Just a reminder that if you're complaining that the new episode is bad because of woman writers...

Just a reminder that if you're complaining that the new episode is bad because of woman writers, then you need to go back to r eddit more than any pseudo-intellectual who watches the show.

It's the least funniest episode of Rick and Morty to date. sorry.


That dad is a manlet. Pretty sure it isn't even his kid.

t. little mr. broken condom

>he watches this fucking nonsense to begin with

Take it to reddit.

t. reddit

Women arent for making me laugh they are for making me cum and thats how Allah intended it


woman can't be funny.

>mfw I read that in bobbys voice

haha he belittled his own son because of a shitty cartoon, what a champ
truly the peak of humor

link to where you found this?


the pacing was bad

Also, what kind of guy would be that wordy IRL?

men can't write in the current year either

*b-buuurp* Uh M-mort-morty peop- *burp* looks l-like some people online ha-ha- *hic* have b-been expredd- expregg- EXPRESSING some *buurp* s-sexist views on th *BUUUURP* internet Morty. W-we sh-sh-should beat 'em *buuuurp", beat 'em up Morty.

>I want to watch s3e2 again

said no one ever


Oh hey it's Dan Harmon

Go melt down on twitter or something you weirdo

>any criticism of feminism ever

beta fuckboy virgin bitch loser creep whiteboy fuccboi misogynist MRA MGTOW sexist school-shooter Sup Forumstard

>h-hey R-Rick, m-m-maybe we should uh, maybe we s-should hire people based on based on their merit you know? Like their skills and...talent and stuff

>shut the fuck up, MORTY. W-w-w-w-why don't you just go and jerk off to sally or s*uuuuuu*sy *urp* or what*eeeeee*ver her name is like the pathetic beta male you are

>Just a reminder that if you're complaining that the new episode is bad because of woman writers, then you need to go back to r eddit more than any pseudo-intellectual who watches the show.
wouldn't only people who watch the show be complaining about it?

Post the boys feet please

>/Sup Forums shat on R&M as a whole
>Suddenly new episode by female writers

>When you are such a Sup Forums cocksucker that your hate for women overrides your hate for a SJW cartoon

Y'all should consult.

That's cute!

s3e2 of what?

t. reddit

did a woman make that meme too?

which mental illness is this ?

The denial of racial and gender differences will be the downfall of the western world.

Reminder that everyone who hates s03e02 is a bandwagon hopper who watched the first two seasons within the past year.

Which explains Sup Forums's problem with it.

fragile autistic white male dicklets need to fuck of forever



I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because nobody else acknowledges that THIS is the worst episode ever

FUCK these guys

>I've been a fan of some shitty fucking cartoon longer than you !

c-congrats user

The gynocentrism of cunts is primitive and revolting.

It's a really shitty episode and you can tell women were heavily involved because it has long, shitty jokes with no humor.

Oh! So that's why the episode sucked so much.

it. just. wasn't. funny.

If you are still watching Rick & Morty in 2017 you need to go back

uh oh someone didn't think this post was funny

just watched it, am on reddit every day for 4-5 years. it was mostly not funny, but the robot morty was funny as shit

>shitty jokes with no humor

tl;dr user wants reddit rants but in tl;dr mode

so what was actually wrong with the episode aside the fact that there was woman writers? like for a moment take women out of the equation. what made it bad?

hahahahahahaha! we destroyed your precious cartoon! YOU! OUR TRUE ADULT SWIM FANS, OUR ACTUAL VIEWERSHIP(young white men) *marxisms behind you, hehe, nothin personell, goy

what did he say? did he mention the r-word?

>dude mustache lmao
>btw Summer is now the ultimate killing machine
>oh hey there Mr. Coyote let me repeatedly narrate exactly what the writers were thinking, like a Family Guy joke

>tfw Summer is becoming Mary Sue because of reasons and Sup Forums is getting triggered and finding scapegoats because god forbid criticize Dan Harmon

This, rick and morty is already so unfunny it's like it was written by females to begin with

everybody here cristises Dan Harmon what the fuck are you talking about newfag?

>helmet guy drivels on too much
>relationship segment when they fell off was kinda dragged out
>inb4 Sup Forums wants "greentext and morty" instead of "reddit and morty"

>the joke was that the reveal of his face was underwhelming
>summer literally kills only one person in the episode and she didn't even have to fight for it

Not even by far. It was a good episode, just not the best. Get shwifty (or however the fuck it was spelled) and the one where rick becomes a teenager were terribly unfunny.

t. reddit


serves you redditors right

Just a reminder that white knighting for women will not get you laid.

The show has always been garbage.