I'll be useful,Sir.
I'll be useful,Sir
Other urls found in this thread:
give me dubs then
but only useful in the way you want it to be right?
was he really a hero though?
Ah, Yus Fulser. Come aboard.
>Nolan originally wanted to use Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" in the scene where the guy gets dunkirk'd
Based George poster
but who was Sir?
George was the equivalent of the soldiers who got shot right when the doors to the boats came down on Omaha Beach. Never got a chance to be heroic
>George dies
Wtf was Nolan thinking?
>make soldier a cup of tea
>he slaps it out of your hands
>make soldier another cup of tea
>he throws you down stairs so you hit your head causing blindness and eventual death
George had a hard life.
You'll be dead.
It was his fault though. Murphy clearly didn't want his tea
George should have been more firm about the tea situation.
fucking underrated
He's on me!
I'm on him
he was an hero
I loved how this kid and the other blonde kid were basically the representation of alpha and beta. Blonde kid is alpha Chad, better looking, better posture, more calm, more aware, naturally is just more of a help. Kid in OPs picture, sensitive looking, looks weak, afraid, feels the need to prove himself, and when shit hits the fan and he's in a life or death struggle, the beta subcoms to natural selection and dies by falling down 3 stairs while Chad returns home with a war story to tell all the bitches.
>Kid in OPs picture, sensitive looking, looks weak, afraid, feels the need to prove himself, and when shit hits the fan and he's in a life or death struggle, the beta subcoms to natural selection and dies by falling down 3 stairs
so basically he's the guy stalking me
Hot desu
>subcoms to natural selection when shit hits the fan
90% of Sup Forums would die of natural selection if they left the house and did activities. This sites bloodline is weak and you people are destined to fail at everything you do.
I have no words for Nolan's autism..he must be stopped.
with spelling like that, please don't breed
>mfw about to be on him
Watched the film tonight got to the scene where the bullet holes start appearing in the ship and the speaker behind the screen set on fire because they put the volume to max and everyone was evacuated.
Are the last 40 minutes worth watching the boring 1st hour again??
You'll be DEAD!
yeah the part where he cracks his neck halfway down the steps gave me a real hard on
user I recommend you go ahead and kill yourself
why would I do that?
>the fire literally rises
It was really funny everyone was confused and thought it was in the film but since we are British no one stood up before someone else did. so we sat there for a minute watching the screen slowly melt
He didn't fly so good.
Does Dunkirk have any references to CIA or Bane?
He's also wearing the coat that's similar to Bane's
That bit was actually quite genius, I liked it a lot. Hardy gave a fantastic performance, I think this movie deserves all the oscars.
>crashes many planes with no survivors
>is physically larger than all the Nazis
>watches the fire rise
>takes his mask off exclusively before scenes where he kills people
No it's just funny to meme
>big guy flying in a plane with a mask on
>crashing planes with no survivors left and right
>big guy does a CIA stance
>big guy get's himself caught all as a part of his master plan
Nolan literally baneposted throughout the whole film.
>tfw your plebeian friends don't appreciate Nolankino
>spoiling the end in the fuck trailer
Dunkirk is literally plebfilter.
>historic war film
This was in the trailer? In any case, without context it's hard to tell what that image really means.
He was our only saviour
>m-muh character development
Don't forget:
>muffles unintelligible things
>has a lot of loyalty
>getting caught might have been part of his plan
Fucking Jerry spy. What upstanding British chap doesn't want a lovely cup o' cha?
I could see why.
>Is it over sir, can we go home?
>It's done, Kirk.
A decent post.
>mother didn't realise it was germans capturing him
She's a moron, she watched that BBC show that portrayed both sides of WW1 and didn't realise until the final episode that one of the character arcs was german and the other english. She didn't recognise the uniforms or anything, she thought they were speaking english so they must be british soldiers.
Cillian murphy could have killed everyone, but he saw the kid got hurt and started feeling guilty and ashamed of his actions.
If wasn't for it, he would probably kick the shit out of everyone and return the boat.
So I guess he was.
Bravo Nolan
It was a different time.
>"I'll gob your knob for a cornish pastey."
What did he mean by that?
Look at what a simple decent haircut can do to someone's looks.
Take notice my fellow neckbeards.
should feature this one
he looks like a young bendydick crumblesnatch
>everyone was evacuated.
>tfw dark hair and green eyes master race
feels good to be superior
So after Tom hardy shot down the last plane that was coming for the boats right at the end how come he didnt just bail out of his spitfire and parachute down and join the rest of the lads on the beach and get a boat home? Or just jump out of the plane while it was above another boat and parachute into a boat? Seemed like landing the plane that far from the allys was a bit of a pointless 'death.' It had me thinking oh the plan is to land it refuel somehow and continue the air support, can anyone explain?
To make sure he can self destruct the plane so it doesn't get into the axis hands.
Because it looked cool.
Simply not high enough altitude to deploy a parachute. In essense he would be jumping off a three story building at high speed. Could have landed in water though. But maybe being unable to stall prevents that.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Maybe my cinema was shitty but I couldnt hear 50% of the dialogue in this movie
I believe that his motivation would be ensuring that the plane would hit the ground / sea without harming anyone.
Which is weird since he was out of fuel and cleared the soldiers quite early.
There was the moment earlier where his buddy refused to bail out too so perhaps parachuting was quite dangerous.
I would be more concerned about his ability to keep a plane in the air that long and also shoot down a combatant while gliding alone.
>still hasn't un-bunched his panties over this film
>Simply not high enough altitude to deploy a parachute. In essense he would be jumping off a three story building at high speed.
This, obviously.
>Could have landed in water though
And you were doing so well. Belly-flop into the sea and risk capsizing, or glide down onto a firm beach? You decide.
he looked good beforehand too lol
He was too low at the end to parachute, would just end up killing himself. You can even see him opening up the cockpit and looking down to see how close he really is and then closing it.
He basically constantly sacrificed himself to save others, he could've just turned back when he was at 15 gallons of fuel (like his orders were) but he chose to shoot down that last bomber. Then he could've just parachuted out of his plane when he ran out of fuel, but he chose to do a 180 and hunt down that last Stuka to save the others.
At that point he couldn't land on the sea on the left because landing a Spitfire on the water even under perfect conditions is pretty dangerous (as seen before in the film), let alone landing a gliding one with the engine off in wavy water. And ofcourse he can't land anywhere on the right so the only choice was to land on the beach, but since he was way out of the safe perimeter he had to burn the Spitfire so the germans don't copy their technology.
Hope that clears it up.
Hence the need for a working engine in the next sentence.
The blonde kid is beautiful.
Why didn't Tom Hardy loop around one more time? Why didn't Nolan give in just a little and use CGI to at least have a scene where it looks like there's actually 100,000 people on the beach?
Well ze Germans already had one spitfire they could have got relatively easily, or how about just turn the spitfire towards the ocean, let it get a smooth glide and jump off at the tail a few feet above the water, swim over to your mates and have some lovely tea and jammy bread. Or just stay in the Spitfire do a controlled water landing and just have the hatch open before it hits the water, jump out and join your mates for some lovely tea and jammy bread.
nolan a hack
he was, he risked his life for his country
>Why didn't Tom Hardy loop around one more time?
To low altitude, he couldn't do a yet another full 180 turn, either crash left or right or land straight ahead.
>Why didn't Nolan give in just a little and use CGI to at least have a scene where it looks like there's actually 100,000 people on the beach?
It looked pretty historically accurate, it's not like they were all crammed like sardines on that beach in real life.
He was a real hero.
All your points are answered in my previous post, read again.
>for you
>all these reviews where people say it was "really hard to understand", or "confusing"
>critics that try to bring race or gender into it but know there is no way to make the movie "inclusive". They still mention it...
he got breakfast clubbed
Christopher Nolan's new movie gets high marks from one of the world's foremost experts on the evacuation of Dunkirk.
>GQ: So let's get into it: what did you think of the movie?
>Michael Korda: I was very, very impressed by the film, I have to say. I suppose it would be possible, if I really put my mind to it, to nitpick about certain things. But they really would be such small things. I did not find that there were many things that were wrong. At no point did I say, "Well, that just looks totally wrong and doesn't correspond to anything that happened."
>GQ: You were in the Air Force for two years, so I have to ask, what did you make of the arial sequences with Tom Hardy's character?
>Michael Korda: I think more important to me, is that they were overwhelmingly visually amazing. It's just that dramatic expanse of sky and the smallness of the aircraft. I've not seen aerial or photography of aerial fighting done that well ever before.
But he escalated the situation by locking up the soldier
dominate him you faggot
>Why didn't Nolan give in just a little and use CGI
Doesn Nolan use film. Using CGI would defeat the purpose of that would it not
this film was incredibly forgettable.
Everyone was faceless, I cared about no one. There was a lack of human response imo. Although the film looked good.
It was literally like watching the opening to saving private ryan but for the entire movie only nothing happened.
Also did anyone else have a weird feeling that they had to buy Harry Styles' new album after watching?