no-lewd-talk edition
please like and subscribe to my youtube channel
>tfw no gf
What are we going to talk if not cocks?
guns and sakurakos
What sort of riveting content can I expect?
This is a big ass and big titz only thread
Pls stop this blasphemy
excellent post
close-ups of the cheeto crumbs on my face while i talk about how girls don't date nice guys like me
But guns scare me
That's why europoors will never be truly free, they're too scared to embrace the price of freedom and accept that their rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
Why Rin is such a Goddess?
sub 4 sub?
Chinkapoors Europoors
They arr roke the same x)
You shouldn't have brought that now
I remove that practice from my mind
just kidding i don't have a youtube channel
because she's my gf
Rub cocks together...
richer than you muhammed
Me neither, just want to post but didn't have anything interesting to say.
S-shut up
That's some quality content right there, but no need to be down we will get our mommy one day
Tell me about your day then oh so nice knew zeeeeeeeeland
Manlier than you Chun Li
t. lewd, perverted sissi
stop being tsundere silly
gonna take a power nap
strongly doubt that my "man"
>so many NEETs miss their waifus during NS that they have to make this
VERY lazy Sunday, did jack shit.
How was your day?
Thank you for tits
Preparing for winter and really want to get one of these, how would you guys order A, B & C from best to worst?
Because all that white will just get grubby.
Hello everyone!
Okay, I'll get B and A I think then (if I can spare tha dosh)
кaк дeлa?
I'm fine, and you?
It's a sleepy thread at the moment buddy.
ya horasho
annnnnnnnnd that's the extent of my Russian))))
only 945pm on the kooooool side of the pond
>It's a sleepy thread at the moment buddy.
Well, I think when you have the morning (day) I will be able to continue the communication.
>ya horasho
What brings a pesky rooooski to these mean streets anyway?
>to these mean streets anyway?
I think that to talk with you.
Also, our Russians are not so many here.
You're invited lads
Well I'm glad you made the effort just to come talk to little old me!
You're always welcome here Russian qt
>You're always welcome here Russian qt
Thank you!
>woken up again
Just eat pizza, bro
What a cute image
But I dislike pizza as strangely as it seems
>But I dislike pizza
>this post
>this flag
W-well it's true
I prefer to eat meat
That's because THE POWERFUL AMERICAN CHAD PIZZA>Italian virgin cheezy bread
I just dislike t*Rronic food
Aside for arrosticini but that is more central Italy than s*Uth
Yeah, good thing Glorious US of A manages to fix the worst cousines of the world and make something good of it :)
Il distruttore adepto dell'oscurità...
La speranza disillusa...
L'essere immondo...
In italiano, scrivo senza errori?
Sì anche se una versione più corretta sarebbe (yes but a better way to say it would be):
"Scrivo senza errori in italiano?"
Grazie per l'aiuto!
Don't worry
I smell... *nglo langauge...
>Don't worry
Ma non sono preoccupato!
It's because of this
>tfw never watched cowboy bibbity bop but I still like Faye
Reminder that she's 100% white.
Are you ready for your travel? :D:D:D
I missed the cheapest ticket XDDD
And now?
I'm in fucking dilemma XD
Also what the fuck is this video
Do you want to change country? :DxD
>What is this video?
Germanic Satanautism
>Do you want to change country? :DxD
Not really, i'd just like to find a country where i can fly cheaply XDDD
Also i try checking flight to italy, cost like 1000€(´・_・`)
Hey that's pretty cheap
Did your friend find military museums in Irkutsk?
How many times do you guys say "mate" on an average day?
Thailand seemed too cool :(
I am sorry that ypu lost the ticket
I'm a poorfag
Hiya, perchance i recalled it wrongly. It's true ma fren got off the Transsyberian Railway there. Hmm...
5 times
Too bad i wasn't decisive. I felt like the ticket price would go down even more
Good morning gang.
Good morning!
Hows ya day been buddy?
You doing good?
morning :D
And a good morning to you too, you're an early bird.
>Hows ya day been buddy?
Just great
>You doing good?
I think yes
Is that your kot?
>came home from store
>all of sudden want chips
just kill me now desu
*doesn't kill you*
You must suffer in life now, thats your punishment for not getting chips.
>Is that your kot?
wow rude
hello westyyyyyyyyy
did you sleep well?
I want a cute cat of my own, but I'm not allowed pets here!
Can you give it a nice pat for me please?
I'mma rude dude with an attitude I'll tell you that much for free.
What did you get from the shop?
I did, I manged to get some sleep last night.
Hows your day been buddy?
This reminds me I bought chicken burger for midnight snacks 2 days ago but have been falling asleep before midnight and the burger is still in freezer desu
>Hows your day been buddy?
had to do some work related stuff, but otherwise it was okay.
Too excited for uni so I woke up really early :D
You almost woke up at a normal hour today too! good job.
>had to do some work related stuff
After work hours?
Hmm.. whatcha doing now you're home?
Oh and how did your ribs go, I forgot to ask about them before I went to sleep.
Does your uni start today?
>You almost woke up at a normal hour today too!
I had a few hours sleep during the night, so we'll see how long I last.
>Can you give it a nice pat for me please?
These are old photographs, now he is not with me.
>now he is not with me.
i-is.. is he dead?
Or does he live somewhere else?
>Or does he live somewhere else?
ribs where delicous.
and i had to do the stuff with taxes and some papers desu.
im still fucking writing that stuff and too distracted to do anythjing at the pc desu
i bought 24 pack of vanilla coke zero and a new micro usb cable only to find out the plug doesnt want to go all the way in my phone
Yes, and i have my first seminar style lecture in the new building that was opened on Thursday.
Hopefully you will last a while, you have a buggered sleeping pattern m80
That sucks
Can you return the cable if it isnt functioning as intended?
Phew.. thats good to hear.
Ahhh I see, I hate paperwork, shit sucks.
>ribs where delicous.
What did ya do with them and what did ya have with them?
Thats sucks buddy, how far away is the shops from you?
Might need to revisit them if you got the plug wrong.
Just had breakfast and have found a new word, 'promulgate'. I can never foresee me actually using that in a sentence though.
>good to hear.
Why are you so worried about my kot?
One day your time will come when you can use your new word and you will fudge it up.
I just really like kots.
>I just really like kots.
Oh, okay.
>but I'm not allowed pets here
And what is the reason?
The landlords just doesn't allow them for some reason.
Good morning lads