Bendis vs slott

You guys think there an ongoing war between slott and bendis over peters right to live?

We know there's ongoing war.

how can you guys not get that was a fucking joke

Judging by the sales on CW2 and Amazing Spider-Man neither will win and both will be ousted from power in the next 3 years or so. They are killing what should be guaranteed moneymakers for Marvel.

Bendis is a Peterfag. If anything, Bendis is mad about Slott shitting up Peter.

Whose idea was it to kill the Ultimate universe?
Bendis is probably at war with them.


However Slott and Bendis are in a battle to see who can write the most Spider man

You honestly think bendis wouldn't jump at the chance to kill peter and make miles the one and only spider-man in the main universe?

Slott should have left years ago. He's been writing ASM for nine years while every good creative team at Marvel keeps getting switched around. It's fucking frustrating.

Who the hell is slott sleeping with?