/Mex/ Thread

/Mex/ Thread


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Kys, second mexican empire best years.




You are /cum/ clay. Delete this right now.


CHIs care more about Mexico than Mexicans

[X] Doubt

gib chi bf

Only a few Mexican posters are cool, the rest support your statement.

CHIs care deeply about our motherlands
I bet you you'll see more Mexican flags in Texas or California than all of Mexico


I stopped buying Lowrider magazine after they removed the girls



This is unironically Chicano culture.
No one in Mexico has low riders, and real Mexican sluts look way different than Chicana sluts.


Lol not at all. Have you ever been to Mexico? Every city has giant Mexican flags flying. You see Mexican flags everywhere you go. Mexicans are extremely nationalistic

>everywhere you go
not really
>texas chi's


>the virgin zapata
>the CHAD Villa

If any of you wants to start an international company founded here in mexico please don't include ''mex'' in the company's name.

Finn ok?

My great great grandfather used to sell guns to this dude in the early 1900s. Told my great grandmother he was a pretty cool dude.

kys :*

demen una novia mexicana

I got memed by an English teacher into reading a book about the Mexican revolution

thats one book more than what most mexicans have read about the revolution
did u like it?

It was pretty cool but it was more about how the revolution affected families than what actually happened

what the name of the book?

In the main squares maybe Ive never seen anyone flying flags in their homes, theres no stigma to it but we are not in murrican levels of flag display

It was your average peasant uprising with fuck ton of warlords, it was more of a period of general uprest and killing rather than a single rebellious faction taking on the goverment

Porfirio fue un heroe, usurpado de la presidencia por indios asquerosos, gracias a la """revolucion""" somos tercer mundistas asquerosos.

>tfw no mx bf

I can't remember. It's been a long time.

I learned the basic part about Porfirio Diaz and Villa-Zapata. Did Zapata really say that "rather live on my feet than die on my knees" thing?

sure, why would you doubt it?

hello mexico

will you team up with canada and invade us?

I've seen lots of things get misquoted or attributed to other people here

thats how history work, we cant never be 100% sure about what we are told happened

Los derechairos son igual de cagazones que los chairos regulares, hubo avances durante el porfiriato? Si, una dictadura totalitaria es sostenible? No, nunca lo ha Sido y nunca lo será, o te abres a la democracia o te tumban a la verga y eso le pasó al meco, nada más no hubiera jugado en 1910 cómo ya había dicho y hoy sería recordado de una manera muy distinta .

Y ya que hablas de indios mugrosos, tu puto ídolo era un oaxaco media sangre mixteco así que no la mames, y si bien había un beneficio macroeconómico la realidad es que fuera de la élite la gran mayoría de la gente vivía en la mierda, aún más que hoy en día, las probabilidades son que si tú hubieras vivido en el porfiriato seguramente hubieras sido un obrero del montón no un hacendado chingon, eso sí bien feliz por vivir en un país donde ya metieron trenes, cines y pendejadas francés que jamás podrás disfrutar por ser de tez humilde

Undocumented migrants find life tough in Finland

One Mexican migrant told Yle he cleaned construction sites, distributed pizza adverts and worked at Helsinki’s market square before he got a residence permit.

Edgar Roberto Ortega left his home town of Mexico City nearly twenty years ago to move to the United States. He left because there was no work in Mexico and life there was dangerous. After several years in the US, Ortega left for Europe.

He held out for a year working on the black market before he found love and got married. The residence permit application process involved a lot of visits to the police station with numerous questions to answer.

Meh who knows it is officially attributed to him, but is hard to tell where does reality ends and folk story begins, maybe he didnt say those exact words but in the collective image the phrase embodies his character


wtf i hate mexicans now

so u saying we should go to finnland or not?