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International #857
Is this considerated good architeture in your country
Does the resr of the world find it odd America has just accepted mass shootings as inevitable and the price of freedom?
English is truly the muttest language
Why do White supremacists like to point out that Sub-Saharan languages had no written languages even though their...
1. You are countrty
Your shooters will never be as cool as our shooters
Opinions on Laos?
Is japanese a meme language?
Why do white people think screaming “you have to go back” on the internet actually does something?
We are one of the economically freest countries on Earth and we are still poor as fuck...
Why does your country hate refugees?
Which is better flag in posts? UAE or Qatar?
Are you living the dream, Sup Forums?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1957
Do you love British boys too?
Were ancient egyptians black?
Even if you dislike us Chechens
America has no cult-
Pick your choice Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
What's your dad like Sup Forums and your relationship with him?
Why does America produce so many humourless psycho autists? You find them on this website a lot
Best of Sup Forums + mutts with Sup Forums or Sup Forums comments + ameribear thread
Welcome to /brit/
/savižudybė/ - šeštasis "mano šalis miršta" leidimas
Your salary per an hour
The amerimutt meme is the dumbest shit ever. how the fuck is 56% white not white. If you’re more than 50% white...
How are you preparing for the Thai century?
*makes nonwhite men go crazy*
Why are Americans so polarized and tribalistic?
Jesus get up! Hachi hueyut!!!111
User,this is Elsa from USA. She's here to make a project and will be staying with us for few weeks
How accurate is this?
OAR Medalist Caught Doping
Friendly Comfy Landscape Thread
Why do arabs, pakis and afghanis love expensive cars so much?
Other nords may not like it, but this is the only relevant nordic city and it's beautiful
Culture Pals - /cp/
Tfw the most arrogant country doesn't even have enough history to name their streets other than numbers
Why are Slavic women so boring to talk to you?
What should I put in my sushi?
/fr/ Le fil de France
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why so much hate for poland...
1. Your country
10$ table
Blue = Western Europe
Why is America a dangerous country?
Why does the idea of an united Europe competing economically and militarily with the USA and China to put Europe number...
What’s Sup Forums‘s job??
Are they European?
Between the national suicide of Western countries and uh..well Russia...
Is this kind of behaviour accepted in your country?
You wake up in Bavaria
Why is China such a shithole?
Is Finland really divided or is it just an internet thing?
Why internet so fast in eastern europe?
Do you have any prejudice view or question about South Korea?
/ita/ - il filo
1. You'r cunty
What the fuck is their fucking problem?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do they act so smug all the time?
Sverigetråden - Kate Beckinsale-upplagan
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
Sverigetråden - skandinavisk-upplagan
Hello friends, I would like to bring to your attention a proof that Poland also has T-I-G-E-R-S
Why are poles so rude? Butthurt at jews, anglos, Lithuanians, germans. Wtf they would even boo at their own anthem
Hey dude the feminism isn't too bad
What does Sup Forums know about the Franco-Prussian War?
Is Southern Europe really this shit?
Hey, Sup Forums, let's post photos of nature from our countries that we took ourselves...
/keller/ ehemals /deutsch/
Blue -cultural powerhouse of Europe
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread
/fr/ - Le fil du Royaume de France
ITT: We summmon him by uttering his name
Fazer's newest abomination
1. Your country
Final boss is the easiest boss in the entire game
EU vs. USA
This 18 year old waitress (a Polish girl in the UK) rode her bicycle in front of a semi truck...
Why do Russians dress up as maids?
I hope you aren't one of those imperialistic Zionist dogs, user
Post DNA
Mfw a random irrelevant shithole balkan state says remove kebab
/WOG - Winter Olympics General
Who would win an all out war between Blue vs Yellow, if Grey remained neutral and uninvolved?
Just be urself bro just be more confident bro girls love confidence
I will be called ignorant for this, but...
China threatens US military technological superiority
China urges US to get tough on man who stole thumb from US$4.5 million terracotta warrior
Why does this shithole still exist? The planet would be first world and white without them
Kurva anyátok
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Ständestaat ehemals /deutsch/
Russian elections agitation
Why are they so miserable?
Tfw 15 cm penis
Literally ONE chance at life
Why does Asian cock feel so gooooood?
How many times do you beat your wife per day?
This is what people will look in the future, whether you like it or not
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
Is it true the "loose vagina" is a myth and a vagina will change depending on the size of the penis side of it?
Yeah let’s just bully the mentally deranged kid without any emotional support...
My extreme Islamic Sadi friend is going to come over and watch a movie with me soon...
Realizing I will never experience love the way most white people here do
/Mex/ Thread
.>tfw I have no JMWF gf
Fucks up half of the world
Post your fetish and i will post more
State of USA now days. Literally every degeneracy comes from there and spreads all over the world. All the race shit...
When did you realize the Ukrainians were actually the good guys?
Me want metal songs from Northern Europe
How would your precious European universal health care have handled this situation?
Ay ay arriba!
Find a flaw
His country has a monarch
Insult the country below you
Why do a lot of Mexicans look like Asians?
Do you like our qt grills?
What's on your passport cover?
ITT: Your country t in one image
Does this really pass of as Italian in the usa?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I trust the police and government to keep me safe
Finns, what the hell are you doing
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What are your guys honest opinions on the U.S.A.?
Eating with chopsticks
Japan.... you are in needing of serious help.... cartoon and pedophilia have filled your people's minds...
1,400 years on
Where would you rather live, Brazil or Russia?
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Hilo latino mmmmmm aa
What's your cunt equivalent of gun problem?
You're in a burning building
Why do american midwest suburbs look so comfy yet so depressing at the same time?
They will save the west
Go on a live porn webcam site
So what's America going to do now their Jimmies have been rustled with somebody using their own tactics of messing with...
America isn't white
1. vagina
Millennial white americans are the least likely to believe in hardwork
Are Germans evil or not? What do people in your country think? And you?
What happens here?
That terrifying feel when you realize there are actually conferences full of teenager Marxists spreading in your...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why did France publish such a blatantly ignorant and offensive magazine cover?
Canadians are fucking pathetic
Women should not be allowed to vote
Which one of the dark green countries would you most rather live in?
This is the most scientific racial map
I'm a psychic intuitive. I do tarot and palm readings. I also practice witchcraft. AMA
We fell for the mass immigration meme
Are you as Scandinavian as this Nordic goddess?
Spanish will be the lingua franca in 20 years and everybody will have to learn it or be a poorfag who can't make money...
Is Xi Jinping the greatest living leader today?
Birth mother was a jew
/fr/ - Les hommes de bonne volonté
I'm making the world a better place
Would you adopt baby Sminem?
ITT: Sup Forums anons you recognize
Why is every alt-right/lite figurehead suddenly so afraid to discuss the Florida shooter...
Your street/neighborhood
Sverigetråden - Muttupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr...
Moving to italy in october
Mutts on Sup Forums now claim that the shooting was a hoax
What are you listening to bros
/v4/ + friends
Daily reminder that this is what the world currently looks like now
Should this be allowed?
An fucking asian has higher test than other 3 white dudes
Post more lovely German music like this
Search image results for 'hindu kush' out of interest
Tell me a secret from your country
Europeans posting LE MUTT XDDD memes again
1. cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which one becomes a province of China first?
/4cc/ - fuck off mods
Post ur cunt's air force
1. Your cunt
French anons, what is your opinion of him?
This is the perfect empire. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Was the finnish race a mistake?
/sino/ - 中文
/fr/ - le fil francophone
What's it like to be a cultureless half breed? You can't pretend to be black and you can't pretend to be white...
Asian """masculinity"""
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Who here is an unironic russophile? If yes what made you become one?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Tfw 15cm penis
Sverigetråden - Nattrupplagan
They had to delete this and made public apologies because of this map
How well-known is this guy in your country? What do people think of him?
Mfw Brazil has all this bunda and gringos have none
If your country is below 95, you're not white
1. cunt
Why is Canada the best country outside of Europe, if not the world's best?
/eire/ - il filo
Do you love Argentina?
Why does something like pic related bother people on this site? Who honestly gives a shit?
We are not latino,we dont even speak spanish
Please ETERNAL RANGE BAN to those spammers
This girl was raped and killed by pedophile in US. I'm earning money for trip to kill the guy who did that...
Am I the only one whose father was abusive?
What can I do now that I have EU citizenship?
Less posters combined than Sweden
Is the porn of your country good?
In the 1980s, the Swedish prime minister declared that his country was so safe that he didn't need bodyguards...
Recent studies confirm Estonians are Proto-Germanics mixed with Proto-Baltics...
1. Your country
Post music in French
Amerimutt thread
Pick stereotypical food from your country and tell us what's the best way to eat it, because who better than you?
Sup Forumstard killed 14 kids
Polish men look like Asiatic/Middle-Eastern goblins while Pole women look whiteoid
When did you realize that USA is to blame for our current misfortunes like the migrant crisis?
Pick a side
Russia or Poland
Finns are not mong
90% of posts under my flag are either retarded shitpost or gay shitpost
Are these the most annoying posters in this board?
International olympic hotties
Guess my ethnicity
Have you successfully learned a foreign language with Duolingo, or is it just a meme?
/neu/ ehemals /deutsch/
ITT: countries that shouldn't exist
Do Mexicans like this guy?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
When a french flag defends a north african country
Is there a correlation between how you look and your political beliefs?
"I'm so glad you guys decided to meet! This is my dad, user"
/fr/ - Le Francofil celtique
Nothing wrong with brown eyes
Why they are obsessed with wh*teness?
Sverigetråden - Sweden in Bulgaria Livestream Edition
/ex-ussr/ general
This is what average polish man looks like
"hurr Americans are violent retards durr hurr"
1. Cunt
1.Cunt and city
Go to any other board
Would you rather gf a 10/10 really innocent and dumb girl or a 9/10 really smart and immoral girl?
Why do latin women love black men?
Polish jihadist and his favourite nasheed
Second BBC Jihad (that is declared right after mods rangebanned TÜRKey) is going well...
Do you love Poland?, I love Poland
Ur cunt
Stop being rude and compliment the country above you
Are we a massive joke or what?
/deutsch/ Rave-Ausgabe
Hi guys
/ita/ il filo di umaru
/savižudybė/ - labai MĖLYNAS penktasis leidimas
Do VPS' fuck your ass in your country?
Post music
Why are young white men so depressed in 2018?
*blocks your path*
Gypsy marriage
When I said spend more on defense I meant: buy our shit
>be mexican
Lmao you look pajeet
Choose your wife
I want to live in France
Tell people I am gay IRL
Why can’t Europeans make good games?
In Istanbul
There are 2 types Japanese
Tfw I'm a Norway-boo
What does Sup Forums think of Malaysia and Malaysian posters?
/British colonies/ thread
Go to Paris as you do
Commie blocks in south korea
/ita/ il Filo
/fr/ - le francofil
The meme is real
Search half [your nationality],half indian
Is it morally wrong to punch nazis?
Do Australians actually like having the union jack on their flag?
Wow just finished watching this... it changed my outlook on life IMMENSELY
Aussies can't handle the banter
Browse Sup Forums, everyone is cool
Why is eastern europe so comfy?
Be Japanese
Why are you still living with your parents, user?
I want to ask to Koreans
Sverigetråden - Ingen psykstörningsupplagan
/lang/ Language learning general
Get out of my country subhumans
Sup Forums gets deleted by gookmoot
Why is no one here married?
Post beautiful views from your country that give us inner peace
Tried going to uni yesterday
Damn that's low
How do you call this in your country?
Russia Thread
Post your first sip of the day
Post your bedroom
Sverigetråden - Grekisk upplagan
Pewdiepie loves Japan!
Girls reject me because i am a manlet :(
Let's make georgia thread. i know there was threads like this previously, but who cares...
/luso/ fio lusofono
Which one of the dark green countries would you most rather live in?
You opinion on black women?
Japanese people are racis-
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kosovo je ______
/ex-ussr/ general
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Virtual reality growing bigger along with anime cybersex
Kurva anyátok
You are the presidnet of USA. How do you stop gun violence?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how murican is my breakfast?
Europeans complaining about Americans telling them about their country
Czech -korean
If Jews are so smart, how did Hitler kill so many of 'em?
Nigeria will become a global superpower within our lifetimes
What are some dog breeds from your country?
Your country
Man, I'm so glad I spent 50 years of my life working 8 hours a day every day
Reconstruction of ancient Finn
I want to live in your country
Why South Korea doesn't want to get along with Japan?? Why South Korean want to get along with North Korea over Japan???
Hilo latino
Do you want to jind love in Japan?
Why all the Negative Sentiment Toward the USA?
America Hate Thread
1. your'e nation
I tend to side with the monsters in society, whether it be terrorists, rapists or murderers...
Uncommon Mixes
Americans believe their "independence" was anything but a tax revolt
My southern european eyes are good at hunting down n*rds
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
/luso/ fio lusofono
I have lost the will to live
Wtf?! I love Kosovo now!
German humor
How do you cure acne in your cunt
Military thread
/CTB/Come to Brazil
What does the American fear most? Hmm?
Russian dvach schoolboys on Sup Forums hate non ethnic russians like pic related?
Japanese mechanical pencils
Your cunt
Why are latin americans so mad about the usa?
What cunt do you think will have the next major civil war, like what happened in Syria?
To an English speaker Chinese sounds like:
What did I do in a past life to deserve being born into and living in pic related?
Big city or small town?
1. you are a cut
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Would you like British friends?
Decadent Western guys have to scour the entire internet (Tinder, dating website) to find a subpar, promiscuous partner
Search half [your nationality],half japanese
Watching BBC
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do all Amerifats, in particular on /k/ and Sup Forums. When discussing self-defence, gun control...
Russian thread
If American's speak English. As much of the world speaks English...
La creatura
1) Do you listen to a lot of music of your country?
Biggest assholes in south america
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How does this make you feel?
In Poland, you can even buy anti-communist socks
What do you call this in your country?
1. your country
/ita/ - il filo
You're so funny, user
/fr/ - anti catholique édition
1. Country
This is the source of everything evil in Mexico. Someone pls nuke it
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/nacktschicht/ /deutsch/
Any of you guys ever do any sex tours? Where did you go and how was it?
What is going to happen to him?
American girls
What went so horribly, disgustingly, terribly, utterly wrong?
Why do they think they're white?
You play our RPG games, user
The virgin nip vs the Chad Argentine
I miss u
Why do mods have an inferiority complex toward them?
Varg is at it again
Hairy legs
Would I pass as a local where you live?
Greek Swedish friendship thread
/asean/ - The Year of the Dog 2018
It has come to my attention that it’s almost time, my friends
They (Arabs) say that these girls go out with young...
America is a white nation
4 years almost passed away
Me when Americans say y'all
Of which country have best looking?
This is what Nazies wanted. Would you approve the Nazi approved Europa?
/deutsch/ /bayern/
How many people here are native speakers of regional languages?
Would you rather live in France or Britain?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
1. Cunt of (You)
Is that accurate?
How common are people that look like Rihanna in the Caribbean?
What's the point of duolingo including a picture in these questions? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Hilo latino /lat/
/luso/ fio lusofono
Why do mutts, yuropoors and other assorted third world trash seem to have some weird grudge against Australia?
Tfw unironic pakiboo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Was she justified?
Why are the germans hellbent on killing off this most noble, sublime and ancient tradition?
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Tfw muslim refugee
Not gonna lie, I miss calling turks cockroaches here... will they ever come crawling back?
/carib/: from the ashes edition
So who is your Eurovision canditate this year?
Tfw Sup Forums gave me jungle fever
/ita/ il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Nordic and southron friendship thread!
Why do Muhammads/Europoors think that public access to guns is a bad thing? Sure a few people may die but we have 315...
Feierabend loide
Details have already began to emerge about the isolated teen...
Which boards you use outside of Sup Forums?
Pick a side
Tfw 15 cm penis
Polish and German
Angry foreigner experience
/skandi/ - Apuudgaven
Why do sudacas find this to be a novel concept?
Do you love Italia?
I like this guy
Kurva anyátok
Fuck Canada
Hungarians get itt to answer for this
What the FUCK is Argentina's problem?!
"Poland is fuckin' based haha"
Ywn worship anzu's feet
How do you say "Sex" in your language
Sverigetråden - Finestupplagan
Reminder, it's been 22 years since our last mass shooting and we've never had a terrorist attack
Is this a common sighting in your country?
1. Your country
Are turks consider white because i am dating a turkish girl at the moment?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Post animeme characters from your country
Hoe do you say "fat Dutch milkers" in your mother tongue
/deutsch/ im dunklen
Just bought a new fone family
Lithuania is 100 year old country
How can such a shitty country produce so many good mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists?
Was wehrmacht the most powerful army in mankind's history?
/ITA/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Sup Forumsfugee here. Why doesn't this place have ID's?
Why are Europeans so obsessed with us, Ameribros?
Who would win in a fight?
Burger going to Ireland for a week
The monster
What is your country's equivalent of "Vanhojen Tanssit". (translates to "ball of the (new) seniors")
As a Brit I fail to see how Americans can continue to justify the second amendment
Your country
1. You're cunt
/savižudybė/ - ketvirtas "owo" leidimas
How do you Germans feel about your eastern territories lost to Poland after WW2...
Sup Forums is reddit
Huehuehuehue. Brazilbros, what the actual unironic fuck is going to happen in November...
Opinion on dogs is what separates the civilized from the savages
Used to be part of an Sup Forums discord/skype server
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...