Superman reaction image thread

superman reaction image thread
















dumping the few I have








well that's definitely not what I was trying to post

It's staying though.

too real...




gets me every time








Why is Clark Kent cosplaying as Superman?

he's just stopped giving a fuck anymore





Does that mean he can hear everyone having sex in Metropolis? How could you perform knowing that Superman is listening to every thrust and twitch you make?

Why is Batman presenting Robin's leg and why is Superman approving of said leg?

While he hears everything for light years around, his brain is really good at only focusing on what he needs to hear.

its a good leg



>How could you perform
by doing your very best. You have an audience to impress.

it's a pretty good leg





Shouldn't he break his body when he lands back on Clark's legs



He's BatGod.

So, no. But even if it did, he could instantly mend it, due to the BatBoner Mender Upper in his utility belt.



I love this one.


Meme worthy



>superman approving Robin's legs
There he goes again!

That's for the animated series, Bruce. Fuck you.

These old World's Finest covers are a thing of beauty





