Well, this guy's a fucking autistic moron

Well, this guy's a fucking autistic moron.

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So are you for creating shitty threads about YouTube personalities.

Welcome to reality, we hope you enjoy your visit.


"Diagnosed Autist in having Autism shock!"

Watched a video of his because I saw some guys defend him on co last time he came up. I was disappointed to find that he's just another "critic" who substitutes yelling for criticism.

>Online Reviewers
>It's always some pasty, 25-40 year old white dude with looks ranging between 1/10 and 5/10

Seriously, every single time.

Where's brad jones? He used to be okay but then he started injecting his political affiliation in every review and got insufferable. Okay, I hate trump too brad doesn't mean hillary is any fucking better. It also doesn't mean I want to hear about it every five minutes.

Also, are lupa and him a thing now?

He sometimes makes good points but he lacks objectivity and gets far too emotional in his reviews. If he took a step back, stopped shouting and took a more logical stance in his analysis he could actually be a decent reviewer.

But nope, yell, shout, spend half the review getting worked up over something that negatively or positively spoke to him on a personal level instead of focusing on objective analysis.

Shit reviewer.

And stupid, painfully unfunny (despite trying to be otherwise) facial expressions.