Is this canon to the MCU?

Is this canon to the MCU?

this is reddit this is memes

also that guy is way too tall to be RDJ

I hope so

This was 10 times better than Civil War.

I would acually pay to see an actual comedy about thor instead of romcom crap or quip shit.

The Saddest part is that this looks BETTER than Civil War too.

oh Sup Forums...

Stop man.

>And who's this purple weirdo?
>I'm surprised you actually knew who that was

>I would acually pay to see an actual comedy about thor
Of course you would. You don't read comics, like most of Sup Forums. I'll watch catwoman before I ever watch another Thor flick again.

Not cannon

-How would Thor know Thanos is purple and sits in a floating chair?
-How would Thor have printed out screenshots of iron man from the Iron Man movie to tape on his wall?
-Why would Tony pass up on the chance to ask Thor to join his side in Civil War when Banner asks him if he wants to talk to Thor?

Can't be cannon, just a fun little video made for comic con.

1.jpg was an obvious false flag. There is absolutely no reason to make yourself so identifiable.