So...are these supposed to be funny or?
Last time I checked using visual metaphors for pessimism and our shitty lives wasn't really humorous.
How is this guy so popular again?
So...are these supposed to be funny or?
Last time I checked using visual metaphors for pessimism and our shitty lives wasn't really humorous.
How is this guy so popular again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Even reddit called him out on basically every comic being "lol life's tough huh guys?" and he actually responded with a bunch of passive aggressive posts
I have no idea. Sometimes he provides a fairly funny visual gag though (pic related)
Welcome to the 2010s. Where being a cynical, naval-gazing, whiner is the same as writing jokes.
>heres a ironically cute comic about my social anxiety.
Simple relatable snippets of life related using relatively pleasant art and a bit of dry humor, I'd imagine deep masses love that.
Not that I'd know since I don't browse tumblr or whatever place you claim he is popular in.
Best kind of gazing.
I laughed, it's actually hilarious. You're just jaded like the rest of Sup Forums
He has some funny comics and then many of the others are just "wow, so relatable" kinds of things that serve as filler.
What are you taking about? I thought everyone loves calling things like life, games, movies and other people shit.
>im-fucking-plying there is any pokemon beyond my level.