Exiles storytime part 5

continuing from

You thought The Sentry was edgy? Fuck you you ain't heard 'bout King Hyperion

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Here is a proper link to the previous thread








Welcome back.
Of course things get edgier with Austen at the helm. He's a 14 year old.

I always thought this look was a step down for 616 Gambit, but for whatever reason it looks a lot better in Exiles.



This page would never get published today. All it would take is someone to post it on some tumblr without any context and every SJW would be demanding for everyone involved to apologies for supporting rape culture or something













So I don't remember how this story panned out by how did the timebroker not know that Hyperion was an evil megalomaniac that was most likely not going to fallow order and take over the world instead? Seems like they would at least vet someone before having them be displaced from time





>So I don't remember how this story panned out by how did the timebroker not know that Hyperion was an evil megalomaniac that was most likely not going to fallow order and take over the world instead?

The Timebrokers were fucking idiots, and they probably just went after someone super hardy after Weapon X kept losing people at a higher rate than the Exiles.



















It's always great to watch Wolverine die, isn't it?

Even if Hyperion gets kinda annoying over time.


vision going terminator is a weird look that doesn't really make sense.

also remember when everyone thought this would matter to HickmanVengers









>vision going terminator is a weird look that doesn't really make sense.

Why not? This version of Vision is clearly just more robotic than the 616 version, and so as he gets rough up and has 'skin' torn up, he exposes more robot parts. And doesn't get a chance to replace the torn skin because of world hopping.



>also remember when everyone thought this would matter to HickmanVengers

A series about characters hopping around the multiverse to prevent multiversal collapse sounds like the kind of thing that might come up in a story about multiversal collapse in the same multiverse.



































