Voltron: Legendary Defender




Thanks for ripping!

Download link afterwards?

literally who the company that is publishing this





Lion Forge Comics, available online at lionforge.com
It's right there on the cover, dude.










'I am a hungry, hungry fat man," - Hunk, constantly.


Wait he's not allowed to do that, he hasn't done that in the show yet.






These comics are poorly written.




You mean as a cbz? Had trouble trying to do that and my internet is far too crappy to upload a file with a file size like that.

The rest of the pages after the preview are just for 3 o'clock club (Butch Hartman) and The Castoffs. Cystal Cadests looks good but I'm a bit of a sucker for medicore tumblr junk (bee and puppycat and the few issues of Lumberjanes I read were alright). Hope this was worth the $3US I spent on it even though I barely care about the show nor the first issue.

Thanks for the storytime, OP.

gotta love the mice

No problem. Internet has been a bit shite due to the rain (and being oz in general) so sorry if it felt like I was taking a while. Got a bit carried away in other tabs as well and trying to speed up the project by trying to get my phone to connect to my computer.

So, The Abomination is a giant vagina. How fitting for Voltron fandom.

I wonder if they have more than one penciller. Some shots look very good.

>Script: Iverson

They're done by the show's writers, so...

Thanks bro.

Thanks user

what did he mean by this?

>Oh no, another short alien with deep husky voice...

Thanks for posting the comic, OP.

So I just started watching the show.
I looked into a general like once, but were there actually people somehow surprised by Pidge being a girl or was that like an injoke?
She's tiny and followed around by cute animals, ffs!

Sweet, thanks for ripping user.

>Hunk going on and on about food
>Lance and Keith doing nothing but bickering
>Not enough lines from Pidge and Shiro


At least it's interesting to see that Lance hasn't "unlocked" his bayard upgrade yet.