“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr...

>“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

Other urls found in this thread:


le very stable genius xd

Good thing Bulgaria, you are the ultimate part of Europe, but what you're saying about nuke things is whack. Soviets had nukes because they had OUR uranium. Gods bless Bulgaria anyway, just don't became a subject to stupid Ivans.

I like your attack thread OP, makes me laugh. Gives energy to my dislike for Poland.

what a fucking retard

also wasn't this stupid asshole a democrat to begin with?


>you don't need the ability to form a single coherent sentence to be considered a good public speaker

Isn't it quite scary?

Americans always say "Drumpf is not a good president but is such a great public speaker" to justify that their compatriots were dumb enough to elect him. In reality he is a terrible public speaker.

>Drumpf is not a good president but is such a great public speaker

Who the fuck has ever said this?

all your retarded compatriots, probably you too

come on fatty, post your reddit post history, let us see it, I'm sure it's in there somewhere

you have a brain disease

they're foreigners on int, that's a given

no reason to be upset, cletus

this is stressed beauty pageant rehearsed-speech-does-not-match-question tier, desu.

The "good public speaker weak politician" was much more Obama's thing than Trump.

Trump is a retard speaker with 10/10 slogan/hooks.

Is there even a single complete thought or sentence in that verbal diarrhea. I am trying to wrap my head around it but I can't.
Please God give him a stroke, I cannot take the embarrassment of being his citizen any longer.

You put him there, now you endure it.
You think we have it easy with that guy over here?

you aren't his anything, other than the people he answers to

>my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
He admits here the he believes in eugenics.

Do you even know what eugenics is? Because your post indicates you don't.

Yeah. I think he switched sides when Obama became POTUS.
Wonder why

What the fuck did I just read?

Why proxyfag?

>You think we have it easy with that guy over here?
Dude he represents me and my country and is taking us down a path where our country's reputation is in tatters. He is going to leave permanent damage to our dignity, our foreign policy, our standing in the world. It was funny during the campaign but this shit has gone too far.
And he was NOT legitimately elected. It was Vladimir and pals who put him there.
He is my representative de facto, and yours too if you are American.
The President is by default America's image and ambassador. When people think USA, he is now the first person that comes to mind. His Twitter rants, his insecurity, his flip flops on major policy, his slavish devotion to Putin and his own ego. These are now traits associated with America as a whole.
I am not a democrat, but I want Congress as a whole, Reps and Dems, to do their utmost to stop him from being effective. He needs to be neutralized so this national nightmare of embarrassment can be ended.

>And he was NOT legitimately elected. It was Vladimir and pals who put him there.

If that makes you feel better about your shitty, mismanaged, postcommunist tier election campaign...

you're being a bit dramatic over the whole thing


>"You know what uranium is, right? It's this thing called "nuclear weapons" and other things, like lots of, things are done, with uranium, including some bad things."

>"So we had to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have a son -- he’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. It’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe, it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester. And certainly cyber is one of them."

>this guy bullshitted his way to becoming your leader

What the fuck.

the president is not in fact the same thing as a sole leader

wtf I can't believe this is real

the bible had weird grammar too

The President of the United States of America, everyone.

I think there is still legitimacy that he is a Democrat doing all this to covertly sabotage the Rep party.
I mean think of it, he was born and raised in the liberal bastion of NYC, spent most of his life working in Manhattan, socialized with all the liberal celebrities like Oprah and Mike Tyson, even got awards from them, has deep ties to the Jewish community. Very few New York metropolitan elites are ever conservatives.
According to Wikipedia he was a democrat all the way up until 1987. Then he joined some third parties until 2001. From 2001-2009, coincidentally the entirety of the Bush years. Then he mysteriously became a Democrat again from 2012 onward. Purely coincidence?

Dude he literally conned his way into the White House with the support of a foreign power. Our entire political system is compromised. There is no way not to be dramatic at least if you give a shit about our country.
Our "shitty post communist" electoral system has been around for 200+ years and has secured the peaceful, competitive transfer of power for the vast majority of that time. It was intentionally disrupted by Putin proxies in 2016 and it is an act of covert war against us.

>"There is a cooling and there’s a heating. I mean, look, it used to not be climate change, it used to be global warming. That wasn’t working too well because it was getting too cold all over the place."
>“The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records. They’re at a record level.”

okay, you've gone a bit too far with that