How's Your Webcomic? #311

Share your comic with others!
Link your website and portfolio!
Critique and comment on others' work!
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a (embed)

>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics!

Oh yeah, that dude.
Well he's short, has brown hair, practically no eyes, and not to mention he lacks the glorious chin that Brenner has.

Also, Danger Dave isn't even Raven's character. Woah, now that's something to make you think.

Updated today! Having a lot more fun with it after taking a few weeks off

awww an urchin!
hey, that shade of pink works with the white text, but I think you should use a darker pink when it's appearing alongside black text, yknow


Nice style. I like the colors as well. I think k the monologue is a little too long, because I felt like I already got where it was going before finishing it. The idea could have been conveyed in only one picture and lesa sentences, but overall looks pretty good man. There's movement and interesting camerawork.

Hi /hywc/. I don't have anything for you today, just like I had nothing for you yesterday, or the days before.

I'm too fucking depressed to work on comics, even though working on comics is all I want to do. I don't think I'm cut out for this industry, for any of this. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm just not good enough and I don't know how to be good enough.

depression sucks
try being okay with not being good enough. none of us are, after all

>I don't know how to be good enough.

Work on your shit.

Why don't you try doing something else? When you find the field you are good at you are bound to be happy working on it.

I really need to do this. I need to start from the ground up again. But then, I feel like that will get me even more behind my peers, and I'll still be a failure as they continue to soar past me.

>all the things i'm good at don't make money because i lack the additional talents and skills that allow me to monetize the ones i do have, even though i have tons of massive skills and talents

hey, sorry i missed your reply in the last thread. thanks for all the links and stuff, i'll check those out.

i've actually read the whole scott mccloud understanding comics series when i was younger, but it's been so long most of my memory of it is gone so i'll go ahead and read those again.

i don't have a website up yet as i just started working on this a couple weeks ago and i'm just doing test pages atm, but i'm planning to put it up eventually.

thanks again.

>Finally start webcomic, already got to that "Holy shit I already see improvements from my old pages" stage
>Still haven't finished prologue, and don't wanna post here until then
>Because I don't post here, literally nobody knows about my webcomic other than friends
>Desperate for attention, yet scared for /hyw/ to see my stuff without the entirety of this prologue

Am I being too much of a faggot here? I'm honestly scared to post my stuff here without the right context to some stuff, because without alot of the context alot of my stuff is a little bit retarded

Prove any of our initial misconceptions wrong as it goes. We're pretty much forced to keep track of it if you post it in here regularly with an attractive enough thumbnail.

If you're easily discouraged wait it out, though.

I don't get why people are so afraid of posting on this thread, this is a huge hugbox for the most part.

Just because you said that, I am going to make the worst webcomic ever in spite and update it daily on these threads.

I'll gladly start posting my stuff once I'm happy with how my stuff is after a while. This will honestly be the first place I'd post my stuff, because Sup Forums is the perfect place for my awful humor

I have no clue why I'm afraid to be honest. Maybe because the fact that if even the hugbox hates you, then you have some major problems

What said. Hell, when I posted my comics here nobody commented half the time. And half of half of the time they did it was to comment on how androgynous one of the characters looked. Nobody is going to attack you unless it's the typical Sup Forums SJW shitposting that seems to plague every thread on Sup Forums now.

You're being a little bit too much of a pansy, yeah. that, to be honest, doesn't actually help with the whole 'scared to show us stuff' part. a little humility goes a long way, yeah, but acting that scared just puts everyone on edge, yknow? like when you're trying to calm a scared animal and it makes sudden jerky movements, now YOU'RE scared

Your idea to give context is absolutely valid though. Context is the difference between a good and a bad impression, especially when posting to a community instead of an audience that willingly went to your site. So by all means, give us that. Give us goddamn paragraphs of text explaining what your creative process is like. Some of us find that really really interesting. Others don't give a fuck, and they will just ignore it

Well, Bones did that for years as a hobby. Nothing new here.

I'll gladly be a pansy now than an idiot forever, and if you want context being dead serious my entire comic is basically an excuse for me to make fun of my past self, so a lot of the characters are literal shitty OC's that I made over the years, including edgy fucks and almost literal memes that I had to rework the designs of to be a little more presentable. So far in the prologue it just seems like they are all seriously my serious characters, which is why I don't wanna post stuff because people would be asking a lot of questions
There is an actual story too, but that's for another day

that actually sounds pretty clever. my suggestion is that you never get too mean-spirited about it. have fun with your past self, gentle ribbing, not too cruel.. because a lot of us had that past self, some of us still are.
that, and make a legit story at the same time. don't just ride that premise for the whole comic
just my two cents

No don't worry, that isn't the main purpose of my story, but it's sortof how I designed all my characters, and it's the reason they all sortof work off each other, because in the end the majority of them are basically me.

Also while I'm at it I can summarize the main plot of the story, this isn't the first time I've done this on these threads either so this might sound familiar
Basically there is some online game, this game being some big MMO hangout spot for a bunch of losers. One day the creator mysteriously disappears and everything starts slowly going into chaos as a bunch of admins and moderators have to use what they got to fix everything themselves
If you see someone within this year posting a comic like that just assume it was me. If you don't just assume I was a pussy and either never continued making it or I never posted it here

Well shit.

You're most likely to get ignored.
But, If you want replies post a girl with a big ass.

ohh i remember you mentioning that idea! It's really interesting. Pretty damn cerebral, sure, not going to be super engaging as a plot, so it's going to have to ride on the character interactions, their feelings, their behaviors.. but it sounds like you have a lot of shit to draw from, so hopefully they'll be interesting. I'll give it a try either way

Still need to clean it up, but here's the lines for the next page of Lido.

i like how she's so freaked out that she's not paying attention. also those are weird leaves.

great strip keep it up

She's the contemplative type. And they are! I love the tree they come from, it's really fascinating.

how do i into backgrounds

Thanks for the feedback! As for the pink, the original intent was to go with something pulled directly from her color palette, but I'll play around with a darker shade next time

That's better than what I can do.

>Wise words from John Cleese
You put the wrong link in there. This is the proper link:

Good to see the real "Wise words from John Cleese" back, despite what any chuckling Master Rusemen say.

However, this is /hyw/ #312, not #311.
The next thread will be #313.

>Prager U

>Good to see the real "Wise words from John Cleese" back
But it's not the real one. See

It looks like you started following the rules of two point perspective with the counter in the foreground and then gave up on applying it to the rest of your scenery. Having a reference would help consistency in scale like your really large cash register there.
You'd be better off sketching out your composition with the position of your characters in mind before drawing this clean, hardline illustration.
Look up how most concept artist start sketching their compositions. They usually have 6-8 small rough sketches before moving on to the real deal. The more you practice that, the easier it'll be for you to develop interesting backgrounds.

I was wondering when a leftist fag would leave a comment about the channel, but I could never have expected the tarnishing of my favorite show, being used as a bad reaction gif by aforementioned faggot.

Well played.

These threads are a good idea. Let this not be the last.

Those of you with Clip Studio Paint (aka Manga Studio 5) may want to take a look at "Learn Clip Studio Paint".

Of particular use to me was how to make and organise a font list, so you can just choose from a hand picked selection (eg all comics lettering fonts), rather than scrolling through every font you have.

When they acknowledge you.
I dumped a wip last thread and didn't get jack.

That's not bad.

Because it's a hugbox. That's no way to improve, look at Dobson for example. The guy complains about getting negative criticism online for his work after being so used to receiving praise from his peers and loved ones. Now he just seeks an audience that won't bring up his shitty fetishes or hypocrisies every five minutes.

Also this I've asked for feedback on sketches before, but the threads usually die before I get anything besides "That looks good."

Opinions needed.

How does the idea of a guild owned by a single individual sound? I wanted to originally call it a business but thought a company of the scale it's going to be in a fantasy setting would seem off.

Agreed. /hyw/ was a mistake. I declare this to be the last thread. May no OP make another.

No offense to that user, but it isn't as hard as it looks. You could nail the basics in a day or two and have them as part of your tool kit forever.
Simple perspective is nowhere near figure drawing levels of difficult. For one thing, it is 100 times easier to fake. With a little practice you can just about eyeball 2 point.

Actually, all I got was a Bleach joke and a knock at using animal characters. This place is very kind to finished work, but snarky to WIPs. The problem isn't either as much as the lack of content behind comments.

Look, I'm not saying I hate these threads. I just prefer lurking more now than sharing. I still draw inspiration from seeing peoples work, or at least I get to understand what other people are struggling with. No need to go full sarcasm about it.

It wasn't always pure shit. I've gotten some good and harsh critique here. Not for a few months, though.
It is hugbox, sure, but it is also a dedicated troll thread of the worst sort. I've got a guy who usually post within minutes to tell me I suck. His low hanging fruit style of posting gives him away every time.
Dude, I know.
Otherwise, I just get ignord.
However your main point stands. The thread isn't really helpful right now.

It is one of the dedicated shitposts, user. It isn't personal or even an attempt at sarcasm. It's this threads equivalent of rain.

How would a privately owned guild work? Are you calling it a guild to make it fantasy sounding?

Worrying about a concept not sounding old/mysterious enough for your fantasy and sticking to the usual terminology is how you write a fantasy world everyone's seen a million times before. What's the point? Modern concepts make it more immediately relatable and there's a twist in the expectations of the reader with it. If "business" matches their intentions better, by all means, call it a business. Put them in a medieval office building with a moat around it and a drawbridge. Have some fun.

You're not helping it any either with a shit post like that, champerino.

What a smug little faggot you are.

coo, I might do that

>reading some Nth article about making sure your characters are unique so I can share it with a scrub friend
>External goal, internal need
>realize one of my protagonists' internal need is too nebulous or just not there
Fuck. What now?

Wait, I think you are missing the point of my post... I am talking about the people who don't post here because they are afraid we will mock them, trash their work. They think we are savages on these threads, they don't know it's actually pretty much a hugbox.
If there are other type of people who don't post here because they know it's a hugbox, that's a totally different problem.

Think about it and figure out who they are

I'm planning on doing a 50 page comic and I'm in the process of writing the script.

any tip?

It's about a girl who gets a gift from her grandma, is teleported to a trial place filled with monsters and now she is separated into two bodies, each one with an oposite personality (ice-fire), she then learn to deal with her own self and return to the world, but now separated.

Don't start with a page goal unless you understand why you're shooting for it.

Start by actually drafting out the story without worrying about page count. Then revise and structure it into pages. Then determine how many pages you want and revise accordingly.

Whether you're an artist or not, I recommend making a visual guide to understand your composition and how pages and panels relate to each other

From there, you just keep revising.

I tried.
I think that I'm having trouble because I can't really figure out how an overly assertive, hyper-social person would come to be. Especially if she is under her 20s.

At least I possess basic spelling skills, "champarino."

I don't think starting with a set pagecount from the get-go is neccesarly a bad idea... that's how comics tend to work in the profesional world- usually editors tell you "we have x pages, do something with them".
Of course, webcomics don't have that limitation, but I think saying "I can do x pages a month so I'll do a x pages story" is as good a starting point as any other.

I actually dated a girl just like that. She was insufferable.
She was literally a clone of her mother. I could see the progression in my minds eye, it was like one of those fucking posters where they show the evolution of humans from apes.
She was 19 at the time.

Some people are literally born that way.

If you can't understand what an aggressively assertive person want for themselves vs what they want from others, you either don't understand people very well or wrote a shit character. The very nature of a person like that is usually a feedback loop: they exert control over other people's lives in order to maintain a feeling of control over themselves, but since they cause friction in acting in this way and CAN'T control other people they feel as if they lack agency in their own lives, which means they try to assert control.

If you're working with an understanding of schedule or limitations, sure. That's not what user is doing. They appear to have grabbed a number out of the air. That's bad when it's as high as 50.

I bet you can do your ABCs pretty good too. The bitches you must pull, amirite?

Characters with a theme of duality always fascinate me. Are you going to favor either side in the narrative as the protagonist, or are you going to make sure both sides are balanced in representing the girl? Is she emotionally unbalanced or otherwise self-loathing prior to the split and learning to like her other half will act as a metaphor for her mental health? Will the way back home be immediately apparent, and if there are trials, is there going to be a central antagonist in charge of them?

Who cares about what anyone else is doing. I don't know what metric you're using to define peer, but it's usually age. If it is, don't fucking do that. Judge your improvement against yourself. No one else.

pretty well*

I dunno lol.
But I'll try to put some emotional conflict as they reach the rewards of the path of trials.

Stud. Your todally wynning thys.

>Will never be able to make a character with the same name as you because people will assume its self inserting

My name is uncommon so it's actually impossible. But it's a stupid name so I wouldn't use it anyway.

So I usually draw and write when I have an idea or inspiration, but I want to get more work done. Do I have to force myself to make ideas? And whats a good way to do this? Cause I read that companies like Marvel and DC have people coming up with new content like all the time, and I feel worthless for struggling to come up with ideas for my own projects.

My name is one of the most common names in the English-speaking world so it's not an issue for me.

ever turn strange conspiracy you have about friends and people into stories?

>made a character of my story a Chicago bears fan
>Friend said I was self inserting because I'm a Bears fan

oh god dammit, i was wondering if i fucked up the numbering
yeah that was a neat surprise. i'd go watch the rest of the videos but, yknow, I don't need a bunch of shit supporting what I already know. I know some easily-coerced people who could benefit from it though

user don't force your ideas, that's not how it works. If you want to get ideas just go outside, be active, etc. being in a new environment will make you more creative. im a bit lucky in the idea department because I'm constantly having dreams that I can refine to make sense.

calling bullshit on this. many writers are shut ins. im looking at you oda

Probably positive feedback. being social has given her lots of friends. having friends makes her happy. the fact that you cant figure out a deeper inner need for her indicates she probably doesn't have one. she's been riding on social support her whole life, and if her friends left her she'd be a husk. use that.

>Character is a fan of the same team as you and another 30 million people
>Self insert


The only time I go out is to go to work and eat with my friends once a week. Like I said, I'm lucky in the idea department because my subconscious is fucking weird. You don't have to go out, it just helps. If you "force" an idea you end up with shit.

I dunno. The only things this particular character and I have in common are that we're both male and fans of DA BEARS

Sometimes, but they're usually really boring.
I have a bad habit of thinking "ooh wouldn't it be a nice twist if it turns out (complicated network of lies that mislead the reader and satisfy them as they find out how it really went)?" and then it's so hard to come up with appropriate people, places, and events to suit that, because I'm not greg weisman. But does that mean I shouldn't use the one really good one I thought up? in the end, I use them, it comes off as really artificial and lame. that's the problem with a webcomic being used as a general allpurpose creative outlet

actually yes.

At my college my roommate would always go hang out in the underground tunnels underneath the campus and he was always real secretive about it. I'm sure he was just doing drugs or something but I wrote a short story about students forming a cult.

Meeting a new scenario does have a way of jogging your imagination though. Makes you think in new ways and adapt to weird situations.

Abnor 29, for all of you who love lots of words per page!

Also again, for you user, I am really sorry I took so damn long to respond your email.

Who ELSE but a bears fan should write a bears fan?

That's brilliant.
I'm too polite for my own good. I never poke into other people's binnis, I don't know where they go or what they do.. I leave them alone.

Loved this page so much. Nice when a fantasy comic makes me think of Punchout instead of just RPGs. Tadeu is a goddamn laugh riot.
Loving the comic strips. Shouldn't these be up on the site? They're great. I can't believe how much work you put into backgrounds

>It says here that you don't like DA BEARS. Care to elaborate?

by the way, strip 21 should probably say "my grandpa WAS cured, not IS cured"
strip 24.. you don't really say 'an armor', you say a suit of armor, or just armor.
strip 25's first word balloon baffles me. Is that supposed to be "as you know,"? also, it's ragtime gal, not ragtime girl

What's the character and setting?

I've always wanted to draw a webcomic as a hobby (like update it occasionally after work and stuff) but never ever tried to draw comics in my life. So for practice I've been doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke comic that I never intended to upload anywhere. Maybe someone could tell me if I suck or not? I'll post a few...

I've been doing one every day, just for practice.

This is the last one I'll post so as not to spam.