Juden? Juden? I'm Juden, ya know
Juden? Juden? I'm Juden, ya know
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Oh, so you're one of the people who tried to take over germany after world war one, as well as helping corrupt the country during the weimar era?
Een 80 years, ze men of your country vill vish ve had von, ya?
Now show the scene where he gets stabbed through the heart
The leaders of the communist insurrection in Germany at the end of ww1 were racial Jews.
get ready for some infographs
Adolf Shitler is reeeing
>The star of David necklace didn't deflect the knife
Was Spielberg racist?
When I first saw the movie, in the back of my mind I thought Schpielberg was gonna do the ol' bible in my pocket stopped the bullet routine and have the Star of David stop the knife.
The Spartacists, a communist revolution that tried to take over Germany immediately after WWI, were ethnic Jews, although most of them were of course atheists.
kek Spielberg may be deepkike but he was also once a kino merchant
>Nice try, Jerry, I'll give ya that much. You resisted and went all the way, but it wasn't enough, was it? We've got our claws in so deep, we can make the entire fuckin country mobilize for total war against people across the globe just by callin them Jew haters. That's power, Jerry. You had a good run, but it's all over for whites now. It's our time to shine.
Wasn't this line a bit over the top? How did they get away with it?
read a book sweetie x
I stood up and clapped when he died. Amazing film.
God I hate that fucking kike.
And all kikes.
Did anybody in the US really care about Germany being "jew haters"? The US turned back several boats full of Jewish refugees, and didn't join the war in Europe in earnest until Germany declared war on the US.
That fucking Yid dying was the highlight of the movie.
Did a single kike serve in the army during the war? Im pretty sure they were all at home
Also kikes are small weaklings, how could they even hold a gun?
They barely even knew at the time
Have they not suffered enough in the last 200 years? Please, have some heart...
Nah, Jews consider dangerous or hard work of any kind to be beneath them
>Have they not suffered enough in the last 200 years?
The Germans? I agree, it's been rough
more like 3000 years
It was used as a propaganda point partway through the European effort. Similar to how Lincoln redirected the American Civil War to be exclusively about slavery by announcing and promoting the EP. Perceived moral providence is a big motivator for a war effort, maybe even bigger than self-preservation.
>movie starts off showing one jewish grave headstone at the war cemetery
>followed by thousands of christian graves
what did spielberg mean by this?
*posts Israeli military history*
that christians outnumber jews 1000:1
But also that 1000 gentile lives do not compare to the life of even one Jew.
Not if you count the gravestones. The shots used in the movie were carefully selected in order to always have a Jewish gravestone somewhere in the frame. So the apparent ratio is closer to 10:1
jews are 2% of the american population, so you'd think it should be 1 in 50, but its like out of a cemetery of thousands, there's only 1 jewish grave
More goyim died to save/serve the jews in ww2 than jews were willing to risk their own lives
>Also kikes are small weaklings, how could they even hold a gun?
In all honesty I never knew until now that the guy who betrayed Jesus was a Jew and he did it only for 12 shekels.....really makes you think
lmao you realise that in every battle where they actually fight face-to-face and up close and personal, the kikes get their face smashed in by the arabs despite having overwhelmingly superior technology, right?
In 2000 and 2006 they got their shit pushed in by some lebanese militia with ww2 era rockets, in the 1973 war they got assraped by anti-tank missiles and in mount hermon.
The 6 day war happened because they had massive air superiority and as soon as the bombed the arab air forces on the ground before the fighting even began, the egyptian command ordered a full retreat since they had no air cover.
in 1948 the arabs won the first half of the war, and the iraqi and jordanian armies pushed the israelis way back, but then there was a ceasefire during which the israelis got massively rearmed and resupplied while the arabs got nothing, (and contrary to belief, the israelis did field larger numbers in their army)
remember when after the first world war germans tried using statistics to prove that german jews didn't fight for germany and so were backstabbers for the nationalist cause but they ended up finding out that jewish soldiers were in fact overrepresented in the army?
lol keep crying Muhammad
What he's doing is called Bantz. It's a lost art form in the US.
yes, we all remember that totally made up thing
Why do you all hate jews so much? Yeah they control everything but that's because they won the game. Stop being jealous losers just because you lost.
Imagine being this invested in Internet arguments
Go sit on a fat chode you fucking faggot
Kikes put themselves on their way to extinction when they decided to create their state in the middle of and among Arabs. They won militarily, but now that they have it easy they're getting as degenerate as the rest of the west, and their degenerate kike whores are fucking the exotic Muhamads and having mixed babies.
Lmao you conformed exactly to how they wanted you, a literal cuck. You've become a self defeatist and this is how they will topple the western world. I truly pity you more than anything else on this earth right now.