You'll Float, We All Float

I don't get this line. He says it basically every time he shows up. Is it supposed to be creepy? I'm guessing it makes more sense in the book?

Other urls found in this thread:

dead bodies float in the sewers. He says it way more often in the movie than the book though.

> Tell your friends I am the last of a dying race,' it said, grinning its sunken grin as it staggered and lurched down the proch steps after her. 'The only survivor of a dying planet. I have come to rob all the women...rape all the men...and learn to do the Peppermint Twist!

what did he mean by this?


IT is female and not a lesbian

>"hey, why haven't I finished IT yet?"
>those first few chapters full of King-repetition and boring drivel

Stephen King cant end a story to save his life
so IT became some elder alien god thing that has no real origin or purpose but to spook kiddies

this. IT is one of his better endings even. The Stand ends by god nuking the villian

not yours fatty

>no real origin or purpose but to spook kiddies
i know rite. Im reading the script now
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).

Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded has this been posted yet.

>tfw no one has posted that one part from the book.
about time we get to have a normal discussion

>That music

Pretty creepy, liking the looks of this movie so far.

Si puto

>He doesn't know that fat is buoyant

Seems like a random thing to know unless you're a scientist

>that one part
Wh-Which part user?

not yours lardass
you should be hittin the gym instead of the snackbar LMAO

unless we're talking about YOUR fat ass then it would be FLAMbuoyant you flaming ASSfaggot

Like why do you like er keep like saying like? It's like really like retarded

i like you


My body is ready

Fuck I love how he sounds, nice find man

>preteen sewer orgy

>this adaptation won't have THAT scene

calling it now, it'll be worse than the Tim Curry one

It's about the Deadlights and the Ritual of Chud part of the novel, which is tricky to convey on film.

Pennywise had a doberman head and clown body in the novel once. Should that part make it to the movie?

>no posting best spic Eso

is this the only scene we have with him talking?


>doberman head and clown body
That was in the original.

The only movie to be hyped about during this fall.

Glad to see they're not shying a away from the leper literally being a pedophile.


Why the fuck does that clown sound like a JET ENGINE at the end of the trailer??

Help me understand the hype behind the reboot. I grew up with it and I think it's okay, but overrated. Why is this so hyped up? Do people really think they'll get it right this time?

>remake/reboot is about the childhood part of the novel
I'm not as worried about the movie now because the kid stuff is the only good part of the book and the original movie.

Once they're adults IT stops being scary and the movie just becomes Tim Curry improving for 4 hours.

The ending of the novel is a coke fueled nightmare and I fucking hate it

Neither did the TV movie

This film single handedly destroyed my fathers clown career. He suicided shortly after

Well to start off the original film is fondly remembered because to normies IT is King's magnum opus and Tim Curry's performance is that memorable. The movie is honestly shit outside of the Pennywise scenes and King has written better stuff.

I'm hyped about this movie because its solely focusing on the kid part of the movie, which is the best and most genuinely scary part of the book

You don't need to use punctuation if you write LIKE that.

Half way through the book, wasn't excited for this movie at first but seeing how this looks to follow the book more closely I've become a lot more interested.

>finally watch the movie and read the book
>both go to shit as soon as the characters become adults
What happened?

It's cus horror movies have been beyond dogshit lately, everything's all going into capeshit, but the idea of a remake of a horror classic at least sounds good at this point.

> because to normies IT is King's magnum opus
you're retarded. IT is way down the list of sk's most well-known or admired pieces

>The ending of the novel is a coke fueled nightmare
I like coke-fueled nightmares. Why do you say that? Or is it kinda boring?

I'd say the Shining is more well known

Its fucking stupid and he clearly didn't know how to end it.

I'm not going to spoil it for you but the explanation on what Pennywise is and how ITs defeated makes the whole thing really lame

The old movie is corny as fuck, the book is an overbloated mess, but there's a lot of potential in the concept and I'm hoping the new movie does it better. Trailer looks promising at least.

is that the seam of the fake forehead?

He's a retard who's just memeing.

The first part of the old movie has some merit, but they just didn't have the budget to tackle on the bigger ideas from the source material when it came to the second part.

Then again I'm only giving the old film credit because I was a 8 years old at the time watching it. I'm pretty sure it's awful as an adult.


>what happened?
It stops being interesting because a story about an evil clown that kills children is only scary when the characters involved are children.

The whole reason so many people were scared by this movie was that they were kids when they saw it and the first half of the story was written specifically to scare kids.

The trailer of the new movie sums it up perfectly.
>When you're a kid, you think the world revolves around you
>People are supposed to take care of you and keep you safe
Then you have a story about kids going through horrific abuse and bullying while all the adults just ignore it. And on top of that an evil clown is trying to kill them/steal their souls.

Its why the original Nightmare on Elmstreet is scary. Your parents can't protect you from Freddy and they can't protect you from Pennywise

It's a combination of things that are hyping up this adaption

>the original tv movie is fondly remembered by kids who watched despite being mediocre
>the tv movie also made Pennywise THE evil clown when it comes to horror
>stranger things was a huge hit last summer while IT was in production, stranger things stole a ton of shit from stephen king (especially IT)
>this adaption takes place in the late 80s and we're clearly still in a "remember the 80s" phase of media
>horror movies have been absolute garbage as of recently while IT looks competently made and actually spooky

This movie has a perfect storm of hype surrounding it, I think it's gonna do surprisingly well at the box office.

By "coke fueled nightmare" I think he means its a jumbled mess that King thought up while he was on coke.

The ending has ideas that stray away from the whole vibe of the beginning of the book. You go into cosmic horror territory which is an ass pull in my opinion

Not way down at all

The Shining
The Stand
((((The Dark Tower))))
Maybe 2 more I'm not considering much

And then his other hundred stories way down the list. I have a soft spot for Pet Sematary even if King understandably hates it for being his darkest story.

I tried watching the original a couple weeks ago because I remember it spooking me as a kid, but I hate that half the movie is just 7 fucking flashbacks to basically the same scenario with each kid.

It just goes on and on and on.

>Not including the original adaptation of Carry or Dead Zone

The Stand and 'Salems Lot are always placed higher than It

I would say that these are all more notable Stephen King Stories than IT

Pet Semetary
Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile

>I don't get this line. Is it supposed to be creepy?

This is just how Stephen King writes. He likes to come up with terms, and he absolutely refuses to think about the phonetics, the symbolism, the meaning, or the feeling it evokes, and he'll just keep it in the book. This is because he doesn't edit his books.

So all of his books have these moments or phrases that are pretty stupid. And a good author would get around to changing it so it makes more sense or it feels more natural, but not Stephen King. He just keeps it in because he knows he can publish literal shit on a page and it'll make millions.

Like that scene from IT where the kid is trapped in the house and the monster is coming to get him, but he can't escape. Pretty suspenseful and nightmarish moment, right? How does he escape? He holds a book out and recites as many bird names as he can, and that unlocks the door so he can escape. Makes no sense. It's a pretty stupid way to end the scene. A good author would have changed it to something more exciting or more sensible, but not Stephen King.

>there are people ITT shallowly downplaying the importance of IT
Pathetic contrarianism as always.


Oh and probably Stand by Me too.


He feeds on their fear as much as he does their actual flesh, and it's inconsequential for him to spend time harassing the kids since he can apparently manifest or possess multiple people in multiple places at the same time

Have you never seen "Killer Clowns from Outer Space"?

pretty much the backstory

>IT's runtime is 135 minutes

Thank god, most horror movies are like 90 minutes. This means they're not cutting out the actual story to make it a simple spooky clown movie

This new movie's gonna be good, I can feel it.

THAT scene all but confirmed

>stranger things stole a ton of shit from stephen king (especially IT)
Nah, the whole point of it was to pay tribute to it and others

>2 and a half hours of literally nothing happening
>blind girl is psychic for no reason
>climax is 90s CG testicle monsters
I would have been legit angry if I saw that in theaters

135 minutes means they're cutting TONS of shit

At least it wasn't the Dome with the ancient aliens in some box

I was almost going to include Carrie, but just because of a couple scenes from the movie that started to launch his career. Tim Curry's perforamnce and Kubrick blow it out of the water in relevance. King literally threw that book in the trash.

I never bothered to read Dead Zone, I know it's important for Castle Rock stuff but Castle Rock stuff in this day and age is direct to TV stuff. Love it or hate it Pennywise made Derry the biggest haunted King town.

At this point it's juggling recognizability with merit. I love Cujo as a book but it's a 80s footnote doomed to live cameos compared to It.

Shawshank and Green Mile from the pile of stuff I was almost considering as notorious. But no way is It any less notorious than those. It's just different stages of the guy's career.

I saw this when I was a kid and that character was kinda unsettling. Like... too real to be just a villain. Some shit like that.

>Pet Semetary

Why is it spelled like that

That scene was confirmed not to be in by the director. Cary Fukunaga definitely wanted it in the movie though

What a generic piece of shit. This movie was dead the day Cary Fukunaga got ousted.

To be fair a ton of that would be stuff we don't really need to get a good movie. A Jaws shark with pompom fins swimming in Derry's canal would be featured in a Sharknado sequel.

You realize they're only adapting the childhood sections from IT, a 135 minute runtime is decent length to cover that.

Stuff will obviously be cut but as long as the overall story is there, the movie should be fine.

I don't know man. I feel like every one of the stories I listed are referenced more in pop culture than IT ever was. Some, like Misery, Shawshank, Green Mile & Shining because of a single adaptation, and others because they're just prime material for references. The "Prom Queen gets something dumped on her" thing from Carrie has been referenced dozens of times. Christine & Pet Semetary & Cujo are also just generally recognizable for their concept.

While the TV movie of IT influenced the "Evil Clown" trope, it didn't create it or monopolize it.


Part 2 has basically been confirmed by the director.
Can find a source if you want

It would please me

They're planning on doing the adult arc as a sequel set in the modern era.

In the book, it is misspelled with an S because the place was for kids to bury their dead pets and some kid had written the sign for the cemetery.
Not sure if that piece of info made it to the movie because I haven't seen it.

Doesn't that completely cut out everything with Mike's father by pushing it forward in time?

This is the state of education today.

“I’m not letting anyone [else] touch it. Everyone wants to make it and yeah, it seems like we’re going to do it. It’s the second half, it’s not a sequel. It’s the second half and it’s very connected to the first one. In my mind there will be that dialogue between the two timelines that we didn’t have in the first one because the first one is all about the kids.”

I'm sure your parents knew shit about buoyancy ether, kid.

Because the sign was written by children.

It's always about children with most of King's scariest stories.

Are they going to have the scene where the kids make an Indian smokehouse and hallucinate the origins of IT?

Its common knowledge you dumb fuck. Why are 90s born queers so stupid?

We all float down here, user


Go ahead. Prove it's common knowledge among middle aged men.

it was unintentionally hilarious too