Invincible Storytime Part 6: War on Terror

Welcome back, Invincipals!
From the creators of Tech Jacket comes this tale of Erik Larsen's SuperPatriot.

Should we read Invincible's guest appearances in other titles?

Previous parts:

Other urls found in this thread: war on terror



Right when I wake up, hell yea


Yeah I figured I'd start early since I missed yesterday.



Must be the only SP series I don't own. Off to Ebay...





Fat people, right?









Is this page a good summary for the whole series? Because it just introduced me to it.


Honestly I have no idea, this is the first and only SuperPatriot I've ever read.


It's a good way to start the day






>he wanted to reform but he still has his nazi armor







Do you have an upload of this anywhere? Either way, thanks for story timing this.

This is why you just piss in the sink, SuperPatriot. No need to worry about seats, there's less need to worry about missing, and then you just rinse the basin with like 1/10th of the water as it takes to flush the toilet, so it's even less wasteful.

Sorry about that, had to take a call.

... war on terror

















Thanks Murder! Been reading along every day and now I'm hooked.


Welcome to the ride, user. It gets crazier.










It's really weird how bloodless this massacre is, especially for an Invincible tie-in book.


I think Su isn't much into gore.




God... the things I would do for a woman like that.

... the things I would do to a woman like that




keep it in your pants, user!

You wouldn't be the only one.







I know there's characters like Marvel and DC's respective Sandman and Scarecrows, but it's a little surprising to me that Image would even create a character like this when Marvel already had a character with the same name, but hyphenated:

One wonders if by the same token someone could create a "BatMan" or a "Wonder-Woman."



You know what, that is weird. Batman was originally referred to as "The Bat-Man" so I don't think he'd count, but in other cases? Not so sure.

Maybe since Super-Patriot wasn't a major character Marvel just let it slide?


It was probably such a minor character that they forgot that he existed.

The comic-dead eye crosses are tiny swastikas, how cute.



Yea, that seems likely.