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okay why?
An attempt to summon him?
peace sign
Itä-Suomi, best Suomi. Fuck western cucks.
Kalacucko spotted
t. Ilomantsi/Pogosta
Finnish culture is best culture
Helsinki (homo city) anons on suicide watch
Why are you looking at children?
They're high school students around 18-19yo
How do you deal with the fact that we have 12 hockey gold medals and you have 2?
i don't care.
Girl in the back is cute but looks mixed
In the land of the sub-humans, this is the masterrace.
Quick maths
>ginger finns
It's about 1/5 as common here as in British isles
Its always weird seeing them outside of the UK desu
Udmurt people are finno-ugric and they have the most gingers per capita
its pretty common actually.
Udmurts (finnic peoples) are words most redheaded peoples
haha take that small island inbreds
i don't think those are udmurts. probably irish
it's funny cause Udmurts are gingers only because they are so inbred. brits are not even close to them in inbredness
how are your studies going in finland sven?
>10% of Udmurts have red hair
>50% of Finns have blonde hair
mitä sää selität? tuntuuko pahalta kun teidän tyhmyyttä korjataan faktoilla?
>those name tags
They're British or Irish matey
my fault paddy
Fools breeding fools producing fools electing fools
wtf i hate f*nland now
Fuck gitler for ruining the swastika :(
Russians all look so evil
ookko näää sellanen länsi-suomalainen aisuri
en. korjaan vain päivittäin teidän älykääpiöiden merkityksettömiä laukauksia, joilla ei ole mitään totuutta oikeassa elämässä.
miettikää välillä mitä te tänne kirjoitatte
otitko ittees vai mistä täysin turha tilitys ja itku