Sup Forums
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Comics #858
As has been well-reported...
Pre-Order Books NOW!
I think I'm gonna be sick
Just finished Gravity Falls. Why did Sup Forums hate the ending and turn on Alex Hirsch?
Who do you think/want to play Deathstroke, Sup Forums?
Ya get it? They're about to sing "Baby Got Back" which is a song about women's buttocks...
I just started watching world of gumball like 2 weeks ago
Implying he would have been a bad Superman
Cape Tears
Sup Forums! I've been chasing The Hulk for years now, but nothing seems to work. How can I capture him?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Lets just remember
Will there be an episode addressing her obvious eating disorder?
How does this make you feel?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
How's Your Webcomic? #311
Cw multiverse
How does Sup Forums feel about this?
Is it hilarious or tasteless that the writers of TTG love making fun of their usual detractors?
Give Us Our Own Board Already Edition
Draw a spooky alien
Who else got their rejection letters today?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
So did this show that Junkrat really wants to be redeemed and help people...
Batman Unlimited
What's with french cartoons containing lesbians ?
Kill Six Billion Demons
A lot of speculation has been going on about who the main villain or villains is going to be for the upcoming Flash...
IIT: good things that come from bad movies
If Batman is such a great detective...
Community Storytime
Why don't you like them?
Hey ducklords of Sup Forums, I'm a couple volumes behind on Fantagraphics' Barks books...
ITT Post images that easily trigger people
Marvel Developing 'New Warriors' TV Show
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Have you already watched it? How was it?
Recent purchases thread?
Are there any good comics with female main characters?
Omg lion guard. Meet Dhahabu. The golden zebra
First CBR gets an awful redesign now Newsarama WTF
JSA Storytime: Batman and the Outsiders
Can we get some Dolan girls going?
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 4: Mutant Massacre (Part 21)
ITT: big Sup Forums women
Been back for one year
Is there a character who could be considered a modern day cartoon sex symbol?
Ideas for cute/handsome male Superheroes?
If Bruce Wayne had an instagram, it would probably look like this
Saitama vs. World Breaker Hulk
The Addams Family
Make the perfect SJW-pandering comic
Did batman go to college?
I thought this movie was quite good desu
Normie says they're going to do impression of the Joker
What was her problem?
No Sup Forums waifu thread? Let's change that
Toonami Ratings for 8/27/16
I said I was going to do it so here we are, every Fantastic Four comic. Now in, mostly digital rips
Danny Phantom Revival in Works?
Why does Kid Arachnid always come across as boring when written by Bendis?
Oh shit nigga, a sneak peek of the sneak peek of the Doctor strange movie
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
I never read a comic book
So Ive been trying to think up Ice themed super heroes and all I can come up with is Ice and Iceman
It's "Wolverine makes an abrupt and egregious guest appearance on a new book to shamelessly boost its sales" issue
With kubos performance at the box office can we finally admit that these guys and their fans are a problem?
New Marvel Teaser
Why do people like green girls so much?
How many low budget movies fly under the radar every year?
ITT: We post great panels / pages / sequences
I found a home made comic book in a garbage can
Why do they let a racist homophobic character like him become popular? fucking disgusting
Are most "Marvel comics fans" nowadays just people who primarily watch the movies?
Thunderbolts thread. Post Thunderbolts
When the Dc Extended Universe eventually starts producing tv shows, what do you want to see be made?
DC Bombshells Annual #1 - Preview
Old Children's Books
Start watching the show
Gotham Academy Annual #1 Preview
Out of Placers
You have Terror at your complete disposal to make him rape anyone/thing
What's your favorite image comic?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Is this a fair assessment of Steven Universe?
If this is Trump what kinda villain is Hillary, Obama and Bush? Jeb would be turtle themed i bet
The monster under the bed Storytime
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree on Terry Long being the best normal husband any superheroine has had in...
Top Cow
Legion of Super-Heroes
Totally selfish
Jenny Frison's first Wonder Woman variant
ITT : retards too blind to recognize best girl
Iron Fist vol 4
Revenge of Radioactive Man!
Do you ever feel like you're surrounded by a bunch of Sup Forumsmic Book Guys...
Since DC got rid of the edgy Nu53 Superman and brought back the REAL Supeman...
Joss fucking Whedon wrote and directed the most successful film in human history
Even though I love Steven Universe...
That feel when we could have the perfect suit
CAGE! #1 First Lettered Preview
What would you do?
Le pee pee & fart jokes
It's another show with MC...
You now remember
Post your waifu or husbando chart but don't rate...
Anyone else thing that Jane Foster Thor is just kind of a bummer...
The last cartoon you watched is now soundtracked by the last album you listened to. Is it good?
Which are your favorite comic book covers Sup Forums?
Does anyone on Sup Forums work in the animation industry?
What do you think of padippica?
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting August 24, 2016
The Tick Storytime Part 8
Are you serious
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
The Amazing World Of Gumball
Original Character : Donut Steel
Wait why the fuck wasn't this the prolouge of the killing joke film
Extraordinary X-Men by Lemire and Ramos
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Did Sup Forums ever discuss this picture? I don't recall seeing any threads about it
Why does Sup Forums hate him?
How did she get so fat?
Yo shit patrick, that bottom bitch at krabs had a sweet ass
Well Sup Forums?
The script was written with Clive Owen in mind, but the studio is worried whether he's suited physically for the role...
So Ashleigh Ball is a lesbian now apparently
Rosianna Rabbit
Just finished this great Suicide Squad run. Let's get a thread on it
Actors that BECOME the character they play, do you know any?
Will we ever see him again?
Why there is no Teen Titans movie plan? Even Justice League Dark is gonna get their own movie
Who would win in a hand to hand combat between these two guys?
All that chit chat is gonna get ya hurt
Will it be any good?
You loved the new CBR, so get ready for the new Newsarama! How bad will it be Sup Forums...
Preacher series
What is the Sup Forums equivalent?
Heathcliff buys meat
Milo Murphy's law
So, now we've got Deathstroke in the DCCU, who's gonna play Dick?
Can anyone decipher what the fuck Captain Marvel is saying?
Marvel's Ultimate Universe
Joker is much more interesting without the Harley shoe-horned romance
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Post yfw I put you through that fucking wall
I can't believe someone ripped Pepe off for their shitty comic!
For real, though - he got his powers from Sup Forums
Pick one
Muscled super heroines thread
Why don't more people praise the fact that Nolan made an A+ Year One adaptation AND an A+ R'as story in the same film?
Riverdale Trailer
Say his name
They fucking stole our word
Poison Ivy
/doag/: Tonight's strip
Good. Fuck Johnny and Plank
10/10 husbandos of Sup Forums
The Return of the Power Pack
Which generation grew up in a better time for cartoons?
Nowadays we'd be lucky to get comic book films even half as decent as Spider-Man 3 and XM: The Last Stand
Does anybody remember this show? I always loved crossovers
Do you prefer him being referred to as Slade or Deathstroke?
So, I finally got a chance to see this. What did you all think of it?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What are some of the best superhero movies? I really liked this one. The dark,selfish...
Read Scott Pilgrim
I personally hate it when people write/type "Spiderman" instead of Spider-Man. Do it right, fuckheads
How will Frank Miller be remembered
Gwenpool is shit! SHIT!
Do you think he'll still be selling beepers in the movie?
Go to pixiv
Original Life
Batman Forever
Will she ever be able to make something that surpasses Steven Universe (In terms of popularity...
South Park 20th Season
The New Deal Storytime
Did anyone actually fap to this?
Hey Arnold thread
Now, Optimus Prime. In memory of the Decepticons. For the glory of the Predicons...
Cheesecake MILF Edition
So I found out this show existed a couple days ago. It's called Atomic Puppet...
Spidey thread
Part 1:
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hi Sup Forums. can you get moral orel subtitles somewhere...
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on The Incal? What do you expect from the upcoming movie adaptation by Refn?
Justice League Dark Movie Adaptation Lands Doug Liman as Director
Does she have any redeeming qualities?
I am not a morticia memer so inb4
Let's post some old threads
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
So is this movie meant as some sort of insult towards Disney?
What issues of Blandy McDiversity do I need to read to find out what happened to Ultimate Pete?
Tfw the first season is almost over
Everyone's favorite hyper-endowed witch who occasionally has to exorcise vaginas is hitting Issue #100
Hey Sup Forums let's read Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems! The second steven universe comic series!
What do you want to know?
What I watched/expected/got
Sing looks like trash, but goddam does that porcupine look fine
Would comics benefit from a new Silver Age?
Son of Radioactive Man!
Cap wins, right?
Do you have any especially valuable comics? Anything graded - regardless of value?
Kelly's done it again
Mother or daughter, Sup Forums?
Who's your favorite YouTube animator?
Black user here. Will it be wise of me to cosplay as movie captain boomerang?
Describe this comic in five words or less
Can Hussie still save Homestuck with the epilogue?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What was his fucking problem?
Long Gone Gulch
Find a flaw
Goodnight, sweet prince
Would an overwatch movie work? People say it's like playing a Pixar game...
New teaser with Cullen Bunn and Greg Land
Is there anything more autistic than discussions of canon?
Storytime: Chronological Seven Soldiers
Freaks squeele: funérailles
When will someone put a stop to this monster?
Alias Storytime (Part 5)
Dark Leo
About a year ago I proposed the idea of SUPER canon. In the context of the MCU, the films are all SUPER canon...
So...are these supposed to be funny or?
How do we fix it Sup Forums?
I said I was going to do it so here we are, every Fantastic Four comic. Now in, mostly digital rips
How is everyone liking PriestStroke so far?
Batman of Shanghai - Golden Age Storytime
Spidey 2099
Who watches this show? Not hating on it, being serious
Suicide squad
Character has telekinesis
ITT we post Tintin memes
Is Beartato a Canadian?
You will never be able to hug Wanda
Wew never made a general thread before hope it goes okay haha ;_;
Destroyer MAX Storytime
You will never be turned into an exact genetic copy of your hot boss
Is this canon to the MCU?
Suddenly PRIEST is on a book with movie hype behind it
What does Sup Forums think of Gargoyles?
Rank them
Were Matt and Trey right when they said that putting a gay couple in a series isn't something people should get up...
“Spider-Man and Miles, tracking the missing pieces of the Siege Perilous...
Is there any other Sup Forums related media that portrays fat people as actual characters...
Character is obsessed with a thing
How boned or well off is your hometown in the Steven Universe... universe?
Obscure dc/marvel waifu's
Would Voltron be better if the cast was gender swaped?
The Nickelodeon Rant: What Went Wrong?
Find a flaw
What does Sup Forums think of ghetto spongebob?
Pick a Sup Forums character, any character
Which sport would Spider-Man be best at?
Deathstroke might be in upcoming Batman movie?
Holy shit, Affleck just put a video of Deathstroke on twitter!
Is Teen Titans Go! actually pretty funny?
CIVIL WAR 2 Preview
Timmy always goes to the bathroom at 6:13
Hey, Sup Forums. In the same vein as the Chronological Mignolaverse that got posted...
Has anyone noticed that Korra seemed to be a
Anyone else glad we all got a new waifu?
Why did they even fall in love with each other? It's not like they had anything in common to begin with
I said I was going to do it so here we are, every Fantastic Four comic. Now in, mostly digital rips
Why'd they cancel it?
I want carol to rape me
What do you think she meant by this?
Warhammer 40k
You're not from around here, are you?
Spiderverse film
How did you discover Zim?
Be 50
Why did they make the new mickey mouse characters look like drug addicts?
I'm making a yaoi webcomic for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of people who like the same things as I and I want to...
We're totally going to get Jessica with Carol, right?
Is there a happy cartoon to watch to help me with my depression? It must have qt waifus in it
Anyone have specific reasons why they wont watch certain cartoons?
Endtown 29-08-16: Never Take A Mouse From A Cat
Sup Forums: dump them edition
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What does Sup Forums think of him?
Watch where you're going, Puny Parker
Be green lantern
Worst Sup Forums character you relate to?
Who is the best Raven Cosplayer?
What did she plan to do if she actually made it back to Minnesota?
This wasn't nearly as bad as I remember it being
Well, this guy's a fucking autistic moron
Gunnerkrigg Court
Why does typical western stuff go out of its way to make male villains look ugly or comical...
Why was Killer Croc so sexual in this series?
My Dad is a Rock Star?
Where were you when Superman got raped?
Post Sup Forums reaction images
Suicide Squap
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
At what point did you stop watching Family Guy, assuming of course...
Where can I read this shit?
It Hurts 430: Overreaction
TFW this episode is over 20 years old
Can someone draw wordgirl in power armor
Hostile reminder that this is a great film
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
The Batman solo really should be an adaptation of Under the Red Hood
ITT: cartoon or comic characters you've related the most. I'll start
DC cartoons on Netflix?
ITT: Characters that are plot devices
In the name of diversity!
I don't get it
How shitty is this show?
Marvel Cosmology
The Cal Arts style looks like it's drawn by suburban kids who had a normal easy life and don't have anything to say...
Only you Sup Forums, would regard love as a weakness
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #856
Why is his character considered "the best leader in the DCU"...
Describe what Speed Force is in 3 words or less
Billy the Heretic thread
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Ennis' Crossed?
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
What are the best Hawkeye stories?
Hey Sup Forums
How does Sup Forums feel about Dark Horse?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
I just finished watching this
What did she mean by this?
The 2000-2009 period was an insane for comics
Man, I thought this was supposed to be a kids cartoon
Every one of these ch/a/racters are dropped into modern Marvel suddenly
Didney Worl
How dangerous is Bolivia? Is there hope someone takes care of Bendis while he's there?
Drag Queen Phi Phi O'Hare dressing as 90's toons
So this is pretty much the ideal bodytype for She-Hulk, right?
What did you guys think?
ITT: Stone cold killers
Sup Forums Cats vs Dogs
JSA Storytime: Batman and the Outsiders
Does Sup Forums's family watch cartoons?
Pick one
Think of the main character of the last Sup Forums related thing you read/watched
There are people who would have had her wear this ridiculous outfit the whole movie
Kelly comic thread
We still have this night star friends
Superman reaction image thread
How is it not creepy that Piotr Rasputin who is 18 years old dates a 13 year old girl...
He can't keep getting away with it!
Part of a comic book panel is cut and zoomed in to make it look like a new panel
So guys, a thought just popped into my head...
Who had the highest power level in Ed, Edd, & Eddy besides Eddy's brother of course?
Why does nobody like Superman?
Looney Tunes Storytimes
Exiles storytime part 8
Sup ForumsCo/'s Bizarre Adventure: Pericles Edition
Were they right?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Sup Forums, did I tell you about the inmune system?
I'm watching this now. Is it really as Sup Forums says? What should I expect?
Why aren't we seeing more Spider-Men shit now that Miles is in the 616?
Is Christopher Priest a greater comic book writer than Alan Moore
I-it's gonna come out.. right?
Goth Girls & Boys Thread
Dick Grayson is for ________
Is there some curse that prevents DC and Marvel being good in the same decade?
At what point did you stop watching the Simpsons?
Will there ever be another Homestuck?
The Hellblazer Rebirth
Jaegir 2000 AD Storytime
Will Disney ever make another hand-drawn feature film?
Planning to become masked vigilante
When are they going to put Harrison Wells in the DC Comics universe?
Monday morning, wake up time
Why do Simpson writers hate Arby's so much? I fucking love Arby's!
Ben Affleck
Talks shit about quips in Avengers films
Sony Pictures sucks
In honor of Jack Kirby, I'm going to storytime his adaption of 2001: A Space Odyssey
So this shit is happening, huh?
Beast Wars character
Exiles storytime part 7
Judge Dredd Storytime
Tell me about your fetishes, Sup Forums
Storytime of Greatness: Fantastic Four #51
New Mario cartoon set to air on ABC prime time
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Take off your nostalgia glasses for a second because simon baz and jessica cruz are absolutely the coolest looking...
Good God how can you people read most of these superhero comics?
Why do people like this show?
Sup Forums,What do you think of this show?
Watch this because Sup Forums said it was all about underage incest
Hey Sup Forums let's read Snotgirl! It's a comic about awful people being awful to each other!
Sausage Party
Mfw same people who animated "Here Comes a Thought" also did Kill La Kill
Bestseller List – 28th August 2016 – Another Week And No Marvel Superhero Comics…
It's kind of sweet that Yancy still named his son after Fry even when due to time travel shenanigans he never went...
Bride of Radioactive Man!
Does best pairing have a chance. Pic related
Cosplay Thread
Kickstarter comics thread. What have you been reading, funding, etc?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Bruce Wayne to die in new Batman comic?
Miss me yet?
Image is totally the best comic book company in the world you guise
Let's have a Jack Kirby thread in honor of what would have been his 99th birthday...
First footage from THOR: Ragnarok
Alias Storytime (Part 4)
Are the Sonic Archie comics worth getting into in the long run after the Penders lawsuit and reboot?
The Tick Storytime Part 8
Do you have a webcomic waifu or husbando?
More Johns Lantern Storytime!
Do any of you guys have any comic and cartoon related hobbies? Myself, I enjoy 'breaking down' scenes from movies...
I'll have an argument, please
Whats next Black Batman?
Does Sup Forums like Ralph Bakshi?
TFW You realize Steven will never have kids or a family...
How did he became rich?
Symbiote Thread
Post your waifu chart and rate others
How does Steve not have PTSD?
Just how much would your waifu enjoy being a housewife?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Chatacters Who Had a Dick, and Now Don't Have a Dick
Is this any good? Al Ewing is writing it and his stuff is consistently mediocre
You're Steve Rogers, on the run from the government with your small band of vigilantes...
Giancarlo Esposito rejected mcu tv job
Filename Thread
Are there any ANAD Marvel titles that aren't liberal politically correct garbage?
How based was this show?
How would YOU have written the ending?
What happened to Tynion Sup Forums? Pretty much everything he did up until taking over 'Tec sucked. B&R was...
Why is he so much more attractive than any of the avengers combined
ITT: Characters who don't fit
Why don't they write characters as cowards anymore?
Can we now admit as embarrassing as 90s comics could be that Marvel in the year 2016 is far more cringe worthy?
Wonder Woman 2017
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
I have a question I'd like to ask to as an opinionated group as possible:
Good morning Sup Forums, how bout some breakfest?
How is Hans the bad guy again...
/sug/ Stephen Universe General
What's the best use of wishes within what's allowed in Da Rules?
Toonami General #6
Kill Six Billion Demons
Toonami General #5
ITT comics you want to see adapted into live action
Autism: The Animated Series
When do we get our own board?
Thoughts? Also I heard the original cartoon which I haven't seen also did a Trigon story arc
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
"Goofy, you're coming with me!"
Finally, a new attractive cartoon female that isn't "muh grrrl power" to fap to
The Runaways, a franchise he was heavily involved with, is finally getting adapted to the MCU...
Toonami General #4
Donna Troy
In addition to writing comics, he has worked in television, video games and film...
Now that the dust has settled.. Who was worse?
Ask the 8 Ball
Why is marvel pushing the oildriller agenda?
Toonami General #3
What suits do you want to see in the new Spider-Man game?
Why was young Steven a better singer than older Steven in the earlier episodes?
What are your hopes for All-New Youngblood?
Toonami General #2
Should heroes ever kill? If so, should they only kill in self defense, only in defense of others...
Suicide squad
Radioactive Man!
Why is he such a villain sue? He was on the Justice League for fuck's sake
Fantastic Four episode 13
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
You have 10 seconds to explain why pic-related was in the film at all
Who are some Sup Forums characters with Parker Luck that isn't Spider-Man?
Voltron Merchandise
ITT: Cutest B-characters
Gone, gone the form of man
So rumor has it that there was one more Minerva episode made before she got censored
Is there a bigger jobber? Not only could he could reasonably beat Superman but he could reasonably beat him easily
Canon ships that shouldn't exist
I'm starting to get curious about western comics...
Why were pirates making bombs that looked like pies?
Disney movies pre-WW2 were his best films prove me wrong
I think it's time for a vampire thread, wouldn't you agree?
Fight Club 2
It's a love potion episode
Who wore it better?
What's so good about this show?
Warren Classics
ITT: the best reaction images
Literally Bard Class: The Animated Movie
It´s a let´s play Dungeon & Dragons episode
Do DC characters just not translate to live action?
Name a super hero who couldn't beat Goku
Post scenes that traumatized you
The Bellybuttons/Les Nombrils 6 and 7
Warren Classics
ITT: Cartoon food you always wanted to eat
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Toonami General #1
Does gravity apply to Huntress boob ont this pictures?
Black fusion of Reed Richards and Superman
Alright Sup Forums, what was your favorite episode of Samurai Jack?
Was it autism?
Why are Marvel and DC civilians so racist to robots?
What if you had a gun?
Jughead - Archie comic
Tynion is putting out a better Batman comic than Tom King
Homestuck epilogue soon
He deserved a better movie
Guys im trying to remember a comic I've seen posted here. Its kind of like Anime Club but darker...
How would YOU have written the ending?
Why isn't the guy the best fighter on Earth...
Anyone else excited about where this is going?
Why are 90s cartoons so excellent?
Thor has his hammer
Is there a Sup Forums character edgier than the Sauce?
The Omega Men Storytime II
RIP Best Avengers
Judge Dredd Storytime
Remember me?
Exiles Storytime part 6: fucking image limit edition
If Steven has spit that can heal people of any ailment, why doesn't he use his power to benefit the rest of the world...
Do you like Vicki Vale Sup Forums?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Why do girls like Harley so much?
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 4: Mutant Massacre (Part 20)
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Larryboy was intense as fuck
The Omega Men Storytime
Bendis vs slott
Show me your cosplays
Teen Titans #23 storytime Final issue
Waifu Claim Thread
Since DC comics made the RIGHT choice and had the edgy New 52 Superman (aka SuperDudebro) killed off/depowered and...
I used to go to a human school where everyone was the same
Danny Phantom
Season 19 Commentary is out
You know what would be great? MyCartoonList
Implying you didn't freak out when you first saw this
New Fantastic Four Recs?
Will we ever see a resurrection of old internet series like Madness Combat or Brackenwood?
Post pages that give you goosebumps
Exiles storytime part 5
Can you believe Casey Kasem quit Transformers over this?
George Liquor Storytime
So how do you rank IDW's (Licensed) comics
ITT: The worst moments in animation history
With the breakthrough success of Bojack Horseman, do you think we'll soon see a genuine animated drama series...
What are the worst episodes of Steven Universe Season 3?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Geronimo Stilton / Thea Sisters
This is a Sup Forums thread brought to you by Bendis
Chasing Dogma storytime
Has Sup Forums gotten over lesbian korra yet
Cursed to be a beast unless he finds love
Im new to comic books, how exactly is this supposed to work out? Can I safely ignore 99% of them that exist...
The Tick Storytime Part 7
Why is DC so embarrassed of the undies?
The moral of the animated movie is 'be yourself and follow your dreams'
Regent literally captured the entire Marvel universe somehow
"Gaston was the good guy."
Pucca Thread
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
The Bellybuttons/Les Nombrils are coming back in two months
Invincible Storytime Part 6: War on Terror
What comic book series has had characters introduced that absolutely stole the show and become fan favorites more liked...
Is she dead, Sup Forums?
Still the best comic book film
How's Way's Doom Patrol?
Warner Bros Pictures wants to turn the Flash into DC's Spider-Man as a teen appeal character...
JSA Thread
Did Arnold deserve it?
Swamp Thing Thread
Why is Slade Wilson considered a "supervillain...
So the main villain in the first batfleck movie will be MR. freeze, right?
Why DC swept Nightrunner under the rug?
Menage a 3
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Did Toph serve any purpose in the show other than teaching Aang earthbending?
Where's my Rebirth, Johns??
Find a flaw
We're the bad guys Sup Forums it's what we do
Obscure Waifu Thread
Why is she so sexy?
Fantastic Four Storytime
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
What went wrong?
Would they have the balls to kill off Connie?
When he and Sue bang, does he thrust his hips or just stretch-unstretch his wang?
ITT We Rate Marvel Movies
Red vs. Blue
Do you agree with this drunken maniac?
does he hump megatrons leg like a dog?
So the creator of the sopranos just beat up eric andre on adult swim
ITT: Sup Forums Out of context :^)
Hated working with Disney
I just watched the 'Over The Edge' episode of The New Batman Adventures cartoon and OMG!!! It's probably the heaviest...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...