Just finished this great Suicide Squad run. Let's get a thread on it.
Just finished this great Suicide Squad run. Let's get a thread on it
One question I have was who was that Black Orchid woman that showed up randomly and had a mysterious past?
Ostrander likes the movie.
I only really recently realised how many Ditko characters are in this run. Nightshade, Punch and Jewelee, Captain Atom and Shade the Changing Man
Whatever happened to Suicide user?
The 80s and 90s were great time for Ditko characters. BB solo, Captain Atom, Hawk and dove.
That's the only time I've seen her in anything tbqh
He never talked about its writing though. He just praised the casting over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
He committed suicide.
C'mon user. First there's the direct financial incentive for him to support a move that is gonna make his books and his characters more popular.
Second there's the flattering aspect that they spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make his creations come to life for the world to see.
Third there is literally no reason NOT to support it when DC has been his parent company for a long while and has treated him pretty well.
I don't think there's any paranoid conspiracy going on here, I just don't think there's any reason to trust Ostrander's objectivity in the a matters of the quality of a Suicide Squad movie. It's like asking a parent to admit their child acted in a terrible movie.