Twin Peaks

In the last week I marathoned the first 2 seasons, and while there were some questionable decisions in season 2, it remained funny and entertaining through all the run. Too bad they explained everything and the ambiguidity of the first season was thrown out the window. Now, can I get a non memetic opinion on season 3? Is it more like the movie?

i've only seen the first episode of the new season because i can't be fucked waiting a week in between episodes.

it didn't feel like the movie at all. the movie is quirky for the first thirty minutes and then becomes heartbreaking. i didn't get any of that from the first episode.

so what did you get?

It was never funny. Your a lost and hopeless generation.

season three is fucking great
it's like all of lynch's previous works combined. some bits are like eraserhead, some are like lost highway, some are blue velvet, and some is even like the original series. and some is like the movie. it's the culmination of everything he's done

It was pretty funny, Gordon Cole's scenes especially.
maybe I should watch some of his movies before the new season then? I only watched Wild at Heart, Blue Velvet and Mullholand Drive

you should definitely watch eraserhead because it's fucking great, but it's not necessary for understanding the show, it's just interesting to see elements of it return

It's more like Lynch's movies in general and less like the original series. Which is a good thing because he has full freedom to do whatever the fuck he wants to do without the network cancelling it on him for being too weird or inaccessible.

season three is fucking terrible
it's like all of the worst of lynch's previous works combined. it's the culmination of everything bad he's done

When season 3 first aired I had only seen twin peaks, fire walk with me, eraserhead, and blue velvet. Season 3 was so interesting though it made me want to watch more of his films and I really love Lost Highway and Mulholland drive,it made me appreciate the new season a little bit more. But its defintely worth checking out,go into it with no expectations because it's especially weird even compare to twin peaks. Make sure to watch fire walk with me first so you get all the lore