Is this a common sighting in your country?

Is this a common sighting in your country?

Why can't a man just enjoy life


Guy was released from prison
Let him be

Bloke looks like he is having a grand time.
Probably had a shitty day and just wanted the warm comfort of greasy junk food.
What's the difference between this and getting piss drunk at the bar ? Or are both worth prison time in your totalitarian shithole ?

he's a big guy

ikr we should form a mob around him and beat him until he conforms like the ant-people we are... oh wait i'm not from asia nvm he can carry on

La obscuridad

As expected from "people" living in the basement.
And the you wonder "why no gf"...

From where do you faggots take the right to tell others how to live?

>until he conforms
oh, but he does
that's why it's so sad

la devorador

this dude just got out of prison or something lmao

eating like a fucking pig without a single thought at a chain fast food joint could pretty much be the dictionary definition of "conforming"

Don't you have land to steal?

>the absolute state of american white nationalism
hahahahahah a what the fuck maaan zero dignity

You may see something reminsicent of that at 4 AM in Max (hamburger restaurant).

It's literally a fast food joint. Did you expect people from the highest echelons of society to sit down at your local McDonalds and eat a Big Mac with forks and knives?

He is conforming to American norms though.

From the same place people take the right to tell others they shouldn't kill, really.

>Did you expect people from the highest echelons of society to sit down at your local McDonalds and eat a Big Mac with forks and knives?
No but I expect people to stick to at least the minimum of social norms. Mindlessly stuffing your mayonnaise-stained mouth isn't one of them. Especially considering the fact he's obese. I wouldn't approve if he had shit-stained clothes or started farting either. A bare minimum friend.
Takeout was invented for slobs like him.

I'm fairly sure anywhere in Europe he would be asked to leave for such behaviour because it's disruptive to other customers. Jesus Christ.