will
>instead of furiously mashing away at captchas
>He think everything happen in real time
>an ointment as well
Yeah and it was fucking nothing, it probably just was their equivalent of hydrogen peroxide.
Reality is tearing itself apart. Everything according to keikaku.
>dude the show has dragons so you can't criticize the complete lack of internal logic and consistency, I'm so dumb xD!
why did he not cut his hand moment he saw it growing?
This isn't a modern first world society where if you notice something wrong you immediately seek medical attention. The vast majority of people are extremely poor and uneducated. They may not know how to identify early signs of it from a bad rash, hell they might not even realize it's a thing. By the time they realize it wasn't just a bad rash, it has spread, they've likely infected their families, and are beyond what anyone with medical knowledge is willing to do. Jorah was lucky to have been in the right place at the right time.
He wanted to be hand of the queen
I mean, they live in a world with magic, dragons, giants, undead and ice people. A miraculous cure shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
Still, shit was obviously too convenient. They gave Jorah greyscale to mirror what happened to Jon Connington in the books, but threw out the idea because Jorah probably has shit left to do in the story.
The show probably needed a few more seasons to properly adapt the books but they had to rush the whole thing, and this pile of crap is the result.
I wonder how often he thinks "I sure wish I didn't sell those guys who committed a crime punishable by death into slavery"
>A miraculous cure shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
There is nothing miraculous about this, it's a fucking dumb and easy procedure that everyone can do.
The thing that's even dumber is that at the very least greyscale would never propagate if it's as easy as cutting a limb to remove the disease.
It seems you think "miraculous" is the same as "complicated."
>Fire god/demon wants jon targaryen to wipe out the icey white walkers and night king because the fire hates ice
>it's a fucking dumb and easy procedure that everyone can do.
This. One of the dumbest characters did it. Without any instructions. Without a place where he could find the very specific required tools and ointments and it was fast.
He basically did it in the wild.
*hand in the queen
*hand on his thing
> adjective 1.
>performed by or involving a supernatural power or agency:
>a miraculous cure.
It seems you don't understand the meaning of that word.
did he have to get the skin on his benis pealed off? is he circumsized now?
I always figured that in order to cure it, maesters would have to apply some sort of procedure that would mash up magic and science. Alchemy.
That's what I thought of when Stannis told Shireen how she got cured.
It's at least more interesting than just scrubbing the infected area with a screwdriver.
>Why has noone tried that with the daughter of Stannis?
Are you asking why Stannis didn't remove the skin from her face?
wasnt the disease on her face? how do you remove the face?
Ummmm, why do you retards need like a gorillion threads for your shit little harry potter spinoff?
Seriously sweeties, stick to your containment thread
>/fit/ finds the permanent no-fap
Tell me about Shiren, why is she wearing a mask?
i just don't get the point of it, is Iain Glen overpaid? what's the purpose of removing him from the story for a while if it didn't do anything for the plot?
Sam didn't get kicked out, they didn't become friends or partners, Jorah didn't meet anyone, he didn't change anything in the westerosi wars, etc.
the only thing we took from this shit is only even fewer good actors with screen time
>please respond
They told him that he should have done that.
It's not easy for a Knight to lose a limb though, it fucked the king slayers entire life up.
Also, being a cripple is a terrible fate in that world, it may be better to die in some peoples minds.
>hey guys i am new to Sup Forums and havent been on here while GoT was airing before Xd
When it comes to self-defeating posts, you seem to be a pro. Did you even bother reading what you copied and pasted?
oooooohh THE OINTMENT you guys
Do you have PROVES of that?
Rules are that you check the catalog before posting, there is zero reason to have a thread about a single nit-pick that you virgins can't handle.
This is all normie shit anyway, it doesn't belong here, none of you do.
Ask the house of black and white.
Announcing reports is against the rules, poindexter.
Sam is one of the smartest characters when it comes to book smarts, he is just a weak fatbody that started with no survival skills. He spent his entire youth reading instead of training to fight.
use butcher's knife and chop
The fact that you lack reading comprehension was clear from the start but I didn't expect you to be this dumb, I guess you truly are the average got viewer.
I'm so fucking mad that the ointment didn't include something related with dragonglass. At least it would be a surprise treatment because Shireen literally lived on top of a dragonglass mine so that her cure might be explained with that also. Because dragonglass is 'magic' in the universe. I would be really satisfied with that explanation.
Simply peel off the skin and apply baticon. Whoa what a great treatment. Fuck you dungeons&dragons
The fact they call it an ointment and not a potion and make no hints at anything magical makes that pretty clear, on top of the fact that the procedure says to apply it after the cuts, which itself implies it's a disinfectant to prevent infections on the open wounds.
Resin of pine, green bark of elder twigs, white beeswax, oil from the olive.
That's literally it.
>idiot implies that a miracle has to be complicated
>proceeds to post definition which states nothing of the sort
>proceeds to project his lack of reading comprehension on others
You're a shortbus kid.
>The vast majority of people
I'm not talking about the vast majority of people. I'm talking about the people who literally cure disease as a profession. I'm asking why the people who possess the cure and who know it is a matter of scraping off skin from the effected area and applying ointment would be so put off by the idea of contracting this incredibly treatable disease that they'd just literally say fuck it all forever? The reason greyscale is a problem in the world of the show is that it is thought to be incurable, not because people aren't seeking medical attention. Why are you bending over so far to justify this shitty plot device?
This is the most jarring thing to me. Old town seems to operate and some weird timeframe where everything can be happening at any time for plot convenience.
Because he would bleed to death and die you moron. Chop of your hand right now with a meat cleaver and don't call any ambulance and let's see how long will you llast.
Its just an ointment to cease pain and stop other infections you fool
Why does Jorah seem to be invincible to D&D's feminist agenda?
Is it because they are trying to glorify beta orbiters?
please return to reddit immediately, faggots.
That shit does wonders for me, it's a miracle ointment.
Ok you are cured from this highly infectious disease spread by contact. Cool let me put on my disgusting shirt Ive had on the whole time. Later gators
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
So that there is a setup of him suddenly appearing out of nowhere and saving Khaleese from Lannisters/undead and providing a Holywood kiss so that entire normie audience can gasp all at once.
>annoucnign reports
what a moron. He is probably from reddit himself