Anyone else thing that Jane Foster Thor is just kind of a bummer, outside of whether or not you give a shit about feminism or are mad about original recipe Thor?
She's a cancer patient who's doing superhero shit at the cost of getting better. Depending on who you ask she's trying to die a big heroic death.
I know there are certain characters who trade in the stock of being a frequent bummer (Daredevil) but when I wanna read books about a crazy powerful demigod smacking giant monsters with a hammer, I like doing it without the looming specter of mortality casting a shade over everything.
Nicholas Davis
Its just a plot device for when or if the feminism shit fades
>"oh they dont like girl thor now? shiiieettt" >"JOHNSON! time to activate permanent cancer death, she will be meeting Mar-vell"
Benjamin White
Honestly it never really seems to affect her or anything so its easy to forget about it. Its not like she transforms into Jane and then passes with blood coming out her nose or something. Heck not even the cheap coughing up blood.
I like the series, (I know, shit taste) but the fact that her cancer is such a non factor is pretty big missed opportunity. Then again thinks to go from one big event to another there has been very little time to actually develop her story. Which is kinda true of all Marvel solo's right now.
Ayden Cox
I dunno, I think it's a decent enough idea that could have worked and been poignant and interesting, but the execution has been severely lacking; enough to make me feel like the character can't be redeemed, and I normally embrace this sort of legacy character.
Aiden Myers
>She's a cancer patient who's doing superhero shit at the cost of getting better. Pretty sure Thor (actual Thor) said that Asgardian medicine would be able to cure her cancer, and she refused it, for some retarded reason. At least that was the plot point I remember from the first time it came up in Aaron's run.
Aaron Cox
>when I wanna read books about a crazy powerful demigod smacking giant monsters with a hammer, I like doing it without the looming specter of mortality casting a shade over everything. But that's already normal Thor.
The whole thing about the Aesir are that they are fated to die during Ragnarok. Thor already has a date with Jormungandr. It's set.
If it the writers were smart they'd play with that. Cancer may as well be Jane's Jormungandr. What different does it matter that it happens now or in untold eons? Death is death and time is relevant.
Alexander Thomas
She refused it because Thor stole Jane's stake in a biotech corporation that made millions.
Angel Wilson
She literally refused a cure for her disease. She is just retarded, not heroic.
Christopher Rogers
>Death is death and time is relevant. This is like saying a blowjob is a blowjob no matter who you get it from.
I'd rather get a blowjob from a pretty lady than an ugly dude, and I'd rather die an explosive heroic death at the hands of some fated nemesis than slowly having my biology revolt against me