Buddy from Baby Driver

>His lover, Darling, gets killed because of Baby getting spooked and failed to do his job
>He later sees that the reason Baby compromised the job and the team is because of his love interest Deborah
>Meanwhile Baby gets to have his happily ever after with Deborah while Buddy and Darling are left rotting despite the stupid shit he did to the team

Buddy (and by extension, Darling), suffered the most in this movie, all because of Baby's stupidity and selfishness. This is the part of the movie that gets me. Apart from being a criminal and threatening Baby's and Deborah happiness, Buddy did nothing wrong. Not saying that what he did is justified but his anger at Baby certainly is.

Bats was a stupid nigger but at least he didn't fuck up the job to the degree that Baby did.

Baby pretty much paid for his happy ending with the blood of his colleagues that he betrayed (literally).

you learn everything you need to know about his character arc by examining his hair a little closer

Why the fuck did he cover for Bats? His bitch wants Bats dead, there is literally no reason for him to side with the nigger

Perhaps he wanted the money from the job, then they'd kill Bats. It's probably why he wasn't initially murderously mad at Baby for crashing the car.

What a lame ass movie

I was rooting for Buddy for the exact reasons you posted desu. I hated how the movie forced Baby as some sort of a hero at the end, while he was a criminal himself and didn't deserve to drive away in the sunset after just 5 years of chilling in prison.

Okay, so Baby overhears Buddy and Darling implying they might kill Bats. Then Bats proves himself to be an unstable psycho by killing the arms dealers. We've already established that Buddy has some sort of paternal or big brother-ish feelings towards Baby. So why doesn't Baby approach Buddy with his concern about Bats? They could've just worked out a solution without ruining the job.

o ew

not surprised though

darling died because she opened fire without being in cover on about 7-10 cops who were all behind cover and guns out. she was a fucking retard, that's a suicide move. baby did nothing wrong