Chibs looks like a depressed middle-aged man whose wife is deceased and his grown up child died of drugs overdose edition
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Chibs looks like a depressed middle-aged man whose wife is deceased and his grown up child died of drugs overdose edition
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faggots watch this show
Doctor Whore
a lot of different people watch this show
Any draw or writefags willing to give us some good Missy smut?
We should start a petition to make the BBC change the 13th Doctor back to a man as it should be.
You can choose three, but which ones?
>he likes moffat
Zoe, Ace and Rose
It already exists, but typically in the form of Doctor/Master stuff, if you're into that.
why was the silence's plan so convoluted
I second this.
none, and they're also all very inaccurate
I have a confession.
Capaldi isn't my Doctor.
Eccles was my Doctor from episode one. He just carried me away with him with his first few lines.
Tennant was my Doctor from the his first episode too. His introduction to Sycorax was just too good.
Smith was also my Doctor from the first episode. He was just magnificent.
But Capaldi... still havent clicked with me. I really, really tried to love him as I love the others. But my heart tells me that he's just a cool actor playing eccentric old man. He never really clicked with me as a man with whom I'd surf through space and time having fun. I still enjoy some of his episodes, but he doesn't feel like my hero or my man, he's just a character.
Reminder than RTD is a hack and Journey's End is worse than Hell Bent
They were the ultimate Moffuck.
>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -
>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?
If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the second /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction.
/who/ did it once. Now, we're gonna do it again! Yet another entry in an age-old tradition of p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶i̶t̶i̶m̶a̶c̶y̶ / celebrating the magic of Who and the talent of a community.
There are no limits (except the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck).
>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
>- Can be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>- Can be about absolutely anything
>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)
Stuck for ideas? Try starting with your favourite TARDIS team (or for timeliness, Whittaker 13th Doctor) and one of these authentic titles:
We are going to be starting an index on the wiki for the collection. Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
The rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin works well.)
BONUS: Anyone who wants to do cover art or "illustrations" is encouraged.
WE need more entries for classic as well as NuWho Doctors. Entries for Thirteen are accepted as well. Aug 10th is deadline
Moffat thinks if it's complex no one will notice it isn't good
Clara and Amy
>drawing every pair of tits the same
How would you have done it different?
I think we all know where that bat' s been up
Someone asked if I was talking about the Shit Trips entry, yeah I was. It's not in final edited form but it's here if you want to look
you do realize that breasts don't all look the same... don't you?
Here's a list of Doctors that still need stories. (You can still write stories with other Doctors who already have entries. In fact, I'd be glad to have them. The 12th Doctor only has three stories! And Bill doesn't haveany sstories. Not even Bill/ Heather smut!):
>Fourth Doctor
>War Doctor
>Tenth Doctor
Kris Marshall Doctor with Japanese companion
Morbius Doctor
Rupert Boothe Doctor
Foreman "Jack Miles" Doctor
Auton Stratagem Doctor
More Thirteenth Doctor stories would be nice as well.
I'll also accept stories with just the companions.
Perhaps a story where the Eighth Doctor and Charley run into Missy?
Or a story where Amy is stranded alone on Lesbos?
Or a story where the Eleventh and the Sixteenth Doctor battle polar bears in Russia?
Or a story where the Brigadier and the Thirteenth Doctor are hunted by a pack of wild Chumblies on an island?
Or a story with the psychic from Hide, and the Third Doctor, battle an influx of Daemons?
Or a story with the Class cast, by someone who waifus April?
I kinda wanted to not mention your fic. I wanted it as a surprise.
They do unless they're pancakes
The 13th doctor is a white woman
that means 14 is going to be a colored man
he's still got a chance!
not giving everyone balloon tits for starters
No wonder it sparkles.
Yes, but given the art style and the fact HighHeeledJill probably hasn't seen most of these people's tits, I'm genuinely asking you how you would have differentiated each breast.
Like in the onion spoof of the TMNT movie the 4 turtles have penises that reflect their personality, would their breasts follow the same concept?
14 will be the return of based McGann
Nah, I'd have looked up the actual actresses, a fair few of which have actually bared their tits at some point or another
To my knowledge, 6 of the 13 have had their breasts and nipples visible at some point. He'd still have to make up 7 of them.
(the 6 being Clara, Amy, Martha, Rose, Leela and Jo)
I agree. It's lazy, and ignores what makes those characters hot is their different bodies.
He could at least put some thought into it.
It's not necessarily about making each individual as accurate as possible (although there are reference images for a few of them out there, as the other user said), it's just... having variation. Better yet, making them realistic. There are plenty of references out there for drawing every part of human anatomy, but in this case I don't think the artist looked at any. Because, unsurprisingly, boobs don't look like balloons, unless they're fake. But... hey, if that's your thing...
Yeah I do agree, even if he had some fun with it. I think he was commissioned for these and so rushed it.
i know that feel man, personally i blame moffat for this
That's at least 6 he could've used.
He measured the amount of effort to put into that picture based on the effort put into the TV show of late and still came out on top.
HighHeeledJill is a giant-boob fetish artist. Half of his gallery is women from Star Trek with tits bigger than the length of their arms.
how many of the male doctors and companions have had their dicks visible?
Oh. Suddenly... everything makes sense.
Hoodie Capaldi clicked with me more than Tennant and Smith
Short Haired Capaldi did not tho
Thoughts on the video
>that title
edgy clickbait title/10
Yea my mind tells me he's cool and he's the Doctor but it still doesn't click. Very rare moments like Mummy or Heaven Sent make me feel something, but this feel is so short-term and so confusing that it doesn't stick with me.
When Smith had his first episode I was damn proud that I'm fan of THIS show and not some shitty star trek or whatever, I wanted to share my love, even though it was one episode.
With Capaldi... I just accept him. I don't actually love him. And feels kind of sad.
For Doctors I know Smith, Tennant, Eccleston and T.Baker definitely have. The rest haven't, unless John Hurt has done something I haven't heard about.
As for companions, I have no idea. To my knowledge Darvil, Cribbins, and Clarke haven't, but I wouldn't be surprised if Barrowman has.
Anyone else not worried about what happens in the christmas special, because Capaldi already got his real regen story, the Doctor Falls was the real finale of Capaldi era, so even if Twice Upon a Time is shit, we have this.
>RTD era logo in thumbnail
I'm not worried because I'm fairly confident it'll be good.
>makes subjective statement about writing quality
>acts as though it's a legitimate hypothesis
>its a fucking opinion
in the bin it goes
is that just the fappening leak or is there a role where he was naked?
Just the nude leaks, though I've heard you can see his penis for a frame or two in The Lodger.
what says
it'll be self reflective characterkino, perfect way to finish his era. And based capaldi's regeneration wasn't caused by something christmas related for once
There's always gonna be doctors like that. Perhaps Whittaker will be more your style, or her successor. I thought Matt Smith was fantastic, but as a result of not enjoying that era I ended up not really warming to his doctor. But everyone's different, and you'll always have doctors you like more/less there's always big finish
I'm worried because Christmas specials are usually bad , except for 10's first story.
>based capaldi's regeneration wasn't caused by something christmas related for once
to be fair, Eccleston was the same, it's just david and matt
>posts this link every fucking time this gets brought up and everyone ignores it
>except for 10's first story
this is a joke right?
>Time Of the Doctor.
>Christmas Carol
The seond half is awesome
You don't like christmas invasion? Why so?
i'm glad they bucked that trend before it could ever really become one. otherwise the doctor would, quite justifiably, shit himself at the sight of a christmas tree
I'm curious, what's your thoughts on the dr who version of 'A Christmas Carol'
Even then, the artist couldn't use that picture of Elizabeth Sladen as a reference for Sarah Jane's boobs.
>mfw lalla has fantastic tits
>Time Lords are billions of years ahead of humans' obsession with gender and it's associated stereotypes
>two episodes later: First Doctor is sexist to Polly
On the one hand, Christmas is a nice time to say goodbye to a doctor, and welcome a new one, and I'd love a bit of exposition about the TARDIS always taking the Doctor to Christmas when he's going to be sad, or something. But if it's always christmas, it's just... odd
you dont understand moffat is a genius
Interesting, was always slightly on the fence about Eccles, like him but never fully clicked.
Took me a few episodes to warm to Tennant and Smith, ended up really liking both.
But Capaldi was absolutely my Doctor, he's the one I've always wanted since I was a kid, which is why I'm now on the verge of giving up on Who, as they fucking wasted him with some of the worst Who since Smith's middle seasons.
>First Doctor is sexist to Polly
>But Capaldi was absolutely my Doctor, he's the one I've always wanted since I was a kid, which is why I'm now on the verge of giving up on Who, as they fucking wasted him with some of the worst Who since Smith's middle seasons.
This is all part of the Moffuck Masterplan obviously
>as they fucking wasted him with some of the worst Who
stop posting these pictures when someone disagrees with you
>Le wasted capaldi meme
Fuck off and good riddance
>not fuckety bye
>no more "I am the DOHKTAH!" epic moments
>people are happy
what happened to this general
>the le meme meme
Nothing. People who post "w-what happened to /who/?" are such garbage
Yeah, it's a good time for it to happen in "our" world, but it'd really be a bit odd if every incarnation (post-10) met their end in a Christmas-related incident, or always around that time. It would end up making the Doctor nervous about Christmas as a whole.
I like the idea of the TARDIS having a hand in it, though. I can't remember if he's ever said as much, but perhaps the Doctor really enjoys Christmas as a concept (for him, I figure it'd mostly be about the idea that it's a time to be with your loved ones) so when he's sad, or going to be, the TARDIS would ensure he lands somewhere within that sort of time-frame. Just because she wants to cheer him up and she knows he likes Christmas. Except, because she exists in the past, present and future simultaneously, and also sticks him in Christmas-related situations when he isn't currently sad, but going to be (because she can't really tell the difference), she inadvertently causes the sadness by putting him in the situation that results in it.
Oh... I really like this idea, now. Especially because it does rather fit in - most Christmas specials either start with the Doctor being sad, or result in events that make him sad (even if briefly). Thank you for this idea! :-D
because it's dramatic bullshit. Nothing has happened to /who/, it's the same varying level of pointless and oddly interesting as ever. Opinions change as the show does.
How would you feel about something like An Adventure in Space and Time, but focusing on the classic show ending instead?
nobody likes you
sorry, I thought you talking about the show, like "what happened to who"
I'm rewatching Season 9 these days, and I gotta say, "camp" takes you into the action billions of times better than "real" writing ever could.
Once you accept the level of special effects and the logic of the show, your immesion is titanium-grade solid. You're in there, you can get excited, plot elements become enjoyable again, and you can feel suspence and investment into the characters.
Meanwhile, in Soulless Milliondollarbudget Hollywood Capaldiland, your immersion is a paper-thin illusion supported by life-like CGI effects that are inevitably going to loos worse at some point, irreparably taking you out of the show and not allowing you back in once you're seeing the pathetic fakery everywhere.
Anyone else feeling like this?
>tfw Capaldi Doctor had the best OST
>Season 9
CGI didn't exist in 1972
Oh for fucks sake desu
1 (commendably for the 60s) wasn't written as a sexist, so why retroactively make him one? It's disrespectful.
This is meant to be 1 meets 12, but it sounds more like Hartnell meets Capaldi
to a certain extent
He doesn't say they did - he said special effects, which definitely did.
Whoops, meant 9th doctor.
Still doesn't mean anything though since Eccleston is still unsupported by "impressive" CGI.
If anything, his CGI effects test your immersion even more, like a Stark Trek episode.
if you're able to keep it even during those, you're going to have a blast, while nu-Who does absolutely nothing to build your resistance to it, making bad writing and effects much more noticeable
Moffat have said multiple times that he finds first Doctor era boring and once he even said it was "shit".
So he's rewriting it to make it 'interesting'
I have Doctor Who depression. Ultimately I feel hugely disappointed by Capaldi's Doctor and his era and my feelings towards Steven Moffat border on loathing. I'm also probably the world's biggest Jodie Whitakker non-fan and I expect very little in quality from Chris Chibnall. How do I stop being obsessed with the show that's making me miserable?