"Gaston was the good guy."

"Gaston was the good guy."


He wanted to live a normal life in line with the social norms of his culture and was a productive and well liked member of his community.

People hate Gaston the same way people hate the zookeepers that killed Harambe, only Gaston wasn't successful. This movie is actually an allegory for Harambe's noble struggle.


>But that's just a theory

>A movie theory


>Implying he wasn't.
The madman.

It's people grossly oversimplifying the plot. People who think Gaston is a hero forget that the entire town (Or at least the people in the bar) are corrupt thugs, because they're happily singing about falsely locking up Belle's father for Gaston's personal gain.

The Beast did kidnap Belle (or, more accurately, hold her hostage), for an extended period of time...

Gaston went to rescue her.

BUT despite the fact that he was doing a (somewhat) right thing, he was doing it for (very) wrong reasons. And while Belle MAY have been suffering from Stockholm syndrome, and in need of more modern psychological aid, he overstepped his boundaries a few times during the siege of the living castle.

I feel they would have added some complex to who is the hero in the story if they cut out the whole plot of him throwing Belle's father in a nut house, especially since it didn't really "go" anywhere, they both end up in the basement in the end and Gaston goes off to the castle regardless.

If he used Belle's capture as a means to win over her heart and they kept his aggression towards the Beast, even after the Beast spares him, might have added some nice grey area in the story.

>The Beast did kidnap Belle

She volunteered in exchange for her father's freedom. Never once did he actually kidnap her, everything was done through her own will.

>Gaston went to rescue her

Blatantly false, since he completely ignored her father at first when he said that Beast had her, only to lock him up later once Belle came back to blackmail her.

>BUT despite the fact that he was doing a (somewhat) right thing, he was doing it for (very) wrong reasons. And while Belle MAY have been suffering from Stockholm syndrome, and in need of more modern psychological aid, he overstepped his boundaries a few times during the siege of the living castle.

This is so stupid I don't even know where to start.

Gaston is mainly a victim of his environment.

>Get huge and good at hunting
>hunting is a big deal, everyone praises you for being the best
>Most women are uneducated and just want a man who can provide a good life and children
>This one chick is really abnormal by social standards and doesn't give you the time of day
>forever confused

If Belle wasn't written to be the most beautiful, Gaston would have told her to fuck off with her progressive thinking and went about his awesome life.

It was a dick move to throw Belle's dad in a nut house as blackmail, but no one ever told him he shouldn't, to him it was probably just besting another hunt with the right trap.

To be fair as well, Belle's dad might have blown something important up with his inventions at some point.

People on Sup Forums enjoy being contrarian

They see themselves as being strong and cool like Gaston and can't perceive why an alpha wouldn't get a girl even though he's a huge prick

Would believe the crazy old man who tinkers with shit all day about some big foot? Especially after his daughter just rejected your ass and got a fly suit covered in mud?

Gaston was also going after the beast for the right reasons.To him that beast posed a real threat to his village.

Beast kidnapped Belle's father, forcing her to exchange herself for his rescue. He basically was holding two people hostage. Holding someone against their will is False Imprisonment, which is comparable to Kidnapping under the law.

Didn't he let her go after a while?

He was hotter than Beast.

He was funny and had the best lines.

>If Belle wasn't written to be the most beautiful, Gaston would have told her to fuck off with her progressive thinking and went about his awesome life.

If Belle wasn't the most beautiful, Gaston wouldn't have been interested in her in the first place so...

To go save her father, after he had gotten to know her. But he still held two people hostage.

Gaston's not a good guy. But Beast is just as bad.

Gaston did the wrong thing for the right reason. He was the hero they deserved, but not the one they needed.

Gaston did the wrong thing for the wrong reason. Saving Belle was a happy coincidence in his "Force her to fuck me" plot. Ignoring the fact that she didn't need to be saved.

>Princess is kidnapped by dragon
>Knight goes to rescue princess
>Princess falls in love with dragon
>Dragon is magically the good guy now

>... everything was done through her own will.

Belle's volunteering was under duress. If she didn't volunteer, then her father would suffer. Exchanging her freedom for her father's was merely exchanging one hostage for another.

>... completely ignored her father...

Gaston DID lead the rest of the town out to the castle to rescue Belle... The fact that he didn't go to rescue her father is more tied to the 'wrong reasons' thing I mentioned. He went to save Belle *because* he wanted to get his dick wet. He doesn't care about Belle's father, because he doesn't care about her needs. A character's motivations play in to their character, but their actions can be judged from an exterior perspective, and in this case, in a vacuum, we can see that Gaston went to the castle to rescue the beautiful girl from a hairy beast.

>... this is so stupid ...
we're arguing disney movies on a polynesian calligraphy board. Everything is fucking stupid.


Is the mask of the magic mirror hanging on the wall?

It's just Sup Forums being contrarian faggots.

Even when he was still seen as the town's hero he was a douche. Granted, the way he behaves is mostly the fault of the environment he was raised in, he should still be held accountable for his actions.

Gaston didn't care/know the Beast was holding Belle hostage. When he went over to his castle he wanted to kill him because he "stole" his trophy wife.

He was successful, but then Harambe came back to life with the power of love. Just like he will in real life, any day now.

Actually, you've just forgotten the plot. Belle came back on her own, then Gaston locked HER up in her father's basement and went to KILL THE BEAST purely to protect the town.

he just wanted to save his town
any man in his time woudl have done the exact same thing
i mean fuck man that mansion had a monster in it

>"Oh man, you know what would be great? If we made the villain a classical style of hero, but exaggerate all of his flaws so he's actually a bad person."
>"It'll be such a clever inversion of tropes!"
>Retards still think he was being played straight because he ticks a few stereoypical good guy boxes

There, there's your explanation.

the problem though is that the only thing he did wrong was send belle's dad to the asylum

Stupid meme that, like everything Sup Forums does, got beaten mercilessly into the ground.

And he basically wanted to force Belle to marry him, don't forget that. He's sort of an all around asshole. If you pay attention to how he acts around the other villagers he's basically a thug with a pretty face that people sing praises of because he'll beat them up otherwise.

he was pushy but he never outright forced her
really it seemed like he just wanted her to love him back

your talking about the same guy that was building machines he could not control and causing explosions in his home? Gee, I wonder why the peasantry would want him locked up.

>R34/erotic fan art with characters still in their clothes
oh no oh no oh no oh fuuuuuck

Sauce on pic?

>Would believe the crazy old man who tinkers with shit all day about some big foot? Especially after his daughter just rejected your ass and got a fly suit covered in mud?

You wouldn't? I mean, it's a risk for sure, but what if it's true then you'd have a chance to kill the monster and look good in front of Belle. Instead he took the evil path and tried to kill the Beast right when he regained his humanity.

>But Beast is just as bad

No, he really wasn't.

The beast
>kidnap a father
>hold said father's daughter hostage
>told a gypsy to fuck off.
>terrorize a town.


He could have changed overtime if he had the chance but the beast took his life and his waifu. Truly the beast is just that a beast!


>kidnap a father
>hold said father's daughter hostage
It's not kidnaping if they trespass on your land
>told a gypsy to fuck off.
Spoken like an American

>t.stockholm syndrome victim.

>And while Belle MAY have been suffering from Stockholm syndrome

This is a common interpretation (and not one I entirely disagree with either), but one thing a lot of people miss is that Belle didn't start cooperating with the Beast until it was on her terms.

You forget the beast just wanted to get his dick wet.

That IS kidnapping though. You aren't just allowed to detain someone if they trespass, especially if they're non-violent or unarmed.

They refer to him as a "harmless crackpot" in the song though

Maybe if you live in a shitty commie hole where you can't own land.


Try A Film Theory


Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
Covered in third degree burns.
Nobody here wants to be you, Gaston
Your look makes our stomach churn.
There’s no man in town that’s admiring you
You’re that “cautionary tale” guy
We don’t know what was inspiring you
And it’s not very hard to see whyyyyyyy.....
Noooo oooooone’s flayed like Gaston, Gets flambéed like Gaston
No one’s neck is in need of first aid like Gaston
For there’s no man in town half as icky
Of kindling, he’s a paragon.
You can ask any Goofy or Mickey
And they’ll tell you whose head they roast marshmallows on
No one’s been, like Gaston, filled with gin like Gaston
No one’s singed all the flesh off his chin like Gaston
“As some charcoal, why yes, I’m self-immolating!”
My what a guy that Gaston!
No one lights like Gaston, or ignites like Gaston
On the Fourth, no one’s head is so bright like Gaston
For there’s no one as charred or as scorched now,
For a doctor his whole body yearns
Not a bit of him that isn’t torched now
And every last inch of him covered in burns
No one’s hot like Gaston, takes headshots like Gaston
Needs a skin graft from bottom to top like Gaston
“I’m especially good at incinerating!”
Call 9-1-1 for Gaston!
“When I was a lad, I held M-80’s there
Every Fourth ‘til the light show was done.
But now I just set mortar tubes in my hair,
'Til I’m roughly the temp of the suuuuuuuuuuuuun!”
No one’s dead like Gaston, skins all red like Gaston,
No one blows off their own fucking head like Gaston
“I use Black Cats in all my decapitating!”
My, what a guuuuuuuy…GASTOOOOOOOOON!!!!

I literally overheard people at my office talking about how Gaston wasn't the bad guy in this film. Gaston wasn't "evil", but very few antagonists in good films are. Gaston was a huge dick and he did whatever he wanted with no regard for how it affected others.

Gaston was a sociopath, regardless of everything else.

>muh societal norms

Get a real argument, philistines. Sociopathy has existed for thousands of years. His behavior was shitty then and it's shitty now.


But Femgaston version is better.

The way I see it, Beast did kidnap Belle, there is no question about that. But he didn't kill anybody, and both Belle and her father were released unharmed. She had no hard feelings about being held hostage (which is weird, but yeah).

Logically, Gaston had no reason to kill the Beast, as the one who knew him best declared him a non-threat. The crisis was averted. but he decided to do it because his ass was sore over the fact that Belle preferred a furry over him.

So yeah, the Beast was an asshole, but so was Gaston. The only real hero was Maurice.

I mean, comparing him to the other disney princess villains, his evil deeds are a much lesser scale.

>Knight tries to woo princess, gets rejected
>Princess is kidnapped by dragon while the knight is trying to figure out how to make her change her mind, but the knight dismisses her father's warnings the dragon took her as lunacy and begins to consider if the princess would marry him if he threatened to have her father locked up
>As he's doing that, the princess gets home on her own, as the dragon came to care for her and let her go
>Deeply annoyed the princess appears to prefer the dragon's company to his own, the knight locks the princess and her father up and goes to kill the dragon

Gaston got fucked as soon as he begged for his life and then went for the backstab

I mean, Gaston did all that too, but with rape

Why is fat Pocahontas guy so low-res compared to the others.

Also, is the "bear" really the "villain" of Brave?

> he could have changed

the musical makes it clear that he intends to cheat on Belle.

Not even in america. There are states where you are allowed to fire upon tresspassers, but not any where you are allowed to just detain them indefinetly.

Well, it's hard to top a demon-witch who worships Satan and a mass murderer who loves to kill children.

There was no good transparent Ratcliffe image.

I'm not forgetting that - it's irrelevant. Whatever the Beast's motives, Belle was all 'fuck off' until he started acting the way she wanted him to act.

Trespassing = okay to imprisson someone.

So by your logic, I should keep, girl scouts , bible merchants and other people who set one foot on my lawn in the basement...

She wasn't really the most beautiful. Gaston was in love with her, making her the most beautiful.

He scoffs at her books because he doesn't understand why she would want to read them, but that made her interesting to him. He decided he would marry her.

Actually, he'd be the love interest of any of the countless million romance novels. It would probably be a love triangle, come to think of it.

not the knight falling in love with the knight

>Actually, he'd be the love interest of any of the countless million romance novels.

A lot of those guys are rapists.

And women love them.

Theory forming: Gaston has actually raped every woman in town, and they've all come around sooner or later. Belle is the only one that hasn't, and that intrigues him.

My guess is he didn't lock her up right off the bat like the Beast did, fulfilling her secret S&M fantasies.

History is written by the winners.

Gaston was the first French Revolutionary general.

Because he has a pretty face, that's all. People will resort to outright delusion to excuse a character's negative traits if they find that character attractive. Take for example Griffith from Berserk. These delusional fans resort to mendacious claims: Casca wanted it, that wasn't really Griffith, it was Femto, the Hawk should have expected it, it was Gutts fault, etc It's frankly horrifying how people will pardon all guilt on the accused based solely on their appearance.

But then who was the bad guy?

>movie making fun of Chad and his groupies
>Disney Classic
>Chads still exist and whores are still whores

I think this whole idea of media playing any huge factor in society is one big meme

Please respond.

>I think this whole idea of media playing any huge factor in society is one big meme

It does, but it only works on people who are predisposed to have it work on them. So while the image of a Disney Princess might make a borderline anorexic worse, making fun of Chads won't do anything to an oblivious Chad.

Griffith’s forces were fully aware of the costs when they volunteered to serve under his command. Griffith stated his dream was to establish a nation under his rule, and that those serving under him might be part of the casualties. And guess what: some perished. Yet, somehow, Griffith is accountable for this inevitable tragedy? Despite informing these volunteers entering a contract with him of the consequences?
The honorable Griffith is currently orchestrating a new world order of peace and prosperity. This noble man of humble birth is achieving the impossible: the constitution of a utopian society involving demons and humans living in harmony with one another, a civilization where the rich and selfish have no power, a new World that flourishes on the foundation of equality and brotherhood.

Meanwhile, after Guts abandons Griffith under the pretense of being devoid of finding meaning in his pathetic existence, he still believes he can just waltz in after committing treason. As a result, Griffith is crippled and mute, the cost of living with Guts’ selfish desires. Griffith then punishes Guts for his betrayal. Yet, the merciful Griffith returns to Guts, pleading with this savage for the support of his Utopian pursuit. Guts refuses his generous offer due to imagined past transgressions.

In summary: Guts is the representation of what is wrong with the world: selfish and treacherous. Griffith only desires a world where people like Guts can no longer terrorise the weak and innocent.

No, Beast would be a better husbando (and a better husband).

Notice how all the best princesses have the best villains who are all male?

Goddamn, man, 10/10

Literally the only downside of Gaston as a husband would be the cheating and that he wants a shit ton of kids.

Man, if I had to put effort into making a man change, better Gaston than Beast.