Does anyone care about this guy anymore?
Does anyone care about this guy anymore?
You mean besides you?
Pretty much no one. I never hear Sup Forums Sup Forums or reddit talk about him anymore.
He gets tons of views on YT, sure
The people who watch his show every week, I guess. That or it's something to watch on sundays before GoT.
Shitposters like you OP never makes threads about him every single day
his clammy girl hands disgust me
He should run for Congress.
It's not 2015 anymore.
I don't think he legally can.
The Alex Jones segment last night seemed pointless to me, because the only people I can think of that wouldn't already know all that about Alex is people that have either never heard of the man before or only knew his name. Anyone that has even just a cursory knowledge of the man knows the things he's said or the stuff he sells.
It just felt like a filler episode.
No. No one cares about current year man.
He became past year man last January
Most of his opinions are fucking atrocious.
He's ugly as fuck with a punchable face as well.
The real Watergate is Imran Awan, DWS, and how the DNC has been colluding with the Muslim Brotherhood
No. Not really.
There's a certain fatigue setting in with all these late night talk show hosts.
just bashes Trump his act is old. He'd have been better off parodying the hysterical Left but they never eat their own.
The only exposure I have to alex jones is from super deluxe. I thought it was a good episode, really makes it seem like he's hawking the conspiracy theories as a way to sell overpriced vitamins and not the other way around.
What opinions are atrocious?
They took to big of a hit when Trump won.
I'm not sure they realize it.
his editing of clips of people doing stupid things are pretty hilarious
his comedic commentary less so, I just like watching random news anchors flub shit or say stupid things or see what dumb thing Trump did today.
What are you even talking about fatigue? They are doing better than they ever have. Colbert was failing hard until he got more political.
he doesnt like these quads
if you get your political opinions from one of these late night hosts youre a fucking moron.
it's literally just knocking semi factual soft balls out of the park then following it up with a joke so you dont think about what he just said too hard. throw in a healthy helping of strawmen and there you go, rinse and repeat.
Hes only good for taking down douchebags.
He lost all credibility when he went after Bernie/Jill, not because I agree with them but because he's a millionaire comedian who punches down. Supported Clinton without looking at her atrocities from the nineties when, unlike his millenial audience, was actually alive in the 90s.
Hes a scumbag who gets it right about half the time.
I thought for once he might "debunk" sandy hook deniers.
I'm all for thinking that sandy hook happened, but I just cannot in good conscience agree with the "happeners" because all they do is call you stupid or post a picture of a crying mom.
The "deniers" aren't much better, because their evidence is total shit, but I mean, I've yet to see a debate where someone actually refutes their points.
I can't side with idiots and both sides are fucking retarded.
He figuratively killed the one meme going for him.
He ins't editing any damn clips, he's got about twelve writers and twenty editors on his team doing the hard work.
More like they actually had a reason to do their job as soon as trump won. John Stewart was on top of his game because he had Bush. Colbert is on top of his game because he has Trump. No one wants to watch political late night tv show when people are agreeing with the status quo.
sandy hook denial is the worst of the worst, im all for some healthy anti government conspiracy but i wont touch that one
you can look up funerals of the kids who died. you can find evidence of the impact in peoples lives on public facebook records. the parents are still posting shit online grieving for their children.
The real things happening in the White House are funnier than any comedian's spin on it. Mass market political satire on TV is fucking dead and the death throes are more embarrassing by the day.
Semi factual?
He literally shows you videos of whatever claim he is currently making.
but if you faked a shooting you can fake a funeral.
I understand it must be frustrating arguing with conspiracy theoriests, but that shit won't work on them.
You have to ask them to present their theory, and then debunk it on their own admissions. But no one does it. If it's as easy to do as everyone says, why has no one done it?
I'm not doing it because I don't give a fuck either way.
>spends a whole show attacking an obscure right wing media start-up calles Sinclair
>spends a whole show attack a slightly less obscure independent media outlet
Fantastic job of speaking truth to power.
When will he do an episode about how the primary media sources for 95% of the country are ultimately owned by 6 corporations?
he misrepresents conservative view points pretty much every episode ive watched. im sure their sources are fine but they never give the opposing argument a fair shake.
yes but there are hundreds of people who will tell you they knew a child who is no longer with us today. all the relatives, all the teachers, all the neighbors, thousands upon thousands of people could not keep such a coverup under wraps.
even high level government agents let things leak how the fuck are a bunch of civilians going to keep quiet? the problem is that some right wing people hate the government so much they want to believe all these conspiracies are true no matter how dumb they are.
>We need a smart businessman in the white house, someone who can cut through the politics and make tough deals!
Trump will never stop being funny and neither will his Sup Forums fanboys, by extension.
I'm actually hoping that nothing comes of the Russian inquiry because President Pence might actually accomplish something other than making himself look like an enormous idiot each new day.
>being this bad at proving it
whew, this is what I'm talking about. Sandy hook believers aren't any smarter than the deniers, but they think they are.
I don't care either way. I have no stake in this claim. But I won't claim to side with anyone until one side gets their shit together.
>segment wasn't even about Trump
>implying half of the views aren't Chinese or Indian click farmers
I always find his show funny and generally enjoy the topics but while this week was funny, it seemed pointless.
He didn't really have an argument and he didn't show us anything that we'd find useful. Ok, I had no idea that Alex Jones was essentially a snake oil salesmen, but I was never going to buy his products anyway. And the people who are stupid enough to buy his products won't be persuaded by Oliver because they view Oliver like Sup Forumstards on here do
It's annoying that the show took three weeks off and this is the best material they have
wew is right. guess we will never know if sandy hook happened because we dont have bodycam footage of adam lanza popping heads off.
nice try blanco nino, too bad you otta check theses singles
speak for yourself. You're kinda dumb if you can't figure it out.
>he misrepresents conservative view points
Kek, of course he does. That can only be the explanation here.
Or just footage of Adam Latza...
>retards have a term for those "believers" who agree that something happened in objective reality.
>I won't claim to side with factual history.
Are you on the fence about gravity too?
>Sandy Hook conspiratards
>calling anyone stupid
What a time to be alive, anons. Is this the twilight hour before our species ends? Please tell me it is.
Lefties watch him and the other guys like him as an escape from reality.
>just believe me or I will make fun of you
wow I'm so convinced, gg sandy hook definitely happened now
>Fight a war of independence to stop the Brita from bullying you and forcing their kings bullshit on you
>Less than 3 centuries later import a limey brit cocksucker to lecture and bully you on a nightly basis and pay him for the pleasure
Why are Canadians the only reasonable people on the hellhole known as the continent of America?
Sandy Hook happened what, years ago? And you are still unsure it even happened? This late in the game, I'm not sure what you expect me,to say differently that hundreds of people probably already said to you.
Lost cause.
he actually does on a regular basis. they cherry pick for comedy and once again youre a fucking moron if you take his show seriously. no wonder people have no idea what conservatives really think or how they rationalize their beliefs when they are reduced to stupid jokes instead of trying to understand the issues from both sides.
Grow a fucking spine, you deserve to be mocked. When did America become a safe space for shit opinions as if we have to tip toe around conspiratards or give them debate time? This nonsense with the flat earthers too, why is anyone giving them any attention? You people have evidence for anything.
another brilliant argument
Are Sandy Hook believers the smartest people on earth?
>I'm not sure what you expect me,to say differently that hundreds of people probably already said to you.
I dunno, you could try proving it happened. That'd be novel
No you fucking idiot.
Every single clip on these neolib late night talk show hosts are heavily edited and shown out of context to mislead viewers into thinking that anyone who even marginally strays from their neolib views are literal Nazis.
Shut up and eat shit.
You sound mad and haven't produced a single example of how he's done that.
Maybe you just have laughable opinions? Idk
>if you don't constantly prove gravity to me every single day, I'll lose my memory and stop believing in it.
What do you WANT? To dig up the graves of all the dead kids? We have autopsy reports, video footage, literal bodies of children, records of each child existing, where they lived, who their parents were...we have information on the entire community and here comes you, some neet autist who larps as a retard and says none of it happened. The ballistics reports, the confession from the shooter...THE SHOOTER. We have it all.
Nope, I have no evidence it didn't happen. Should be easy to prove it, don't you think? You'd have to be a total fucking retard to not be able to prove something so obvious.
>Nope, I have no evidence it didn't happen
You don't prove negatives, sweetums.
In his newest episode, he literally added more context than usual, and proved his point by just showing videos.
More so, you can look up the videos themselves and see that they are not edited.
You don't have to get upset, snowflake.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. GoT tends to attract a degenerate and pseudo-intellectual audience.
yes im going to dig through john oliver content to prove you wrong brb. youll come around when youre older kiddo
>shoo shoo slimy limey!
Where did I say it never happened? All I said is I don't take sides when both sides are complete idiots.
And I've been right about that so far.
Funny enough there used to be a 1 week delay between the show and the YT video but I think after enough people stole views via mirroring it's now only a 1 day delay.
Be great if you could prove that, hothead.
why not
You sound legitamately retarded to "not take sides" on reality, friendo. The fucking shooting happened, you can't just be "on the fence" about the reality you occupy.
Lol yeah, we all know you won't come back.
>believe me even though I haven't backed up my claims at all
Bad during the election when he acted like it was his duty to be involved and all the butthurt that followed. Pretty solid when he just does bits on weird lesser known stuff.
>the dumb thing Trump did today
Is it the media's job to convince oblivious people that all republicans are stupid, even though they're not?
This is just like when Bush was president.
Nobody said shit when that radical leftwing nigger was gutting the middle class and destroying the economy, but they start a smear campaign when a republican gets in office, and you neophytic pussy sniffers eat it up.
>you need to explain to kids why you don't prove a negative.
Just nuke America, senpai.
This it's a FACT that Donald Trump winning saved Colbert's show. Just look at the rating's jump. The thing is Stephen is not politically neutral Jon was closer to centrist when not performing, he on the other hand is firmly left, but he tried to imitate a more central position and just couldn't make it work.
But suddenly Trump wins and boom he can go left hard and fast no stops and no one in his intended audience will bat an eye.
It's the lowest hanging fruit possible. The fact that Oliver and the other late night "comedians" are spending entire shows going after water filter salesmen, internet trolls, and the Presidents dining habits shows how far they've fallen
It's almost as if someone is worried about Alex Jones' reach and influence.
>reporting the autistic faggot shit that comes out of Trump's mouth
>is a smear
I can prove it when my shadow's not hanging around my body.
I would take a photo and have hard evidence there was no shadow around my body.
As someone who remembers GWB, the media was never this bad. Keep in mind that GWB was very popular post 9-11 briefly and also the media loved him for the war in iraq.
His ratings are excellent, obviously
Have you literally done no basic research for yourself in years? How are you even possibly on the fence if you did? It's like you are lazy or stupid.
They did though.
Except it was John Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Also, Bush was a republican.
>refuses to believe physical evidence, testimonies, media reports and a literal confession from the shooter
>expects anyone to treat him seriously
The smug anime girl posting is in the icing on the shitty cake that is your life.
It's almost like Trump says dumb shit more frequently and pisses people off more...
>that feel when you hate trump but youre forced to vote for him because leftists have to be stopped at any cost
Its almost like the entire global establishment hates Trump. Gee I wonder why.
>I voted against my own interests to stop a cartoon boogeyman that I am informed about by an anime image board.
>voting out of spite for the sake of memes
Ah, what do I do care, you probably didn't even vote.
That's right, I've done none whatsoever. I don't care about Sandy Hook. All I've seen is the various attempts to "debunk " or "prove" it on tv or the news or on the internet.
The deniers are retarded and their evidence is trash, but just when I thought no one could be more retarded, that's when I saw the truthers try to argue.
He can, he just can't become president
Party over Country, am I right?
>As someone who remembers GWB
He was treated as a fool in the same way, almost constantly. They just didn't also act like the world was going to end.
Probably because he's a moronic faggot.
>refuses to post evidence
>makes fun of anime girls
truthers win again ahhaa
Him and Two Scoops Man are irritating propagandists who's ability to be funny has declined consistently over the years. Besides being slightly annoyed when a friend or relative tells me how increaaaaadily hilarious they are, no I don't really care about them.
>dude you dont understand HOW LITTLE i care!
Such a cool, detached fella.
>You have to ask them to present their theory, and then debunk it on their own admissions.
That has been done often, to almost every conspiracy theory, and it has never succeeded.
Buddy I hate to break it to you, but a wallstreet billionaire is the establishment..
lefties love neo-cons now. look how left wingers are sucking john mccain's cock.
Reply to this post with another smug anime girl.