Why does the Empire/First Order/Republic hate peripheral vision?
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Roger, Roger
Because they like having heads.
Also, those helmets have all sorts of sensors in them that they see better with the helmets on then off.
Prequels had best looking clone troopers, especially episode 3
God that fucking FO helmet looks disgusting
because the film "star wars" was a space fantasy movie made for little kids where a wizard teaches a young orphan boy how to use magic to fight the evil emperor and his black knight henchman
Cartoons had the best troopers of all.
Why was it that the Clone troopers were the best army ever but the moment they became Storm Troopers they managed to become almost as shit tier as droids?
Clone troopers =/= Storm troopers
Most of the original Storm Troopers were clones.
Its been like 18 years so most of the original clones are now dead. There was also something to do with degeneration iirc but im not sure
No, they weren't. They were all decommissioned when the Empire took over.
By the time ANH took place, those clones were phased out. They were grown at an accelerated rate so they aged faster.
>the mouth expands over time
>the First order trooper is grinning from ear to ear
Why is FO so smug?
There's actually canonical references to these helmets being shit and making shit harder to do. It's kind of annoying how impractical and fucking stupid most of the tech in star wars is, but no one can change it now because our lord and savior George Lucas and co designed it.
Like wtf is with datapads man. Imagine everytime you got new orders or a new email or whatever the fuck, some moron in a shitty helmet brings you an entirely new ipad.
Too many tech fails to even list.
It honestly looks like a natural progression. I hated TFO overal but the storm troopers were the one design they didn't fuck up
>t. Disneyshill
>ties have no peripheral vision
>republic /rebelpilots have no space suits
>fucking white armor for evey situation
>star Destroyer armament is all over the place, only way for it to shoot all its guns at something is for it to be under it.
I guess for the same reason medieval knights hated it.
However it seems their armor never blocks blaster shots so who cares?
I'm more interested as to why nearly everyone in that stupid universe fires their weapons from the hip at all times.
All i ever wanted was a 501st legion movie
But now we know that shit ain't gonna happen
Since rogue one fucked over their canon with fan fiction tier garbage
Would have loved to have seen rebel scum get BTFO by the 501st and sucked into space attempting to steal the DS plans from polis massa