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Who is the stronger between Thanos (w/ Infinity Gauntlet) and Shuma Gorath?
>Not like, a manifestation or a snippet form of Shuma either, I mean if his full cosmic-sized physical form entered our Universe, would even the Infinity Gauntlet be enough to kill him?
Whichever you like the most
tho I always interpreted Shuma as a sort of multiversal eternal of power so I guess it wins
Yes, the infinity gauntlet would fucking wreck Shuma.
Gauntlet wins, but Shuma probably can recover back in it's home dimension.
And crush Thanos once he loses the gauntlet.
You got source to back that up? Otherwise
Not source, but reason.
Gauntlet can mess up anything in the universe.
Shuma is (probably, considering the number of dimensions one must travel through to reach it) not from the universe. He can affect this universe without entering it, as proven by his duel with Strange. The gauntlet can not mess with massive things trying to enter the universe - as proven by it trying to stop one of the early incrusions before Secret Wars. You know, I have just proven myself wrong.
The infinity gauntlet molds reality to the will of the wielder, but the person wearing it is still bound by the limits of their rationality, comprehension and will.
It is an object *of* the universe as we know it, meant to affect *this* universe as we know it. Basically, it's just a big powerful tool that affects what is.
Shuma Gorath is an Lovecraftian eldritch abomination from beyond existence itself that defies the very concept of being.
It's very nature is both transcendent of and antithesis to the universe as it exists.
What tiny aspect of it we can glimpse when it touches our universe are so twisted and so alien that it annihilates all understanding and drives those who witness completely mad.
The strength of the infinity gauntlet could not even be compared to Shuma Gorath because 'strength' as we know it is incompatible with its mode of existence.
at least the derail was on a cool sunject such as shuma gorath
>inb4 eww 90s
eww 90s
I couldn't take that story seriously with him being melodramatic about using dark magic and then getting stereotype evil features. Had fun though.