Paul Walker BTFO.
Paul Walker BTFO
I care about a lot of stupid shit but I will never understand how in the world people give a shit about what random pop song has more views than the other.
Is this the normalfag version of arguing over Marvel vs. DC?
Holy shit that's a good song and video
Thanks OP
Everything in life is always about X vs Y, you just haven't realized it yet.
World is full of simple minded people surprise surprise
Literally spics. They're half of capeshit ticket sales too.
>Is this the normalfag version of arguing over Marvel vs. DC?
That is the normalfag version, retard.
oh really can you prove that
people make everything into x vs y camps because they lack anything better to do
>Is this the normalfag version of arguing over Marvel vs. DC?
>le i watch comic books movies i is such a le nerd xDD us 4channers amirite xDD
I've never heard of either of those.
I don't know what is despacito or see you again.I thought the most viewed vid on youtube was gangnam style.What the normies like in these shitty songs? Seems like basic pop soup like every summers, nothing special.I will never understand them.
I'm pretty sure the average person doesn't participate in capeshit "btfo" threads on Sup Forums.
>never heard of any of this shit outside of Sup Forums
I've never seen either of those videos. But then again looking at the "trending" videos section gives me an ulcer so it's probably not surprising
See you again is a track from the Furious 7 movie that remembers Paul Walker.
Despacito is the current meme song by a few Puerto Ricans with a version of the track that features Justin Bieber.
Typical divisional social propaganda. You try to make a side to be on so you can hate others that are not on your side as well as bring others to your side to prevent your own cognitive dissonance. The truth of the matter is that you are using "divide and conquer" tactics you learned from entertainment propaganda meant to keep the masses off balance and disorganized.
There are no "sides" to be on. Stop making up problems where none exist.
You will be hard pressed to find a more normie meme than marvel vs dc. Now fuck off you faggot.
you might wanna leave your house ya cunt
I just realised I missed out an entire years worth of shitposting for not knowing this song
how could you have missed it? people are still posting about it all over normiebook. i see something about it weekly.
I have no facebook
>See you Again has almost 3 billion views
I remember when people were shocked by a video hitting 1 billion views. What has happened?
Hell, I remember when the highest viewed video on Youtube had under 40 million views and I was amazed at its success.
Pure trash, I wish I could gather you all in a gigantic frying pan and slowly cook you all to death.
Who even listens to the trash song? Latinos and Pajeets according to YT comments? I'm Yuropoor and literally never heard the song.
Justin Bieber did a remix of this song so gringos too.
There have been some shitty pop hits, but this one takes the cake
Didnt Paul Walker drive drunk and killed himself by being retarded? Not sure why normies cared.
wrong, everything is entirely X vs Y.
> be me
> weirdo neet with bar job
> aspy as fuck but can somehow flounder through social situations and look 70% normal
> have really chill radio station on that keeps it fresh and doesnt repeat any songs
> new manager comes and installs barbeats(tm)
> managed through online portal, no way of changing songs through audio jack
> Despacito, this is how we do it down in puerto rico, despacito on loop for days on end now
> normies don't seem to get bored of it
> they seem to enjoy it the more its played
> mfw i shoot up the place
>What has happened?
The internet got more popular, same as it has done every year since it was invented
Holy fuck I'm old. When the fuck did "See you again" steal 1st spot from Gangnam Style?
And to think that Evolution of Dance was once the most viewed video on YT. Kill me pls.
That's chinks for capeshit actually
he wasn't drunk
and he wasn't driving
he did die in a car crash
Pretty sure he was driving recklessly
that's what I don't get
I wouldn't even say that it's a shit song, but it's some of the most boring spanish shit I ever heard, how is it possible to enjoy it for so long is beyond me
hang in there buddy
Oh I'm what, so I've never heard of either of these songs, or either of these artists.
But I don't begrudge you non-whites a good time and I know how much you enjoy rhythmic repeating sounds so jolly good I say, carry on.
>makes song that all spanish speakers eat up
>all westeners that "wants to feel the heat" loves it
no shit its the most viewed what ever
>fresh out of uni with dogshit degree
>work for my dads girlsfriend's company folding small pieces of paper and putting them inside envelopes all day long for pennies
>they play the same radio station all day every day
>has maybe 6 songs that play on a loop
Think of the 6 worst most normie-centric, uninspired cookie-cutter ear-worm pop songs from the summer of 2015, it was those
>not allowed to wear headphones because there's a fire risk or some such shit
>have to stand there 7 hours a day for 3 months trying not to grind my teeth into dust literally going insane by focusing on counting tens of thousands of pieces of paper
then you're pretty wrong
Not a big loss for Paul Walker
Nobody beat Paul Walker's record of burning faster than a fucking newspaper.
>I've never heard of either of these songs
oh look, another special snowflake! you're soo cool, dude!
cheers famalam, i go to my happy place now
sounds rough as fuck frog bro, was one of the songs Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines at all? what scares me the most is not being able to get the songs out of your head and accidentally speaking in the lyrics
>Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines
that's a good song though
what's paul walker's connection to the song?
I'm in fucking Italy and they play this horrible song over and over and over again. Like at a bar they will play this song, then two other songs, then this song again.
He wasn't driving, you thick fuck.
See you again was the former number 1 - from Furious 7
ah. thank you.
Be very careful now...
>neet with bar job
that's not how it works.
My step cousin died of a heroin overdose and his mom found him, this song was played at his funeral
you fucks have short memories
How could they have surpassed this absolute kino?
If you've ever been to Latin America you'll know that for a bar or cafe's sound system they just hook up a laptop play the same 6 reggaeton songs looped on youtube
>gangnam style was uploaded 5 years ago
Yeah, you're probably right. Spics are definitely propping up the Fast & Furious ticket sales though.
Why does everybody act like Paul Walker was a household name?
He's just some actor who stars in dumb car movies, why the fuck are people around the world hysterically crying over his death?
Because he was incredibly handsome. ;_;
Because a lot of people have watched the Fast&Furious movies.
It's like saying that Carry Fisher was a no body because she only stars in Star Wars. ONLY STAR WARS means you are known forever.
are you really comparing Star Wars to Fast&Furious
tell me where the Fast&furious attraction is at Disneyland, I can't find it on the map
who's carrie fisher? who was his character in star wars?
Something passed Gangnam Style? I guess I haven't paid attention in awhile.
he was the favorite white guy of the latino community
it's at universalpark, you redundantly retarded moron. years before starwars came in disneyland, you apocalyptically stupid idiot.
I wasn't trying tho compare them, it was only an example you dummy.
Also you can think the Fast&Furious movies are shit but they have done a lot of money.
Did you guys know that Paul Walker suffered from chronic dandruff?
It's fucking shit, my man
>five years
go back to school, child.
I look at the numbers every once in a while. It's just a very fleeting thing to care about really
>you dummy
For an actor, his songs are pretty good. He's an excellent actor but an average singer.
you're partly wrong. it's not chronic dandruff. it's acute dandruff. because paul walker a cute. A CUTE!
>Robin Thicke
are you retarded or what? robin thicke hasnt been in shit since growing pains. in 199 fucking 1. He hasnt done any real acting since BEFORE THE SOVIET UNION FELL
Nah, they found his head and shoulders in the glove box
yeah from getting his top half sawed off by metal and tree
your post reminded me of the time in my life when i actually had a notebook where i write down on each page the week's top 10 songs on mtv using differently-colored pens to indicate if they went up or down or new from prev week's list and other info that i don't remember now. i would spend hours each week updating that notebook.
i'm currently honestly flabbergasted why i did that.
Not sure why I found this so funny
good one, user. i especially like your starting with that first sentence. brofist.jpg
i know why. because you're an emotionally-damaged psychopath.
It's because you have autism.
I just think the fact that in this day and age a single video can get billions upon billions of views is fucking insane and worth discussing. What does it say about humanity collectively when this and Gangnam Style garner literal global attention?
I unironically like this show. Very catchy and fun.
The hell is Daspachio?
Anyone else actually like Despacito?
But who is correct?
despacito is the reason why i don't have a radio, it's played on all the frequencies at all times
ITT: people pretending they don't know what Despacito is
First time I've heard of it was a few days ago on the news, I don't understand how people can enjoy that kind of trash.
I didn't expect that.
It's even worse if you understand the lyrics.
**Hey girl, want some fuck/lemme smash**