Why is she so sexy?

Why is she so sexy?

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first tell us who she is, and where's she from.

A disney xd bumper

im starting to get the feeling that daron nefcy is one of those cartoonists that loves to create cute characters but afterward doesnt know what to do with them so they get shoved into the toy box

That's pretty much most artists. It's far easier to doodle something nice than to formulate an entire story for it.

In a perfect world these bumper cuties would have gotten their own show instead of Star Vs.

Characters from a Disney XD bumper
Prisma (the blonde) and Avery (the goth)

>That's pretty much most artists. It's far easier to doodle something nice than to formulate an entire story for it.


This right here.

Most movie guys and TV guys consider the script to be a sheet of paper that somebody scribbled some words on.

But the hard truth is, if you don't have a STORY, you got nothing.

Why was The Incredibles so amazing? it wasn't the animation, for damn sure, it was capable at best.

No, the reason The Incredibles is so amazing is the STORY.

Go back and look at pretty much every great show, great movie, and you'll see, the really good ones start with a fantastic writer.

Hollywood has a real problem admitting this, and so we get endless re-makes of the few good stories they managed to not fuck up.


So it goes.

Well said . :)

>flat even by 2D standards

she is not

>you are not allowed to watch this video in your country.
well fuck you too Disnjew