I trust the police and government to keep me safe

>I trust the police and government to keep me safe.

Libertarians should be shot

>I don't want freedom and nobody else should have it either

How very statist of you, fucking bootlicker

>Blue lives matter
>thank you for your service

Muh freedom and liberty is a meme.

If you want absolute freedom go try living in Somalia or any other lawless shithole where crime is rampant. Real, meaningful freedom comes from when a country is secure, stable and under the firm grasp of the rule of law and when the people respect authority. Then you are free to live your life in safety and opportunity

Go to North Korea

>I will actively oppose and fight against the police and government all by myself because I don't believe they have any interest in keeping me safe.
>I believe I am a captive of my government, even though I can easily obtain the income to save up money and leave my country without restriction

Not an argument.

This is what "protects" you. Look up the arsenal that your local PD probably has. It should make you feel really safe.

>when a country
Collectivist as fuck. Who should be secure and stable are the people.

Better the government having all my dirty secrets, than some transnational profit-seeking corporation that can’t be stopped by the law

Somalians have like 60 IQ lmao

A corporation needs your money every day of the week. A politician needs your vote just once every 3/4/5 years and he's got your money.

>Better the government having all my dirty secrets
It's a direct violation of our constitutional rights.
>that can’t be stopped by the law
and our government wasn't?

If they're so dumb why do they live free but """smart""" people live as cattle?

Neither one is good and worse, they are in bed with each other anyway.
Corporations aren't going to kick your door in at 3am and shoot your dog, unless it's something they have lobbied the government enough to use them as their foot soldiers for.

>i dont need gubment i lib on my own wif no rule and life gud!!!!!

like harmless recreational drug use?

governments literally murdered hundreds of millions of people in the last century alone

Corporations have limited means and legitimacy. There's only so much they can do to hurt you. Whatever threat your information may pose can only be fully realized by a body with as many resources and as much public trust as the government.
>corporation that can’t be stopped by the law
It's much worse for the law to be abusing you than for the law to look the other way when corporations abuse you.

>governments literally murdered hundreds of millions of people in the last century alone
The worst part is the degree to which the World Wars normalized government intervention into private lives and how bloated government budgets became.

>I will continue to train my body, inching closer and closer to its peak, in order to protect myself and my loved ones when necessary.