I want to ask to Koreans

I want to ask to Koreans.
Japan and China
Which do you like?

oresama wa puroresu-kai no kingu dazo!
Oretachi Suzuki-gun Ichiba------n!

Japan t b q h
t. gook

Japan. We disagree about things like confort women, Liancoart Rocks and if Japanese colonizing Korea was good. But Japanese pop culture is interesting, languages are similar, economies are similar, foreign policy goal is similar, militaries are for defense, and we can maybe help in the future to be better together.

China on the other hand is everything bad to Korea. They make bad things and flood our economy with them and reduce our jobs. They want Korea divided because they don't want to boarder RoK. They act like savages when they visit here. (maybe the same in Japan?) Their government is terrible. Their military is very big and confrontational like in the South China Sea.

China's population is so big so there will only be bad things to Korea. We should become very good allies and hate China together.

All korean I'm aware of would have picked japan over china. That's for sure.

We love you South Korea!!

without debate

>China on the other hand is everything bad to Korea
Ungrateful little shits should be thanking us

What about the north? A reunification is a matter of time. How would you meet norks? How will you live with them?

based. i was just going to say i like japs and hate dont like chinks very much but this post put it very well. also there are almost no japanese people where i live but there are tons of chinese and they're all annoying and ugly

I'm not sure about everything with reunification. We have a government ministry that works on the small details.

I think maybe it will be like East and West Germany. Of course it will take longer because North Korea is worse than East Germany. But we speak the same language (but words made after 1950 years are different I hear), share the same culture and for the most part are similar. Many North Korean people know they are lied. The propaganda tells them they are the best country in the world and South Korea and America are like Fallout games, but they know it's not true. People bring illegal South Korean dramas and music, and question things. Why does the government doesn't show live sport matches but says North Korea won by many points? They act loyal because it improves their life even if it's fake.

There are big differences so unification would be hard. Language is changing so North Korean uses more made up Korean and Russian words when we use the Chinese Korean words and English words. North Korea doesn't have many modern technology outside of Pyeongyang. It will put Northerners at a very bad disadvantage if they can't use computers or smart phones or many new machines. We are care very much about having many new things and ourself. Very different from Northerners caring about community and thinking brands and what things you have are less important. (I think maybe we can learn to be more like this a little). North Korea has no economy but some natural resources. Maybe it will be too difficult to unify with easiness but we can find the way.

China means communist territorial PRC that tries to own Asia region. Outside of China Chinese are good, like Taiwan and Hong Kong and other Chinese communities in Canada and other places. I think in the past maybe China did some bad things but good things too. But that is past so even if it's bad we should forgive it. PRC China is bad because it acts bad now and wants to act more bad in the future.

>They act like savages when they visit here. (maybe the same in Japan?)
I've talked to many people in the hotel and tourism industries and they universally agree that Chinese tourists are the worst tourists.

>Pissing and shitting on the floor in public
>Assaulting flight attendants and hotel staff
>Raiding buffets and wasting mass amounts of food
>Breaking toilet seats by standing on them so frequently that some bathrooms for popular destinations now have signs on them in Chinese explaining to not do that

And so on. You can find hundreds of stories like those. Prior to travel being affordable for Chinese, everyone hated the Americans and the French, both for their arrogance and disrespect for other countries' culture.

>South Korea and America are like Fallout games

i dont think chinese are arrogant like we are, just completely uncivilized

Japan, because they are like us, just superior in every way.

>everyone hated the Americans and the French
You anglos hates the French because we represent all of what you hate, culture and social rights basically.

The rest of the world is fine with us

Needless to say Japan. We should take communism out of East Asia together, but our government is clusterfuck and people are brainwashed into hating you people sadly. I'm suspecting there are Chink operatives isolating us from the US and Japan.

Pic related

>Prior to travel being affordable for Chinese
I remember Europeans referring to American tourist saying there are three steps of countries evolution. 1. Poor and uneducated/uncultured. 2. I forget but maybe going through hard problems that make them modest. 3. Wealth. Added together, this made countries that act civilised.

They said America didn't do step two. America became very wealthy very fast without many problems. Because of this, Americans don't value things very much. I think the same is true for the Chinese that they don't do step two. But it is much worse because China was so much poorer than America and got the wealth so fast. They had even less time to learn to behave.

A South Korean who likes Japan likewise becomes anti-Japanese when he talks about history.

I only understand 平昌. What is the rest?

Can confirm, PRC shitters should be gassed.
It's a mixture of both, honestly.

Thousands of chinks invaded our website just because their Olympian athletics got disqualified here.

Hong Kong

>china slaughtered them and left them ancient civilization that brought ancient korea alive as a dog of china
>japan colonized them and left them industrialized korea and made them strong after war but obviously they aren't happy with that
>china is like the big red blob in east asia that's scary
>japan is the cute little anime cunt and never do anything that bad except for netouyo and abe going to shitty shrine sometimes
No reason to hate current japan tbqh, now even some shitty k pop is getting support here
So what cunt does Koreans even like? Mongolia? Southeast asian cunts? USA? I just feel like they either hate or not recognize any other cunts but only their tiny peninsula

Anglos and French people have always considered themselves the center of the world.

>They act like savages when they visit here
>maybe the same in Japan?

Yea the same.
They lower their country's assessment themselves and they're not aware of that.

Americans used to be bad but many seem to realize many countries think badly of them now and behave better. Hopefully more Chinese learn to feel shame for bad actions soon.

for me, it's Finland

All soulless chinks